Self Development and Communication
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In order to master the communication skill one needs to be effective in conveying and receiving messages from others. The gesture of a person, body language, facial expression, writing, speech and writing of the person helps in understanding the process of self development in a person by considering the communication skills as the part and parcel of the daily human life. In writing one needs to understand and be creative. Writing involves searching of the ideas, finding them and making them present in elaborated form in clear language to the targeted audience. This is the creative process as it involves the deep dive to the inner layers of mind and self created assumptions to bring new things that are explored with renewed spirits. One becomes more creative by experiencing the solitude in writing. Inner most moods and feelings can be explained with the help of paper and pen. One can meet himself while trying to find something new in others. The writing process helps to improve the self development process in an individual. The self development can take place of the skills of the communication are developed in a positive manner. Then comes the other part i.e. speaking skill that connects with the self development process and it is the most important one. The writing, public speaking, body language and listening are all the part of the communication skill and they are all needed to be improved.
The process of writing involves searching the ideas that are felt in many situations by elongating it with arguments.It is a creative process as it has deep layers of inner minds that transcends the self creative assumptions and the barrier of mental feelings. We need to present it in clear and correct language so as to convey the message properly to the audience. One can experience solitude as well as silence in the process of writing in this way one can become creative in one way or the other. We should suffer our sadness with confidence as this helps us to polish our personality in many ways.Hence in this way writing and self development are connected with each other.The art of public speaking also creates the way to self development of an individual.It is a event that is self creative and we can discover our inner self by communicating with others.The speaker is in habit of influencing others as he thinks deeply and tries to convince other creating healthy environment for the conversation. The knowledge of the subject is widened and the psychology of the others is also learnt in this process.One can try efficiently to communicate through speech and the message can be conveyed very well.The conversation is successful if the speaker share the knowledge he has with the audience in the effective way.
The conscious body movements also helps the process of self development in the some way the writing and speaking does.The gestures of the body movements and the poses of hands we can express different moves .The actor expresses the indepth feeling through facial expressions and he shows his creativity through the body language and his acting. In earlier life also sign and symbols were used to convey the messages.Listening also creates the link between the self developments of the individual. Listening from heart without having negative emotions allow us to develop an understanding with the speaker. It is necessary to free our mind from preconceived ideas and imaginations in order to listen carefully.If one is already filled with hatred for other person he cannot understand what he is trying to say exactly.One can comprehend the things from hearing only if it is done without negative feelings.In order to develop to oneself one needs to concentrate on it’s communication skills too.Firstly the concentration should be laid on the strength of a person.We should also improve our strength by improving our skills.It is important to evolve and develop our instincts to improve our fluency.
The problem one can face cannot solved at the same level of thinking we are at.We need to change perception and start thinking and start thinking other context too. The problem is generated in the particular mindset in which we think we are correct and hence our fault and folly is not seen by us. A foolish man never knows that he is foolish.Our perceptions should be limited and selective.In this way we ignore many things and our full attention is laid on important things at that time only.We need to expand our ways of seeing reality first by making our-self aware of the thinking process. The way we proceed and interpret the events needs to be neutral.We need to be attentive to our perceptions and interpretations.Human beings can change their lives by changing their attitude of mind.One is happy and sad in his mind only otherwise the world is same for everyone.The sun sets and rises in equal proportions for everyone.It is mind of person that makes everyone happy,sad,angry or excited.The other way of self development is to make best use of your brain.It was said that our brain has two hemisphere which are left and right.The left side of brain is rational, analytical and logical and it controls our skills of reading, writing,calculating and memorizing. The right hemisphere is intuitive ,holistic and artistic.The imagination and fantasies are born in this part of our brain.This part is musical and creative.The old concept of left and right brain was abandoned.It was revealed by the brain scans that the specific activities are not centered in left or right hemispheres.Self development involves the best use of these functions.When different facility of our brain is used properly then the work in complete harmony is done and maximum benefit is provided by this.
When a person starts to work creatively all the parts of the brain work in a harmony.Creative imaginations is used to explore hidden dimensions of our brain.It helps us to make the duplicates of the external objects in our minds and we start experimenting with them.Without them there is no growth.Imagination is far important and valuable than that of knowledge.Science does not know it’s obligation to imagination.One can discover only if he has power of imagination and intuition.Then a person imagine a thing he become curious and tries to do experiment with that.In this way inventions are done.Our intuition is our first teacher that stand behind mental operations.Intuition helps to bring brilliant messages to the man form unknown things which is the beginning of higher knowledge for that person.One only search for reason afterwards.To see the profit it can have of shining harvest.The next step for being self developed is being responsible and proactive.The word responsibility is made of two words response and ability which meant the choice of our responses.We respond in a particular way.It is because we have no control over the factors that are environmental and genetic.We need to choose our responses through the ways that are proactive.Among the environmental factor and responses everyone has independent will,imagination and awareness.Choice is never made between our will.One cannot hurt us without our permission.We try to control the things rather than controlled by them.The pro activity comes by being more conscious and aware.By being mindful and self remembering we can indulge in higher forms of pro activity.Making plans and managing time can also lead to the process of self development.We can be successful in life if we have clear vision and this vision creates passion for the long journey for the success.All things are meant to be created twice .Firstly mental creation and secondly physical creation.Firstly we create a thing in our mind and after that we give it a physical form.In this way things are created twice.The effort of a person can have no direction.If we have no visualization and planning.For achieving the success the most valuable resource is time.If we invest our time in something useful without wastage of time we get to pay in a long run or short run.For self development we need to organize in a proper way by doing useful things and avoiding the wastage of the time.Time management involves setting our priorities on mind and making our mind disciplined enough to go according to that schedule.It is important to never stop learning .There is always time for learning as education is a life long process that never ends. One can be earn a rich dividend in future by investing time in learning.One should not stop learning even when one start earning.Every employee must take personal development programme in order to keep learning in his life.Every man who has power of reading and writing has power to magnify himself in multiple ways to make his life interesting and significant.One can watch educational and motivational cassette on self development which is a very good mean for increasing information and the knowledge .
The another way in which one can learn is reading other people mind, asking questions and interacting with people who are successful in their lives by seeking their advice.One can transfer knowledge but not the wisdom.Wisdom is something which is individualistic .Wisdom is not attained instantly.It comes with the passage of the time by being open to the various experiences in life and every time learning from the mistakes of our life.Wisdom is such a valuable thing which can be stolen by anyone.The another way for the self development to accept and respect the other person in the way they are.It is not good to manipulate others.All the person are different from each other and this is what make them unique.We should respect others opinion which contribute to the betterment of the relationships with others.People learn a big deal when they are open in their behaviour.It is important to take positive side of everything.Finding faults does not help in any way.It is very easy to find faults in others as it does not need any intelligence.It may provide pleasure to the mind but it may cost the trust and cooperation of the other person.We should also be beware of self preys and avoid inferiority complex among the people at work.This could hamper the personal growth exercising control thorough the power and position can create differences in the relationships with other person.We need integrity and honesty in order to create healthy relationships.Cultivating profound values helps us to be self developed.Integrity can create energy and creativity among us.It cultivates the feel of aliveness.In the same way the lack of integrity extracts energy from us and company around us.It allows us to make a connection with people who are near and dear to us.There is no relationship without integrity and entanglement prevails.Integrity may be a moral issue but it is fundamental in nature.It is a physical problem and to interfere with the loss of physics is like inviting the disaster.Hence there are number of ways that have been discussed in order to self develop ourselves.Communication plays a vital role as we interact with many people and get to know about their behavior and good in that behavior tend to influence us.A full attention is needed to be paid in order to be a wise leader. The group needs to be open in nature.We can learn a great amount if we are open to everything.There is no substitute for the substance than a simple wisdom.To be successful in life planning and managing time is equally important in the self development process.Intuition is direct knowledge and gut feeling that we get form our inner self.It is not learnt form the book but is practiced experimentally.It comes with experience.However intuition favours the mind that are quite,free and open from the believes of the past.Mind need to be still and silent and heart of the person should be free from the negative emotions.The creativity that is found in painting,writing or in music is a realistic part of our life.It is the different portion of our brain that deals with artistic things.A little change in the perceptions of our mind can lead to the solution of a problem.One can be well developed in his mind by concentrating on all these points.