Explain the approaches for Team Development
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A lot is said in the organisation in the various types of the meetings that are conducted at any of the level starting from the ground level in the relationship between the manager or the supervisor and the workers to the various meetings conducted by the top management with the staff members working at the various level of the hierarchy. At the same time a lot of the research work has also been conducted that very clearly indicated the importance and the need for the development of the team. The need for the team is every where starting from the top management which is also a team working at the top level performing the various kinds of the functions and then the organisation is hiring various staff members arranging them in a team to do the various works of the top management but there can be times when the teams appear to be as a team but at the ground level are not at all working as a team but are working on the personal basis due to a large number of the reasons.
So it is very necessary to have a good team and it is very commonly said that the team is never that good but can always be made good as per the requirement if the management of the organisation at the various levels is wanting to do so and is ready to take the various kinds of the steps that directly or indirectly help in the development of the team. In a team there are different types of the staff members who are working together and all these staff members are having the different kinds of the experiences that can be positive in some ways or can be negative in some of the ways, all these staff members will be having different social and the cultural backgrounds and also will be having the different levels of the qualifications and the intelligent quotients and hence the different kind of the human beings will be having the different kind of the nature of the working and hence in a team it is very necessary to mould the working of the all the staff members in such a way that these help each others working in a very positive way and also increase the level of the working and the productivity at the same time of the individual as well and in all such type of the cases the organisation is always at the receiving end as the things in the team will be able to grow then the same will be able to achieve the things that will directly or indirectly help the organisation to grow as a whole and will make such arrangements that will help the organisation to achieve the goals and the objectives of the organisation that have been made keeping in mind the pre set vision of the organisation. So in the other words it can be said that the from the time in a team in an organisation there can be the presence of the various kinds of the factors that may take the various staff members of the team apart and this will have a great amount of the affect on the working of the team as well as of the organisation as a whole.
So there has been a lot of the research and the very productive work done in this regard that says that there can be such kind of the approaches or the steps that can be taken by the various managers or the supervisors or the management or at times even by the other staff members of the team that may from time to time in fact play a very critical and a vital role in the making of the team and then further developing the same further that will lead to develop the organisation as a whole as well. At the various places of the world there have been times when the organisation has even taken the help of the experts that help in the building of the team at the various durations of the time. A large number of the consultants have these come in to the picture that in fact have proved themselves to help the organisation to increase the effectiveness in the working of the team and to achieve the desired results as required by the top management of the organisation as these consultants also help in the development of the team by guiding the various staff members but at the same time also help a lot to manage the various kind of the managerial roles that involve the maintenance roles as well as the supervision roles. The consultant plays such type of the role based on the concept of the feedback that he or she receives and further the feedback that the consultant gives further to the management of the organisation for the improvement in the development of the team in an organisation from the time to time. The consultant tries to get the thinking of the staff members as to what are the problems that may be being faced by the staff members of the team of an organisation that may be preventing them to work as a team. Then these views can be shared by the consultant to the management of the team and then if possible the changes can be initiated that may lead to the development of the team in an organisation.
These problems can be either related to the work that is being done by the various staff members of the team in an organisation or at times the same can be a result of the conflicts that may be caused as a result of the personality of the various staff members of a team in an organisation. There can be times when the certain staff member of a team of an organisation feels that the work that is being given by the manager to some other staff member needs to be done by him or her or can be at times opposite too as the staff member of a team may feel that the problematic work has been given to him or her as he or she is not having the cordial relations with the superior or the manager. These kind of the problems can always occur in a team in an organisation from the time to time and these are in fact very critical in the nature as these can bring down the working and at the same time the performance of the whole of the team and hence in the other words it can be said that it has the power to bring the whole team and then the whole department down affecting the organisation as a whole at times. So this fixture needs to be tackled very tactfully and also must not be avoided as well. This use of the consultant forms the part of the first kind of the approach as this consultant can be at times hired from the out sourced agency or at times can be a staff member of the human resources department of the organisation but for the better forms of the result it is very essential to get a person specialised from some of the outsourced agency as this method has in the past shown much better forms of the results as there is a complete level of the privacy maintenance working very honestly. If the consultant will be of the same organisation then there are chances that the result can be bias at the times as the approach of the consultants is very critical in the nature of the working. The consultant can visit the team during the working hours and can observe the things and can then talk to the various staff members individually involving the manager to the all other members of the team. The staff members of a team get an opportunity to share there respective views starting from the various kinds of the problems that may be faced by them so that the improvement can be made in the working of the team of the organisation. The consultant has the role to get the understanding that what all the staff members think of the team development and what are there respective views and the attitudes in this regard. The consultant can guide the staff members individually or in a group regarding the use of the team and how the same can be developed and why the same is very critical and vital in the present scenario of the corporate world that is facing excessive globalisation and at the same time very high level of the competition. There can be times when the consultant may feel that the conversation is not going the right way in the premises of the organisation and in such a time it is very much possible to take the group out and conduct the meeting of the group outside the premises of the organisation in order to get the right kind of the feedback. A balance can be maintained between the needs of the staff members and the needs of the organisation and hence things can be worked upon after getting the right and an in depth analysis of the things in order to get the planning right and make the correct and the effective form of the work plan. The next type of the approach is much different from all these things that have been discussed in the above or the first approach as here the things are not in the hands of the consultant but the staff member themselves play a role in this kind of the approach. In this approach the staff members get involved themselves and guide each other in the concept of the development of the team as a senior and a mature person can guide the new ones regarding the use of the working as a team and developing the team as a continues process. Here there is no kind of the consultant as there have been some times when the misunderstandings increase with the 3rd party role and hence the various staff members can discuss the various positives and the negatives between each other and hence there are very less chances of the misunderstandings as there is no third party and the staff members are involved and both can check each other when ever required as both of them will b knowing the things that are going on in a team in an organisation in a much better way as compared to the consultant who is not a part of the team and hence as a result of all this there are chances that the consultant may not be having the correct knowledge of the things and instead of improving the things, the things can get even worse at the times. All the staff members can guide each other, motivate and make the contribution of each other much more productive and at the same time much more meaningful in the nature of the working. The things that may be going wrong between the staff members can be solved in a much better way by this kind of the working as the players can come in front of each other and the things can be discussed on a much better and an open platform. This kind of the approach helps in making such a bonding between the staff members of the team that all come close to each other and are ready to help each other in the work and every one is happy with his or her role and also appreciates the role of the others and with the help of all this very nice kind of the working environment can be made and the team excels and is able to achieve the goals and the objectives that have been set by the team and hence as a whole helping the organisation as a whole to achieve the things that have been set by the organisation to be achieved. The next and the last approach for the development of the team involve the concepts that are not found in the above mentioned 2 approaches. In the first approach there was the role of the consultant but there the consultant was dealing with the staff members on the individual basis but in this kind of the approach the consultant in some terms becomes the part of the team as he or she attends the meetings of the team and try to understand and observe the behaviour of the various staff members of the team. All the members are observed here starting from the manager or the supervisor to the staff members of the team at the various levels from the managerial skills to the work being done at the ground level and how the same us being done and how the various types of the challenges that come in the due course are handled. The consultant here will not ask the staff members but instead he or she will observe on his own and then will relate the processes and the contents of the same and will move further to plan the things and go ahead with the steps for guiding the various team members for improving the things by developing the team and its working.
The making of the team and then developing the same is not an easy process and can not be done over night as is a very time consuming process and at the same time is very exhaustive in the nature of the working. But even then the same is and can be very useful if the same is planned and then implied in the right way of the working. There have been a lot of the approaches or the concepts that have come from time to time in the various parts of the world given by the researchers but the above mentioned 3 approaches have been rated as one of the best approaches and have been able to give the desired results from the time to time. There was a time when nothing was being done for developing the team as there was very less amount of the competition between the human resources and between the various organisations and all of these were not even noticed at times but even at times when these were noticed, these were not recognised and were avoided but these days it is not at all possible as at any point of the time, it is not viable to avoid any such circumstances. So in case of any kind of the problem, that must not be avoided and must be worked upon to find out the solution for the same as by this the process will not at all be hindered and the working in the organisation will go on as required and the desired results will be achieved as required by the planning of the management of the organisation.