What is Development of the Team?
Posted in Human Resource Planning and Development |
In an organisation, the work is done in form of the team effort and it has been seen that the team that works in a healthy way, is able to achieve the goals and the targets in a much better way as compared to the others and hence helping the organisation as a whole to achieve the goals and the objectives that have been set in accordance with the pre set vision of the organisation. in order to have an in depth analysis of the same, it all starts with the fact that says that the organisation is in fact started by an individual or a group of the individuals with a pre set objective and a vision but the main point that comes here in to the lime light is that all the work can not be done by these individuals only that form a part of the top management and hence fro doing the work in there place, the employees are hired. As the organisation grows the numbers of the employees also grow with the time and hence at this point of the time it becomes very difficult to build the team as this will help the organisation to grow as the team will grow, the organisation will grow by itself. The development of the team is a very essential and a vital process that mainly focuses on the finding out of the various kinds of the areas of the problem in the working and then working in the direction of improving the things dealing in the effectiveness of the working of the group of the individuals and the main focus here is on the improvement of the various processes and the procedures that are going on in the working of the organisation and at the same time also focuses on the development of the relations of the staff members inter personally and also deals with the relation between the manager or the supervisor and the staff members of the team in an organisation.
This relation is very essential and important as if the team members are good then only the manager will be able to imply the planned things at the ground level and in the case of the staff members if the manager will be good, then only he or she will be able to drive the things in a much better way and will not only think of his or her personal development but at the same will give the needed importance to the staff members as well as if the employees will grow, then only the manager will be able to grow and then as a whole the organisation will be able to grow. Hence making of the team is very critical and also very vital at the same time but after this the maintenance of the same and the development of the team is also very important as then only the things will be moving in the right and the planned way. In an organisation, with time problems keep on coming but the good team is the one that is able to manage all such times and has the power to come out all these changes and the problems. So it is very essential for the team to grow and the main responsibility is in the hands of the management of the organisation as it must realise the need to do so. There were times when all such concepts of the team building and the team development etc were not given that much importance but now in the view of the excessive competition and the globalisation, the various organisations have realised all this and are focusing a lot on the concept of the building of the team. The managers are being instructed to keep extensive care of the teams and help them grow in every possible way.
Respective of all this, the organisations are coming from time to time with a large number of the programmes that focus on the use of the team and the positives of having a good and a developed team. With the help of such techniques there is possibility that the staff members of the team will come close to each other and will feel much more free to talk with each other and will share the various kinds of the difficulties that may be coming in there respective ways and will try to find a solution for the same. It is very necessary that the various team members of the organisation talk to each other and discuss about the various kinds of the problems that they may be figuring out and find a solution for the same. The organisation has a lot of the works that need to be done in the routine and the staff members usually come and do all these things and go but this is not at all the right way to get around the business. The staff members of the team must sit for a while and discuss the various kinds of the things that are being done or that need to be done and must discuss the various kinds of the problems that are coming in the way and try to analyse these situations and then find out a much better and a suitable way for the same so that the things can be done in a much better way and the results can be obtained as are required by the organisation in terms of the accuracy, quality and the quantity and the much more features as well. The team consists of the various types of the staff members coming with the different kinds of the educational backgrounds, financial backgrounds, different intelligent quotients and many other factors and depending on each staff member it becomes difficult for every one to digest every thing as there can be the staff members who may be very open to the changes that may be coming up but at the same time there can be the staff members who may not be open that much to the new type of the changes that may be coming up so it becomes very essential to have each other support as when the things are right for the team, one staff member can surely pull the other one and this is a very nice feature of having a very good and the developed team in an organisation. There are a lot of the benefits of working as a team as one always have some one to guide and take through when the time is tough or when there is a bit more burden comparatively and when in a team one staff member is always ready to help the other both mentally as well as physically. In the individual working, the staff member just comes and do the routine work and just goes but in the case of a team, the staff members are able to share the positives and the negatives that they may have experienced while the working and hence all become in fact a guide for each other. Hence in the other words it can be said that just having a team is not at all enough but instead building the same is very critical and essential in the normal working. There can be times when the organisation as a whole and a team at a short base, is not able to perform in the best of the form and the result of all this is that at times there can be the conflicts that are based on the task that has to be done. These types of the problems can be fixed by discussing the problems being faced and then accepting the change and as a result of all this changing the ways the things are being done by improving the various kinds of the methods and the processes of doing the things depending on the scenarios and the conditions that are present at the point of the working.
In the present situation, the scenario is such that the level of the competition is very high and the various countries of the world have in fact come very close to each other as a result of the globalisation and hence the change has become a part of the working of the organisations and hence it is very essential that when all the other things are changing it is very essential to change the ways and the means of the working as well carrying forward to the various kinds of the technologies and this is the result each and every organisation is very concerned of updating there resources starting from the human resource to the raw materials to the various kinds of the infrastructure starting from the various machinery to the technology of the various kinds. So is the development required in the development of the team as well and this is the point which supports the point that says development of the team is very necessary as well. The main point that plays a very important role in the development of the team is to make such an environment for the employees of the team that they enjoy working as with this they will be able to work to the best of there abilities and the organisation will be able to get out the maximum from there employees and hence the organisation will be able to achieve the goals and the objectives that have been pre set by the organisation according to the pre set vision of the organisation. Regarding this the management of the organisation has to play a very essential role as it must take care of the employees and must provide the suitable environment for the employees and after the management comes the role of the manager as the management is sitting at the top and is just giving the instructions but it is the manager at the ground level who is in fact responsible for the fulfilling the instructions that have been given by the management for the staff members. The manager or the supervisor must try to be cordial with all and must not work on the basis of the partiality but must give the importance to the various types of the abilities of the various individuals. The manager or the supervisor must try to support each and every staff member and must make such an environment that is in fact based on the parameter of the respect for each other, honesty, and punctuality, must be open in the nature and also at the same time must be trustworthy as well.
All the employees must be ready to help each other and must try to grow as a team as if the team will grow, the benefits of the growth will automatically be transferred at one point of the time directly or indirectly to the staff members as well as the various kind of the research work that has been done in the various parts of the world in this regard by the various researchers or the scientists very clearly show that the growth that is achieved alone by surpassing the others by unnatural and such ways that are not at all trustworthy in the nature, is in fact a temporary type of the growth and will take the staff member no where so the staff member can grow in the true sense if the growth is as a team as it will take each and every member of the team of an organisation at the new heights of the growth. Keeping in view all of these parameters, the organisations are focusing a lot on the development of the team and are using the various kinds of the methods to do so involving the method of the training or the special sessions for the staff members focusing on the use and the various kinds of the benefits of the working as a team and the results show that these methods have been very fruitful in the nature of the working.