What are the required course of action and suggestions for improving the Socio – Economic Relationship
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The required course of action generally involves the steps and the procedures that need to be followed for finding out the improvement in the relationship of the Socio Economic status of an individual and In turn can be termed as the suggestions from the writers end that can be or in other terms need to be implemented for causing and hence receiving the positive improvement in socio economic relationship of any individual may it be a highly intelligent or weakly intelligent organism. The mentors who can be either the parents or the teachers or any type of the guardian’s should in any case, very critically be able to find out or recognize the general level of the intelligence to the scholastic ability as both of these two factors can not be any case determined by the physical measures like the height, weight and the vice versa. So it can be said that the various physical factors that are in many cases considered to be as one of the best determinants are here in this case not able to act as a proper determinant in order to measure the intelligence of an individual. These determinants can be used as the factors or the determinants that are able to only account for the very low percentage of the intelligence sometimes even below the mark of .001 and the remaining part becomes accountable or is being counted at the other end that is referred to as the part consisting of the various other factors that on a general view include the environment and the various living and the working conditions.
So as a result of this one factor that can be learned here is that the various types of the physical measures alone can not be taken or blamed as the sole determinant of the levels of the high level of the intelligence or the low level of the intelligence or not even of the average levels of the intelligence, One factors that comes in to being from the various researches and studies taken over in India or even in the abroad, is that a large amount of improvement is observed in the individuals in the cases where the individuals have be observed with having the support of the mentors of the parents or the teachers or of the guardians. Here in this case encouragement plays a very important and a very critical role for observing any type of the improvement in the socio economic relationship of an individual. So the most important observation that comes in to the existence or that can be even tagged here as the suggestion is that the parents or the mentors or the teachers should and must encourage the child for taking part in the greater learning that should be conducive in the nature and as a result of which there will be a gradual increase in the grasping power and the intelligence levels of the individuals.
There have been a large number of studies in this regard in India and also in abroad on a very wide scale and all these studies provide us with the different types of the results and all these studies reveal that the level of the intelligence is normally formed in the distributed or the scattered form for all the types of samples that are taken for studying. The schools that include the teachers and at home the parents or the guardians must make proper study and an in depth analysis and the main focus of all of them should be on the fact that they should concentrate on the samples or the students that are found to be having the low levels of the intelligence and hence can be said that they all are found to be having the weak socio economic relationship. A large amount of steps and activities should be initiated that in turn would help the weaker section of the students to gradually develop in to their confidence levels and hence In turn will be able to use the potentialities to the highest levels of there approach. Such type of the weak students who are having low levels of the intelligence quotient are generally found to be having the different levels of the socio economic relationship and one other factor or suggestion that has come up in to the light is that these type of the students should also be at some times helped with the financial resources. This factor allows that segment of the students who are not able to develop because of the reason that they are not able to fully utilise the educational facilities available due to the financial reasons. But unfortunately in India very less focus is given on these factors but instead the present Indian teacher gives the full importance to the type of the students with the high social and the economic status and also every possible effort is made to develop there talent and the status and the brains and hence improving the socio economic status. The schools should organise parent teacher associations to develop the parents interest in the education by explaining the importance of the learning so that they may not with draw there children from the school and as a result of these they will act as a very good and improved mentors for there children and as a result of this the socio economic relationship of the children will observed to be improved a great deal.