What is Effective Leadership
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Effective leadership qualities are found in the person who has passion and vision to do something big. Determined leader is the one who have very important quality of achieving a particular aim of life. One needs to be honest and confident to be a good leader. Positive attitude leads to the leader with positive and effective leadership. One needs to be confident as confidence is something that makes the expressions and the emotions more impact full. Use of right tone full of confidence lets the individual to give correct impressions on others.
While making conversation with others, one need to make the complete eye contact that shows the confidence of an effective leader. Leaders need to be focused on their goals. He should be well organized in his plans and quick enough to make the spontaneous decisions. Quality of being focused lets the person to be concentrated on the aim of his job. Every follower of a leader expects him to be honest. Honesty pays in long run but being honest in a way or other in day to day interaction with followers creates impact that is of great use to a leader. The motivation level of a leader brings energy in the followers too. Effective leader chooses positive things that bring the followers forward rather than pulling backwards. Effective leader needs to be decisive and he should be capable to take quick and wise decision in a short span of time in tough times.
The motivation level of leader should be high enough to inspire the followers. The communication skills of a leader should be good enough in order to interact wisely with the followers. It is an art by which someone voluntarily take an initiative to motivate a group of people in order to achieve a particular goal. It is an ability or capability of an individual to lead or guide other group of individuals to achieve a particular kind of goal. There are several kinds of myths related to the leadership qualities. Leadership is not the quality of possessing the power over the other individuals. It is related with power with the people not using them over the people. Basically person who looks for consent of the group who is following him and struggle to act in the best manner in the favour of others can act as an effective leader. Leaders have to be effected positively. Leaders should not do his personal things at the expense of the group’s interest. The real leadership quality lies in the individual who is in the charge of positive attitude. It is necessary to make these qualities more impact full in order to be a successful leader. The good leader should be confident enough to tackle the tricky situation that may arise. It has been said that a group of dogs leaded by a lion is far better than a group of lions leaded by a dog. A tremendous impact is laid by the leader of the group in achieving the great results. A good leader can take a group to new heights while in the same way the bad leader can pull the group of the individuals backward making the whole system unsuccessful. Hence choosing a good leader is also a very important task.
It all depends on a leader and whole responsibility of the group comes on the leader of that group. Leader needs to be competitive and visionary in nature. Leader should value the people of whole group and should not think that he is the only smartest one in the group. The suggestions of the follower of that group are equally important as that of the leader of the group. The individuals of the group play very important role in the group so they should not be neglected at any cost. Self confidence of the leader of the group should be in positive sense. It should induce positive vibes in the whole team. It helps in the development of the whole group. Motivation of the group is very essential and the leader who is successful in motivating the whole group is the real leader. There should be awareness in the whole group in order to attain the goal of the group. The leader should be optimistic and he should induce the various types of the positives in the members of the whole group which a leader is leading. It is necessary to have a leader in order to achieve a particular motive which could not have been obtained otherwise. It is necessary to have the wise leader for the goodness of the group. The other main characteristics an effective leader should have are of self awareness and self direction. The leader should be self motivated in order to motivate others. He should be efficiently aware about his surroundings in order to raise awareness in the members of his group. He should be self directed in such way that he should be able to direct others in a right directions. Social awareness should be also there in the leader of the group. He should be well aware of what is going on in the society, in the state, in the country and in the whole world. It is necessary to keep a vision. It is because working for the vision proves to be more successful than working for the personal reasons and gains. The vision should be a large one like that of world peace. If the vision is large it is more impact full to work towards it in a positive way. Working on large goals keep the team or member of any group more motivated than working on the small goals. Leader should have the emotional intelligence and leadership qualities. It is the responsibility of the leader to make others to work at their best and show the better results. The soft skills of leaders are not of that importance than that of the hard skills. The main characteristics of the leaders help them to keep themselves motivated towards the goal of the group and let the others to be responsible and give their duties words the group effectively. It is very necessary on the part of the members of the group to behave responsibly. It is the duty of leader as well as the member of the group which leader is the leading, to keep them motivated and directed towards the goal. The effective leadership qualities are of great importance as it helps in achieving main goals of that group. It is the only way to prove the group of the individual to be successful. Leadership qualities should be comprise of all these discussed above in order to be successful leader.