What is Persuasion and what role does it plays in an organization?
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Persuasion can be defined as the process of convincing the various other individuals to change their respective attitudes, thoughts, feelings and the beliefs on the voluntarily basis. The process of the persuasion at times play a very critical role in the maintenance and the development of the career of an individual as it helps an individual to move from the bad to the good, from good to better. Any type of the persuasion that is effective in the nature is not that simple and in fact the whole process if very time consuming and also is not that easy to take the whole process in the right productive direction. The process of the persuasion acts as a very mature and the powerful method as compared to the warning or the ordering in the control and the command method of the management. The persuasion finds its use a large number of the times in the business as the various buyers are actually persuaded by the various sellers in order to buy the various products that are on the offer by the company or the firm just by informing all of them about the various benefits at the potential level of an individual that they can get. There are times when the various employees who are disgruntled, demoralized or the disinterested in doing the work that has been assigned to them are actually persuaded to start working for the betterment and the growth and the development of themselves and of the company as well. The persuasion is actually much better if compared to the compulsion or the coercion that may result in the breeding of the retaliation and also the resentment.
There are times when the people are forced to resist the change as and when they are forced to change. But this is not the case in the process of the persuasion as the persuasion change comes in to the existence in the invisible as well as in the indirect way that the individual is not at all aware of. Very careful preparation is actually involved in the process of the persuasion followed by the proper and the accurate argument frame work along with the very sincere effort to go along the correct match emotionally with the respective audience along with the suitable showing of the supporting evidence that is very vivid in the nature. For the persuasion to be effective in the nature, it must involves the establishment of the credibility of the persuaders, also it is very necessary and important to establish their respective goals in such a way that helps in the identification of the very common ground in the coordination with all those who actually intend to persuade the other individuals. The position must be reinforced with the help of the evidence that is very compelling in the nature along with the very vivid language. The other important feature of this process is that all the individuals who are in the picture are able to connect emotionally with the respective audience that they tend to have from time to time. One point that must be kept in the mind here is that the process of the persuasion is not at all in the coordination with the presentation of the various arguments but in fact it goes with the credibility of the persuader. Persuasion is a very precise act that involves the movement of the conscious practice along with the experience as well. It is very necessary to have an in depth analysis of the over all situation involving the individuals that are concerned in the whole process. The receiver must be ready and prepared to be open minded in the nature. One must not be emotional but instead must be very motivated self and should also be able to keep all others motivated in the nature. The various appealing arguments must be used this process of the persuasion and also must be very flexible in the nature so that these can never impose to the various facts.
Before starting the whole process of the persuasion, one must be very careful in analysing the over all situation just to have the view of the various things that are real as well as the problem that is apparent in the nature. One must take in to the account the various courses of the actions and the respective merits and the demerits that are received from the end of the persuader, which is further involving the point of the view of the various other individuals. The needs, the various respective interests, psychology and the motives of the man who is to be persuaded, must be taken care before hand. There are times when an individual is not in such a position that he or she can listen to the others if dealt with in a harsh sense and here comes the role of the persuasion. There are times when the things can be brought in to the lime light by not being harsh but the caring and the smooth language is able to get the work done from the employees. The persuasion forms a very important property of the manager or any one who is at the supervisor level as everything cannot be made to be done by being hard and harsh, one must try to guide an individual by explaining the pros and the cons of the various types of the situations that are existing or may come in to the picture in the coming times and this way the things can be brought in to the affect in the right polite way of the working. The person who is being persuaded should be made comfortable and the in such a case the process of the persuasion must not involve over whelming rough as well as the dry form of the arguments. The process must be initiated as and when the receiver is willing to open his or her mind as this is very important as when ever the mind is in the closed state, the persons who are egoistic in the nature, are very difficult to convince as in these cases the mind is having no free space for the understanding but in fact are filled with the pre occupied thoughts like the presumptions, prejudices and the various types of the pre convinced ideas. The persuader needs to meet all of them at the various points including at the centre by actually making the start from the various agreeable common points. Now with the opening of the mind of the receiver, him or her it starts to accept the views and as a result of this very gradually and slowly, the convincing part starts to play a role here.
When ever the process of the persuasion is going on, the persuader and the one who is being persuaded share arguments to clarify each others point and what is very important here is that the arguments that are being used must be very strong and also very appealing in the nature and such scenario can be achieved only when the arguments that are according to the various needs and the interests of the receivers and these must be very imperative in the nature about the fact that the specific know how about the dislikes and the likes of the receiver as this factor plays a very critical role in the process of the persuasion. It is very necessary to be flexible in the nature as one should never ever impose at any moment as in any of the case when the persuader is wishing that the receiver wants to listen to him, he must at any cost try to first listen to him very carefully. One must not be critical at all the times and when ever there is some good positive point that should be appreciated, that must be appreciated as this will motivate the person and will persuade him to grow further. One must keep an open mind and also a big heart as only then the managerial skills can grow in the supervisor or the manager and then only the team will grow and the growth and the development will become a strong pillar of the relationship between the various employees. The arguments must not be imposed on the other person and only such suggestions must be given that are very subtle in the nature by hunting indirectly. In arguments one tries to convince every one and tries to win the battle but in maximum of the cases in trying to win the battle, one loses the various relationships socially. So in the other words it can be said that one should always try to keep the things very normal and should try not to get in to all these type of the arguments as these actually do more of the harm than they do good in the matter, so it becomes very necessary to go forward very carefully and then only one will be able to meet and maintain the relationships.
In the whole process of the persuasion it is very necessary that one maintains the composure and try never to be emotional. This type of the scenario of getting emotional is very common as during any type of the argumentation, such type of the scenes in the conversation arise when an individual directly personally relates to any king of the situation in the relevance and as a result of this one gets emotional. One thing that very commonly follows further is that when he or she who gets emotional does not get the desired response from the other side, usually loses his or her temper and such a situation very commonly goes against the plan of an individual. As when one gets emotional, the other opposite party takes advantage of the situation and tries to exploit that individual on that particular topic and that particular individual loses the path and as a result of all this becomes weak in the whole process of the argumentation. The whole process of the argumentation must maintain more of the positive light than the generation of the heat. One must maintain patience and must deal all the situations with a very high level of the patience. In the whole process of the persuasion, the phenomenon of the wait and watch plays a very critical role as it helps to identify the situations that require an individual to be motivated. When the behaviour of the individual on the opposite side has changed, it is very necessary to encourage and also motivate the individual to take the required action, completely depending on the decision taken by his own. So in the other words it can be said that the main motive of the phenomenon of the persuasion involves the motivation of the individual when ever the individual is under some stress or the pressure. There are certain other ways too to get the rectification done in an individual like giving orders or issuing warnings. But there are instances when these methods completely fail to improve an individual but instead the morale of the individual drops and he or she is not able to perform up to the expected level and hence it can be said that the things instead of moving in the right direction start moving towards the darker side and hence affecting the planning and the vision of an individual as well as of the group of the individuals as a whole. So by trying the phenomenon of the persuasion, the emotional chord of an individual can be hit and the individual can relate to the things more efficiently and hence a higher amount of the productivity can be extracted from an individual as required at the personal level and also as a whole in order to achieve the targets that have been set by the organisation or the firm according to the vision of the organisation. So it can be said that the persuasion plays a very critical role in bringing up the level of the motivation in an individual and hence acts as a very basic component of the communication to be effective in the nature.