Poverty – Human Resource Indicator
Poverty can be defined as the state of being with out, often associated with the need, hard ship and the lack of the resources across the wide range of the circum stances, some times poverty can be a very comparative and a subjective term and for various others it can be considered as a moral and an evaluative term and at various other situations, for others it can be a scientifically established term. Poverty can be under stood on the basis of the calorie consumption as it has been very clearly explained by the planning commission of the India as the 2400 calories per the person per day in the rural areas and 2100 calories per the person per the day in the urban areas. Any thing less than this refers to the fact that the person or the individual or as a whole the group of the persons are under the poverty. At various times under the various types of the circumstances, comes up various types of the factors that help and play a critical part in the measurement of the levels of the poverty and on of such things are the monetary yard sticks to measure the poverty. Rs 368 per the person per the month consumption or the income in the rural areas and Rs 559 per the person per the month consumption or the income in the urban areas, was kept as the parameter for the measurement of the poverty. Poverty in the simple words can or actually is to be in a state where one is very poor or extremely poor and the state of being inferior in the quality or the in sufficient in the amount.