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Poverty – Human Resource Indicator

Poverty can be defined as the state of being with out, often associated with the need, hard ship and the lack of the resources across the wide range of the circum stances, some times poverty can be a very comparative and a subjective term and for various others it can be considered as a moral and an evaluative term and at various other situations, for others it can be a scientifically established term. Poverty can be under stood on the basis of the calorie consumption as it has been very clearly explained by the planning commission of the India as the 2400 calories per the person per day in the rural areas and 2100 calories per the person per the day in the urban areas. Any thing less than this refers to the fact that the person or the individual or as a whole the group of the persons are under the poverty. At various times under the various types of the circumstances, comes up various types of the factors that help and play a critical part in the measurement of the levels of the poverty and on of such things are the monetary yard sticks to measure the poverty. Rs 368 per the person per the month consumption or the income in the rural areas and Rs 559 per the person per the month consumption or the income in the urban areas, was kept as the parameter for the measurement of the poverty. Poverty in the simple words can or actually is to be in a state where one is very poor or extremely poor and the state of being inferior in the quality or the in sufficient in the amount.

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Employment – Role in development of the human resource

Employment has a very major and a very critical role to play in the development of the human resource in a planned manner. This further leads to the development of an individual and then to the society and then a state and finally a s a country as and when taken the project as a whole and also on a global level. First of all it is very necessary and also very critical to under stand the meaning of the word employment in the beginning it self as it would help in under standing the article further in a very phased and a good and an explanatory manner. The word employment can be defined as the relation ship between the two parties, usually based on a contract where work is paid for, where one party, which may be a corporation or a profit or a non profit organization or a co – operative or any other type of the entity acts as the employer and the other party who works and receives money for the work done is referred to as the employee. Employees in return of the work put in by them, do for the payments which may in the form of the hourly wages or the weakly wages or monthly in the nature. In some organizations etc, the employees can receive gratuities, bonus payments or the stock options. In some of the companies, the employees may receive the benefits in the addition to the payments. Benefits can include the health insurance, the housing, the disability insurance or also in some of the cases the use of the gym. Employment is typically governed by the help of the employment laws or the regulations or the legal contracts.

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Population, population Census – Human Resource Development Indicator

First of all, it is very necessary to under stand the meaning of the word population. Population is a word that refers to the all the inhabitants of a particular place and biologically it can be defined as the community of the animals, plants or the human beings among whose members inter breeding occurs. In other words population can be defined as where the all the organisms of the same group or the species, which live in a particular geographical area and have the capability of the inter breeding. In our reference of the study, it is the total no of the humans currently living. India is the second most populated country in the world just after the republic of the china, with nearly a fifth of the world’s population. It is very necessary to under stand the word population practically and statically as it acts as a very important indicator of the human development as all the necessary methods and the planning the various steps that need to be and will be taken by the government depend a large amount on the population of that place or the country as a whole. In the beginning it self it is very critical to have an in depth analysis of the of the words population census.

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What is Digital Signature?

The digital signature can be defined as the digital code that has been generated and then authenticated with the help of the public key encryption that is attached with a document that is transmitted electronically in order to verify the contents and then the identity of the sender. The digital signature is a mathematical scheme that is very helping full in order to demonstrate the authenticity of the various types of the digital messages or the various documents. E mudhra in the present scenario is a licensed certifying authority of the India that is responsible for the issuance of the various digital signature certificates. A DSC that is referred to as the digital signature certificate is a very secure digital key that certifies the identity of the holder, issued by a certifying authority (CA). It typically contains your identity which can include the name of the holder, the email of the holder, the country of the holder, the APNIC account name and the public key. A digital signature is not at all digital certificate as for the creation of the digital signature; the signer is required to obtain a digital signature certificate. The digital signature certificate is a digital equivalent that is in the electronic format of the physical or the paper certificates. The digital signature is generally referred to as the digital form of the signature that is equivalent of a hand written signature or the stamped seal, but offering far more inherent security, a digital signature is able to solve the big problem of the tampering and the impersonation in the various types of the digital communications. The digital signatures can provide the added assurances of the evidence to the origin, the identity and the status of an electronic document, the transaction or the message as well as of providing the acknowledgement of the informed consent by the signer. In the today’s times, a large no of the countries including the United States of the America, the digital signatures have been of the same legal significance as the other traditional forms of the signed documents. The printing office of the United States of the America government publishes the electronic versions of the budget, the public and the private laws and the various congressional bills with the help of the digital signatures.

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An Introduction to the Crypto Revolution – The Bitcoin

The bitcoin can be and is actually is the world’s first digital currency that has been de centralised and acts as a great payment network. How the product bitcoin came in to the being, is still almost a mystery but the bitcoin first of all came in to the existence in the year 2009 by a person or the group of the people who were operating under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. After this, the bitcoin was then adopted by the small clutch of the enthusiasts. But after this, the Satoshi Nakamoto dropped off the map as the bitcoin began to attract the wide spread attention. But according to the proponents, all this does not matter as in any of the case the currency always will obey its own internal logic. It was in the year of the 2016, a citizen of the Australia came forward claiming that he is the founder of the bitcoin and he is the one who introduced the world to the bitcoin but he was not able to prove this to the world. The main use of the bitcoin is that it acts as a major source for all of us to connect financially, in a similar way all of us have been connected socially with the help of the internet. In the other terms it can be referred to as the today’s modern way in order to send the money and has enabled the world to have an access to the whole wide world of the finance irrespective of the borders of the country and also there is no requirement of taking any type of the permission from any type of the authority from any of the country. If it is to be under stood and explained clearly, it can be said that like in this world we are connected financially mainly by the various types of the currencies that are being used by the various countries but when ever we move from the one country to the another or even when we import of export some type of the product or in any such type of the scenario where foreign exchange id required, there are a large no of the set of the rules that have been formed for governing such type of the financially transactions but this is not the case for the bitcoin. So as a result of this the bitcoin acts as the perfect type of the money as it is scarce and also divisible in the nature. Also the other property of the bitcoin is that it is very durable and also very portable in the nature and it can be said that the bitcoin is the internet of the money. Another property of the bitcoin is that this type of the digital currency is the one that is said to have the encryption techniques that are very widely used for the regulation of the generation of the units of the currency and is also very help full in the verification of the transfer of the funds, operating independently of a central bank. So it will be very wise to term bitcoin as the on line means of carrying out the various types of the transactions between the various individuals in the same country or in any other country of the whole world.

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