
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What is Attitude and what are the components of Attitude?

What is attitude?
Attitude can be described as a tendency to react positively or negatively to a person or circumstances. Thus the two main elements of attitude are this tendency or predisposition and the direction of this predisposition. It has been defined as a mental state of readiness, organize to through experience which exerts a directive or dynamic influence on the responses on a individual to all objects and situations with which the individual is related. The encyclopedia of social sciences described attitude as a comparatively enduring organization of interrelated beliefs which describe and evaluate the action with respect to an object or a situation, with each belief having cognitive effect and behavioral components. Each of these beliefs is a predisposition that results in some preferential response towards the object or the situation. The concept of an attitude originated in the United States of America.

What are the components of Attitude?
Experts has pointed out three basic components of attitude. These are :

(i) Emotional : Emotional components include the feelings of a person about and object. These feeling could be positive, negative or neutral. While customer service representative displays positive feelings, a police officer or a bill collector would exhibit negative feelings. Similarly while discharging administrative duties public servants are required to show neutral feelings.

(ii) Informational : The beliefs and information that the individual has about the object are the informational component of attitude. Here it makes little difference if the information is correct or incorrect.

(iii) Behavioral : This components of attitude consist of a tendency of an individual to behave in a particular way towards and object. Only this components of attitude is visible as the other two can only be inferred.

What is Leadership and what are the qualities of a Leader?

What is Leadership?
For the success of any organization it is very important that some individuals take on the role of leaders. Leadership is a behavioral process that is performed by some individuals who steer and guide the efforts of other individuals. Thus we see that leadership involves guiding the efforts of other individuals and involves directing the actions, efforts and affairs of others. A leader is responsible for determining the realistic performance and then providing the workers with the resources required to perform their tasks. A leader also communicates to the workers what are the expectation of the organization of them and also provides a reward structure to encourage them. Leader delegates the authority whenever require and also remove the barriers and blocks in effective performance of others.

What are the qualities of a Leader?
For some time the identification of potential leaders was based on the concept that there was an identifiable set of trades that every good leader possesses. This approach has now been modified. While there are no set of absolute trades, it is reasonable to assume that individuals who possess the ability to lead others toward the achievement of organizational goals may benefit from certain attributes that help them in performing their leadership roles.

A partial list of helpful (although not absolutely required) attributes of a leader might include the willingness of the leader to assume responsibility for achievement, the ability to be perceptive and empathetic, the ability to be objective, the ability to place a proper priority on duties and activities, and the ability to communicate effectively with others.

What is the need of a Leader?
One may question the need for leadership once an organizational has attained a state of maturity and why a mature organization can not work without a leader. The need for leadership is present in all organization due to many reasons.

(i) Certain imbalances develop in growing organization which need changes both of the organizational level and at the unit level. With the extension of the organization control over the environment, new function are added and new complexity of structure are created for these new functions. In order to maintain the health of the internal organization during these transitory phases a leader is require.

(ii) Gaps in formal organizational structure: The formal organization is generally incomplete and imperfect. Its voids are generally filled by informal organization and organization fictions. As a consequence the “real” organization widely differs from the “formal organization”. Leadership is needed to compensate for the weakness inherent in the formal designs.

(iii) The internal dynamic of the organization: With growing organizations certain imbalances develop which necessitate changes both at the level of the organization as a whole and at the unit level. With the extension of organization’s control over the environment, new functions are added new complexities of structure are created to provide for these new functional needs. The health of internal organization is to be maintained during these transitory phases and it is the leader who can sustain the organization.

What is difference between attitude and belief and opinions?

Some time these three terms are used interchangeably but there is a difference between these three terms.

While attitude is the predisposition to act in a particular way towards and object or situation, opinion is the expression of the judgment of an individual about a particular set of facts. It is an evaluation of the circumstances presented to an individual.

Similarly belief is also different from attitude. Belief is the acceptance of a statement of a set of circumstances. Beliefs is much more stronger than opinion and are less affected by the pro and con positions that are fundamental in attitude. However these three can influence each other.

What is cross cultural negotiation?

Negotiation is a dialogue between two or more parties who try to work out a solution to their problems. It is a process that can take place at the corporate or the international level. Negotiations take place because both the parties recognize or acknowledge that there is a conflict of interest and try to get a better deal out of these negotiations.

Cross cultural negotiation require the parties to resolve the psychology factors including the attitudes, goals, expectation and the styles of persuasion of the parties. All negotiations require planning but it becomes all the more important in case of international negotiation. Planning may include they knowledge about the taxation procedure and other legal requirements in a country. Having political data and the information related to the work force available in a country could also form a part of the planning for international negotiations.

What is the concept of International Human resource management?

International Human resource management is the process of procuring allocating and effectively utilizing the human resources in a multinational corporation. While HR Managers in these organization have to integrate HR policies and practices across a number of subsidiaries spread in several countries so that the organization goals can be achieve at the same time they have to make these policies and practices sufficiently flexible to allow significant differences in these policies in different countries.

International HRM is concerned with identifying and understanding how the MNC’s manage their geographically dispersed worked force in order to leverage their HR resources for obtaining local as well as global competitive advantage.

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