What is Redeployment?
Redeployment is the process of moving people within the organization and from units where there are excess employees to the departments where there is shortage. The process of redeployment involves the identification of surplus and shortage areas, notifying and educating employees about the importance of being redeployed in high need areas, identifying the skills and competencies required in these areas and assessing the employees who can be successfully redeployed. Sometimes retraining or retooling may be required before redeployment. The process also includes the development of systems which can assess and put the right people at right jobs. The managers are also given incentives to allow their human talent to leave so that it can be redeployed in areas where higher returns are expected from this talent. An assessment process is also developed to see how the employees are doing in their new assignments. If carried out in a proper way, redeployment can help the organization as well as its employees. The offer of suitable alternative work should have similar status, should be within the capabilities of the employee, should not cause unreasonable in convenience to the employee and should provide similar earning to the employee.