
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What is Career Planning?

A career represents the path chosen by a person over a period of time. While some plane their career very carefully others depend more on their circumstances, situation, current location and some more factors like it. A person can shape career the way he wants if he has planned it in advanced. Career can be either external career which is organization centred or internal career which is individual centre. Individual career planning involves the identification of the career goals by an individual and the means to achieve these goals. It also addresses the personal-work balance of an individual. On the other hand external career planning deals with tracking career paths and looking for information to direct and monitor it. It also deals with ensuring capable managerial and technical talent so that organization’s requirements can be met when required.

What is Career?

Career is defined by the oxford English dictionary as a course or progress through life. It is a sequence of positions held by a person in his life time. Generally it pertains to some remunerated work and seen as a course of successive situations that form a person occupation. Though one can have a career in music or sports without being a professional but mostly career is referred to a series of jobs or positions through which a person has earned his money. The older version of the definition of career looked only at the past but in their present century the definition of career is more concerned with the pursuit of the person in future

What are the objectives of Exit Interview?

Exit interview provides an opportunity to make peace with an employee who might otherwise leave the organization with vengeful intentions. It is also seen as a positive sign by the existing employees who consider it as a caring and compassionate step on the part of the organization.

Exit interview is also held in the implementation of correct HR practices in the organization and also provide information about the ways to improve the recruitment process in future.

In some cases exit interview give a chance to retain an employee who would have otherwise left the organization due to a minor misunderstanding which can be clear during the exit interview.

What is an Exit Interview?

Whenever an employee leaves and organization for any reason it constitute the exit of that employee from the organization. Present day organizations are aware of the importance of employee retention and try to find out the reasons behind the exit of the employee.

There are many exit strategies uses by the organizations but exit interview is the most commonly used strategy. It is an important part of human resource management and helps in employee satisfaction and retention. Understanding the reasons behind the exit of an employee helps in preventing the future loss of employees. Employees loses due to factors like dissatisfaction poor management practices lack of growth opportunities or harassment or conflict with a co-worker or manager can be reduced to a great extent with the help of information gathered by exist interview. It also focuses on the employment environment and its impact on productivity and morale.

What are the Exit Strategies in HR?

Whenever an employee leaves an organization it constitutes the exit of that employee from the organization. The present day organization are aware of the importance of retaining their human resources and with this aim in mind they try to know the reason behind the exit of an employee so that it does not create any adverse effect on the working of the organization and the employee also leaves it with a good taste. The most important and widely used strategy is conducting the exit interview with the outgoing employee.

An exit interview should focus on identifying the reasons behind the exit of an employee and also inquire if the level of performance of the organization or if the unfulfilled expectations of the employee are involved. The low level of employee retention indicates a low level of job satisfaction among the employees and can cost dearly to the organization. When the employees don’t feel valued, the poor management practices, lack of opportunities of growth and some time personal harassment of the employee could be the reasons behind the low level of job satisfaction of an employee and it results in avoidable losses for the organization.

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