
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What is Development of the Team?

In an organisation, the work is done in form of the team effort and it has been seen that the team that works in a healthy way, is able to achieve the goals and the targets in a much better way as compared to the others and hence helping the organisation as a whole to achieve the goals and the objectives that have been set in accordance with the pre set vision of the organisation. in order to have an in depth analysis of the same, it all starts with the fact that says that the organisation is in fact started by an individual or a group of the individuals with a pre set objective and a vision but the main point that comes here in to the lime light is that all the work can not be done by these individuals only that form a part of the top management and hence fro doing the work in there place, the employees are hired. As the organisation grows the numbers of the employees also grow with the time and hence at this point of the time it becomes very difficult to build the team as this will help the organisation to grow as the team will grow, the organisation will grow by itself. The development of the team is a very essential and a vital process that mainly focuses on the finding out of the various kinds of the areas of the problem in the working and then working in the direction of improving the things dealing in the effectiveness of the working of the group of the individuals and the main focus here is on the improvement of the various processes and the procedures that are going on in the working of the organisation and at the same time also focuses on the development of the relations of the staff members inter personally and also deals with the relation between the manager or the supervisor and the staff members of the team in an organisation.

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Explain the approaches for Team Development

A lot is said in the organisation in the various types of the meetings that are conducted at any of the level starting from the ground level in the relationship between the manager or the supervisor and the workers to the various meetings conducted by the top management with the staff members working at the various level of the hierarchy. At the same time a lot of the research work has also been conducted that very clearly indicated the importance and the need for the development of the team. The need for the team is every where starting from the top management which is also a team working at the top level performing the various kinds of the functions and then the organisation is hiring various staff members arranging them in a team to do the various works of the top management but there can be times when the teams appear to be as a team but at the ground level are not at all working as a team but are working on the personal basis due to a large number of the reasons.

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What is the importance of Team Work?

It is most commonly said that union is strength. The things done in team are done better than the things that are done alone. The division of work in a proper manner and doing the work in unity brings out the better results. The work load gets reduced as he work is divided between the members of the team. Any type of organization is likely to give efficient results when its people work in the form of the team rather working alone. The teamwork develops the synergy where the combined effect of the whole team is far better, greater and effective than sum of the individual effort. The good teamwork also helps to increase the performance of the organization as well as the performance of the individual. It helps in improving the communication system in an organization as all the members of that team come in contact with each other and hence they communicate in a better way by promoting the communication process between the employees of the organization and also between the manager and the employees.

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What is Human Resource Accounting?

The human resource accounting is defined as the procedure that is used for the identification and the reporting of the investments that are made in the human resources of a company that are currently not counted for in the conventional accounting processes as it is an extension of the standard principles of the accounting. The human resources are referred to as the very vital and the critical assets of any company or an organisation as are very much different from the various other types of the assets like that the physical assets of an organisation. The physical assets are not having any type of the feelings and the emotions but in the case of the human assets, these are subjected to the various types of the feelings and the emotions and as result of this, the human assets never in any of the cases get depreciated but this is not the case in the case of the physical assets as these with the time surely depreciate. Hence, in the other words it can be said that the various types of the valuations of the human resources accompanied by the various other forms of the assets are required for finding out the total cost of the company or the firm. The same was suggested in the early years of the 1960’s by Renis Likert with the help of the large no of the other researchers and the scientists when this whole team made a strong attempt in order to define the process of the human resource accounting. The human resource accounting is the phenomenon that is used for the identification and then the measurement of the facts and the figures of the human resources and then finally conveying the same facts and the figures to the various types of the parties that are interested in the same function. This explanation has the full support of the American Association of the accountants (AAA) that has defined the process of the human resource accounting in the similar way.

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Explain the concept of Human Resources Training

The step or the process or the responsibility of the human resources training by the human resources department is very important for any type of the company to be imparted to survive in this world of the extensive competition. The staff can be hired by the human resource department or the already working staff of the company can be retained back by the human resource department but it is very important to train the staff according to the needs and the requirements of the specific department of the company in order to work according to the specific vision of the company and for the achievement of the set goals with in the specified period of the time. In the case of the all ready working employees of the same company, they are hired up on by the same company to perform certain higher roles in the same company in the same department or some other department, so here it becomes very important that the department of the human resource works up on this piece and takes various types of the steps to train them according to the needs of that department as then only the performance of these employees can be enhanced up to the desired level. And in the case of the work force that is hired or brought up on in to the new company from some other company, it becomes all the more important and vital to be imparted with the training. The main reason for this is that these employees being new to the company will not at all be aware of the working ambience of the new company and hence it becomes the responsibility of the department of the human resource to make these new staff members aware of the present policies of the human resource and to discuss with them the vision and the aim of the company in order to yield the most out of the employees in a very phased manner and with in a given specific time period.

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