Population, population Census – Human Resource Development Indicator
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First of all, it is very necessary to under stand the meaning of the word population. Population is a word that refers to the all the inhabitants of a particular place and biologically it can be defined as the community of the animals, plants or the human beings among whose members inter breeding occurs. In other words population can be defined as where the all the organisms of the same group or the species, which live in a particular geographical area and have the capability of the inter breeding. In our reference of the study, it is the total no of the humans currently living. India is the second most populated country in the world just after the republic of the china, with nearly a fifth of the world’s population. It is very necessary to under stand the word population practically and statically as it acts as a very important indicator of the human development as all the necessary methods and the planning the various steps that need to be and will be taken by the government depend a large amount on the population of that place or the country as a whole. In the beginning it self it is very critical to have an in depth analysis of the of the words population census.
A population census can be defined as the total process of collecting, compiling, evaluating, analyzing and then finally publishing or in the other words disseminating the demo graphic, the economic and the social data pertaining at a specific particular place, to all the persons in a country or in a well delimited part of a country. The population census from the past has been able to act as a very hand full and excellent tool and its history can be tracked as much back to the Mauryan period in the Kaultilya’s Arthashastra ranging from the 321 to 296 B.C. and then later during the mug Hal period, the reference of the population census can be found in the writings of the Abul Fazal in the Ain e Akbari in the years 1595 – 1596. a systematic and the modern population census in its present scientific form was conducted non synchronously between the years 1865 to the 1872 in the various different parts of the country. This effort culminating in the year 1872 has been popularly labelled as the first population census of the India but how ever the first synchronous census in the India was found to be conducted in the year 1951 and then following this there has been an unbroken chain of the census then, giving the Indian census a very unique historical legacy unparalleled in the whole world. Census 2011 is the 15th census in this continuous series from the year of the 1872 and is the 7th since the independence of the India from the English. The population census in the India has been categorised as the subject of the union and the census act 1948 forms the legal basis for the conduct of the censuses in the independent India.
The office of the registrar general and the census commissioner, India is an attached office under the ministry of the home affairs of the government of the India; this is the one that stands responsible for the conduct of the census in the India. The census of the Indian conducted in the year 2011 refers to as the final population and according to this census 2011 of the India, there has been observes a gradual increase in the number of the districts, which have grown by 47 in the no. this census 2011 covers 35 states/ union territories and the number of the districts covered in the census 2011 is 640. The population of the India at 0:00 hours of the 1st march 2011as per the final totals of the census 2011 is 1,21,05,69,573 as compared to the total of the 1,028,618,821 in the population census that was conducted in the year 2001. The population as a whole of the world i.e. the estimated global population in 2010 was 6908.7 million. India accounts for about 17.5 percent of the total population of the world. At the present, a little more than one out of every six persons in the world is from the country of the India. The population of the India at the turn of the 20th century was found to be about the 238.4 million mark and this has now in the present scenario increased by more than the 4 times in a period of the 110 years in order to reach the 1210 million in the year of the 2011. in the years from the 2001 to the year 2011, the first decade with the exception of the years from the 1911 to the 1921, is the one that has actually added lesser amount of the population compared to the previous decade in the India. Now here this reference is very alarming as it is able to signify that the percentage decadal growth during the years 2001 to the year 2011 has registered the sharpest decline since the independence as it has been found to have declined from the level of the 23.87 percent for the year 1981 to the year 1991 to the level of the range wit decrease of the 2.33 percent points. For the years from the 2001 to the year 2011, the rate of the growth of the population in the India in the last decade is 17.77 percent, which can be divided as to 1.3 percent in the rural criteria and 31.8 percent in the urban criteria. In the country of the India, the meghalaya is the one and the only one state that has been able to record the highest decadal growth rate in the rural population and the Daman and the Diu is the one with the highest decadal growth in the urban population from the years 2001 to the 2011. Uttar Pradesh as usual has been found out to be the most populous state in the country with all most 200 million people living in this state, which is more than the population of the country of the Brazil, which is the 5th most populous state of the world. According to the population census conducted in the year 2011, Uttar Pradesh has the largest rural population of the country’s total rural population and the state of the Maharashtra has the highest urban population of the country’s total rural population. Meghalaya has recorded the highest decadal rate of the growth in the rural population and the Daman and the Diu has recorded the highest decadal rate of the growth in the urban population. Delhi as usual has been ranked the most densely inhabited followed by the Chandigarh in all the states and the union territories. Among the states, Bihar has been able to occupy the slot for the first position with a density of 1106. Himachal Pradesh has the largest proportion of the rural population in the relation to the total population of the state and the Delhi has the highest proportion of the urban population in the relation to the total population of the state. Kerala has recorded the highest sex ratio in the respect of the total population, rural population and the urban population.
The lowest sex ratio in the rural areas has been found out to be in the Chandigarh and the lowest ratio of the sex in the urban areas has been recorded in the Daman and the Diu. Delhi has recorded the lowest child sex ration in the rural areas and on the other hand, Chattisgarh has recorded the highest child sex ratio in the rural areas. Haryana has recorded the lowest child sex ratio in the urban areas while on the other hand, Puducherry has been found to record the highest child sex ratio in the urban areas. In the terms of the proportion, the scheduled caste population forms to about the 16.6 percent of the total population in the India. The highest proportion of the scheduled castes has been recorded in the Punjab with 31.9 percent and the lowest in the Mizoram with just 0.1 percent. The highest no of the scheduled castes have been observed in the Uttar Pradesh and the lowest in the Mizoram. In terms of the proportion, the scheduled tribe population forms to about the 8.6 percent of the total population that is present in the India and out of this, the highest proportion of the scheduled tribes has been recorded in the Lakshadweep with the 94.8 percent and the lowest in the Uttar Pradesh with about the 0.6 percent only. The highest no of the scheduled tribes have been recorded in the Madhya Pradesh and the lowest in the Daman and the Diu.
The population of the Punjab at 0:00 hours of the march 1, 2011 as per the final totals of the census 2011, is 27,743,338 compared to a total of the 24,358,999 in 2001. Total population comprises of the 14.64 million of the males and 13.10 million of the females. Punjab is a small state having an area of 50362 km square which is just 1.56 percent of the total area of the India. According to the census 2011, there lived about only 2.29 percent of the people of the India in the Punjab. The Punjab is the 15th most populous state of the India and also the Punjab (551) is the more densely populated as compared to all of the India average (382). Ludhiana (978) is the most densely populated district of the Punjab as it has recorded the population of the 34.99 lakhs and hence becomes the most populated district and Barnala is the least populated district in the state with population of just 5.96 lakhs. In the state of the Punjab, a decadal growth rate of the 13.9 percent during the year from the 2001 to the year of the 2011 has been recorded, which was much higher at the level of the 20.10 percent from the year of the 1991 to the 2001. Also the sex ratio in the Punjab has increased from the 876 in 2001 to 895 in 2011. The sex ratio is the highest in the district of the Hoshiarpur. Child sex ratio of the population in the age group of the 0-6 years in the Punjab has increased from the level of the 798 in the year 2001 to the level of the 846 in the year 2011. Punjab is having a literacy rate of the 75.84 percent and hence ranks 21st in the country. Male and the female literacy rates are 80.44 percent and the 70.73 percent respectively. Hoshairpur remains the most literate district in the Punjab with a level of 84.59 percent of the level. All these facts and the figures that have come in to the existence help and act as a great indicator in the nourishment of the human resource that are available and lead to the growth of the individual at a personal level and also at a state or the country level if taken as a whole. The census of the population helps and plays a great part in the enumeration of the population and then finally the enumeration of the house holds in the country. Acquisition of the demographic information is used for the calculation of the population estimates. As with the help of the census, the collection, the reception, the assessment, the analysis, the publication and the distribution of the demographic, economic and the social data can be done, which further relate at a given moment in the time to all the residents of a country or of a well defined partial geographic area. Censuses are generally conducted after every 10 years and with the help of the population census, the information about the sex, the age, the occupation, the residence etc can be achieved at a particular time with the help of a particular and the specific channel.