Performance Management
Posted in MBA Information, Performance Planning and Potential Appraisal |
This level of the management can be referred to as the very critical part or stage of the human resource as a branch of a tree. The performance management refers to the procedure that is followed by the managers or the employers and the employees together in order to plan, then monitor and also review the work done by the employee and take care of the his or her objectives and then finally considering the over all contribution of an individual as a whole towards the organization. The major part that plays a very important role in the management of the performance of an individual or as a whole involves keeping the right type of the people that are required by the organization and are most suitable for the enhancement of the performance of the organization as a whole or an individual basis. This term of the performance management is not just an annual performance review but it is a process that is a continuous process that play a very critical and the vital role in the settlement of the various objectives that have been set and then assessing the progress of the work that has been done and finally providing the on going coaching and the feed back in order to ensure that the employees working for an organization are meeting the objectives that have set individually and also playing there very urgent and vital part for meeting the objectives that have been set by the organization as a whole. On going coaching and followed by the step of the feed back is also done.
Here it is very important to under stand the reason that why there is the need to follow this practice of the performance management. The main goal that acts as the fundamental pillar of the performance management is to encourage and then improve the effectiveness of the employee. This process of the performance management is a continuous procedure that helps in the embarking of the development of an effective performance management system; one should take a moment in order to consider whether or not your organization has the basic human resource management practices in place in order to support the performance management process. In order to have an accurate type of the performance management, it becomes very important that the jobs are very well designed with well written and also very well defined the various type of the job descriptions. The supervision plays a very important role in the management of the performance and hence the super vision needs to be very effective in the nature. There should be comprehensive orientation of the employee and also the effective training of the employee from time to time is very critical in the context. The other factor is the working conditions during the job, so it can be said that the positive and the supportive work environment is always very important and supportive.
An effective type of the management of the performance is the one that is specific to the job and that is covering a broad range of the jobs in the organization by aligning with the organizations strategic direction and the culture. The performance management system must be very practical in the nature and so that it can merge with the various scenarios that become a part of an individual in the day to day life. By being practical, more and more people will be able to connect with the plan and this will help in the great type of the under standing and as a result of this the people or the employees will be able to use this strategy in a much better way. If the performance management system is accurate and practical in the nature, it then provides an accurate and a solid picture of each and every employee’s performance. The vision of the individual should be straight and clear and for this it is very important to have a collaborative system for setting the goals and then reviewing the performance based on the two way communication between the employee and the management or the manager. The results that are achieved should be monitored and also then measured according the shown behaviours that include the positive feed back if in the case where the assigned job has been done well and then followed by the constructive feedback when the improvement is needed when ever and where ever. The training and the development opportunities need to be provided as these forms the basic plat form for the improvement in the performance by ensuring that the employee work plans the support of the strategic direction of the organization. Clear communication between the managers and the employees should be made and then managed about what they are expected to accomplish by the results that have been achieved or will be achieved in the coming future. It is very important to provide continuous feed back on the performance by identifying and then recognising the accomplishments of the employee just by the identification of the poor performance and then establish the plans for the improvement in the performance. The contribution of the supporting staff in the achievement of the work and the set goals is very important in the achievement of the work. The support administrative decision making about the promotions, the terminations, the compensation and the rewards is very necessary. The legal documentation in order to show the due diligence for the legal challenges related to the dismissal or the vicarious liability and the employer can also be held liable for the acts or the omissions by its employees during the course of the employment. An effective performance management system can be established with the help of the time and the resources and hence the support of the board, the executive director and the other concerned senior managers of the organization. On the path of the development of the new performance management process, an organization can strike up a committee made up of the employees, the managers and the board members in order to increase the buy in, under standing and the support for the whole process of the performance management.
It is very necessary that the support of the management acts up on the out comes of the performance management process in order to ensure that always in all the type of the scenarios and the circumstances, the good performance is realised and also recognised. The inadequate results of the performance is the necessary support or the training in order to ensure the improvement in the performance and then consistently poor performance results in a change of the responsibilities or the termination, which ever is appropriate. Now comes the stage where it is important to get an in depth analysis of the performance management cycle. Along with the performance management, there is also another important chapter to be under stood and this is of the annual performance review meeting. The performance management involves three stages of the working and these are the plan, the monitoring stage and the final stage is of the reviewing and the evaluation of the results that are achieved after the performance of the regular activities of the job. The first stage is of the step of the planning. The phase of the planning can be said to be as the collaborative effort of both the managers and the employees and during this step, the proper review of the description of the job of the employees is done and this is mainly done in order to find out the fact that whether it is able to reflect the work that the employee is currently engaged in to. If the employee has taken on the new type of the roles and the responsibilities or the type of the job has changed in the nature to a significant level, the description of the job must be updated. Followed by the identification and the review of the various types of the links that are present between the description of the job of the employee with his or her work plan and the organization’s goals, the objectives and the various strategic plans that need to be worked up on. A specific kind of a work needs to be developed that will help in the out lining of the various tasks and the deliverables that are to be completed, the results that are expected and the various measures and the standards that will be required to be used in order to evaluate the performance. In this process, three to five areas are recognised and these areas will be the key performance objectives for the year and this choice of the areas can be found out with the help of the strategic plan that the company has deployed in this stream. This can also be achieved with the help of the desire of the employee mainly in order to raise the level of the out comes in a certain part of their job or also by the need to emphasize a particular aspect of the job at this time. All these are the objectives that are very vital and also very necessary for the over all success of the position. If the employee does not meet his or her critical objectives, this will surely result in the results and the over all performance as a result of this can be evaluated as the unsatisfactory. The identification of the various types of the objectives of the training is done in this place and by doing so; the employee is helped a great deal in the development of his or her skills, followed by the improvement in the knowledge and also of the competencies related to their work. The development of the various objectives of the career is very important and this can be achieved with the help of the identification of the various objectives of the development that need to be achieved and hence having a clear vision of the what needs to be done and for the achievement of all these what all needs to be done, so that the things can be planned in a good pattern and the results that are desired in the process can be achieved in a very systematic manner. The manager and the employee both are required to sign off on the proposed plan of the assessment of the work. A hard copy of the plan must be given to the employee and one hard copy should be kept in his or her confidential personnel folder.
As it is known and is a fact that the achievement of any of the results in day to day life things or in any type of the scenario, the desired results can only be achieved if the vision about what is to be achieved and what is the target and how the things should be done to achieve the results is very much critical and also very important. The setting of the objectives and the measurements is very critical as this play a very important role in the management of the performance and how to enhance the performance in order to achieve the desired results in the given duration of the time. The most urgent and the most important part of the planning phase is the finding of the suitable and the clear appropriate language to describe the performance objectives and the measures or the indicators of the success. One thing that the managers should ensure is that the objective are a very good representation of the full range of the duties that are carried out by the employee and especially in the day to day activities that are carried out by the employee that at times can take a bit more time but are often over looked as the important and the significant accomplishments. The result can only be achieved if the things are planned in a very strategic way and the all the objectives and the indicators need to be SMART in the nature. S of the term SMART refers to specific. As explained earlier, it should be very clear that what id to be achieved and how it is to be achieved and also in how much time. M of the term SMART refers to measurable. The various types of the multiple parameters should be used for the complete under standing and working of the process. The types of the measuring parameters involve quantity, quality, time frame and the cost. A of the term SMART refers to attainable. One needs to ensure that there is a reasonable path to the achievement and the odds are feasible in the nature so that the target can be achieved. R of the Term SMART refers to the Realistic. The objective that has been set should match with the capability of the employees and that can be seen to be achieved by the employees. The manager always knows internally about the capability and the working style of its employees and according to this only the goal should be set up and the planning about how to go about it in order to achieve it should be done according to the employees and keeping in the mind about the working environment of the employees and the managers. The T of the term SMART refers to the time bound. The vision of the goal that is to be achieved should be planned accordingly according to the estimated time that is required to achieve the goal. In the most of the cases, the objectives are to be achieved by the end of the performance review period.
The next phase that is the phase 2 of the process of the performance management is that of the monitoring. In order to make the performance management system to be efficient and also effective in the nature, the progress and the performance of the employees must be reviewed and monitored from time to time. The day to day performance of an employee should be monitored but this not at all means watching over each and every aspect of the how the employees carry out the assigned activities and the tasks. The managers should not at all micro manage the employees and in place of this they should focus on the results that have been achieved in the past and what steps can be taken in order to improve the results and should also concentrate on the behaviour of the individuals and also of the team as a whole and the dynamics of the team that are affecting the work environment. There should be a continuous meeting and both should be in touch of each other in order to access the progress towards the meeting of the performance objectives and for the determination and the identification of the barriers that can help in the prevention of the employee from the accomplishment of the objectives of the performance and what else has to be done in order to over come them by the sharing of the progress that has been made in the relation to the achievement of the goals. During the phase of the monitoring, the employee and the manager should meet regularly for the identification of any of the changes that may be required to the work plan as a result of a shift in the priorities of the organization or if the employee is required to take on the new type of the responsibilities by carrying on with the determination of if any type of the extra support or the guidance is required from the manager or any other type of the source just in order to assist in the achievement of his or her objectives that are set by the employees in order to achieve the parameters of the vision that has been set by the company as a whole and this is followed at the individual level it self.
One of the main pillars of the management of the performance factor is that of the continuous coaching. This type of the coaching is very essential and is required in order to address any of the issues that may be faced by the employees at any time of the working so continuous training and the coaching helps a great deal in keeping time with the pace of the development that is occurring in the world in the today’s scenario. In the general terms, the coaching refers to the providing of the direction, the guidance and also the support as it is required in the various types of the activities that have been assigned to be achieved. The job or the duty of the coach is to coach that is the managers need to act as a coach and this can be done with the help of the recognition of the strengths and the weaknesses of the employees and then after this work with the employees in order to carry on with the identification of the opportunities and the methods to maximise the strengths and also improve on the weak areas. The role of the coach is to help in the demonstration of the skills and then to give the employee the feed back and the reassurance while he or she practices the new forms of the skills. Good listening in any scenario is very critical and in this stream also, this forms the major critical part. The good skill of the listening on the part of the coach involves the ability of the coach to deliver the honest feed back and this part is very crucial. In a coaching role, one is not at all expected to have all the answers. The strategic power of any coaching dialogue lies in the coach’s ability to ask the right type of the questions. Providing the correct type of the feed back is very much important as while doing this one should not be under any type of the pressure as the feed back has direct affect on the working of the employees and then finally shows in the showing of the desired results in a fixed time frame as it is decided in the planning phase of the performance management. Positive feed back refers to the telling some one about the good type of the performance, this feed back should always be made on time and also should be very specific and frequent in the nature as the recognition for the effective performance is a very power full motivator as it helps a lot to keep the employees motivated and by this the employees tend to remain focused and get encouraged to work in a proper way as the vision requires them to do and hence as a result of this, allows to get the desired results. The constructive alerts of the feed back to an individual regarding an area of concern, helps in the improvement of the performance. It is very descriptive and hence should always be directed to the action and not at all a person. The main purpose of the feed back that is constructive in the nature is just to help the people to under stand where they stand in the relation to the expected and/or productive job and also the work place behaviour.