Explain Human Resource Planning
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The human resource planning can be defined as the procedure that can be used in order to identify the current human resources needs and also the needs of the future for a particular type of the organization in order to set a fixed type of the vision and ultimately to achieve the set of the goals that have been set. This type of the planning is very critical and vital in the type of the scenario that has been created in the today’s world as this type of the planning helps in serving as the most important link between the management of the human resource and to the over all strategic planning of an organization. The process of the human resource planning is a kind of the scientific process that helps in planning for the employee development that is designed to make way for the good and the excellent use of the various types of the workers that are available with the various types of the skills in an organization. This type of the planning helps organization in finding out the various types of the loop holes that may be present and then plan with a vision to fill in the gaps by the proper corrective type of the measures or the training that will surely lead to the improvement in the over all business planning process of an organization. This type of the planning helps in the linking of the needs of the human resource of an organization to the strategic planning of an organization as by doing so it is very necessary to ensure that the staffing of the organization is enough to cope up with the development process that is going on in the organization.
The human resource planning is a continuous process that goes on in the due course of the time leading o the systematic planning in order to achieve the optimum use of the assets of the organization that is the man power or the work force. With the help of the human resource planning it becomes possible for the organization to ensure the best fit between the various types of the employees and the jobs that are available while avoiding the man power shortages or the surpluses. It helps in the fore casting of the needs of an organization of the human resource in the present and that of the future as well. The human resource planning involves an in depth study and the analysis of the human resource in the past, the various types of the problems that have been faced by the organization relating to the human resource and that could have been prevented if the company could have planned in the advance it self and by doing so, the problems could have been avoided or reduced and the various types of the wastage due to all this could have been avoided. It forms the major part of the managerial function. It ensures the right amount of the people at the correct places and also at the correct times leading to minimum of the wastage. But along with this comes the responsibilities of the human resource as well. The Human resource planning forms a very important part of the success of the organization as with this type of the planning, the company is able to ensure that the company will succeed in the achievement of all its targets that have been set by the company for a particular frame of the period and hence it forms the integral part of the any type of the organization. It is very necessary that the human resource planning that is also referred to as the man power planning consist of putting the correct no of the people and also the right kind of the people at the right place, doing the correct type of the things that are very well suited for the achievement of the goals of the organisation that have been set. Along with the human resource planning, one must concentrate on the proper type of the career planning for the employees, which ultimately will help them in the achievement of the goals as with this it is ensured that the augmentation occurs and with this the organisation is made a much better place to work at.
The human resource planning is just like the planning we do in our day to day life to achieve the things in that particular day or a month and all this is done so that the vision about what is to be achieved is clear and with this one will be able to work with much more focus and in the right type of the direction. The success of an organization depends a lot on the skills of the employees followed by the creativity and the dedication of the employees. Many of the companies have been observed not giving much of the attention to the human resource planning but it has been observed that they are not that success full in the long run as the human resource planning helps a lot in dealing with the lot of the issues in a very effective way and as a result of this a lot of the problems are solved and a lot of the problems don’t even occur. The planning of the human resource forms the smaller part of the gamut of the human resources and as a result of this it is referred to as the systematic analysis of the needs of the human resource that help in the ensuring of the right no of the employees with the necessary skills that are required. Before doing any type of the planning, it is very necessary to under stand the objectives that need to be achieved and this is exactly the reason for seeking the employment by most of the job seekers. There should not be any type of the instance when the requirements are neglected by the authorities as it can lead to the poor type of the performances and then to the various types of the industrial issues. But it is easier said than done as planning in any of the case is not at all easy. The human resource planning requires a lot of the serious concentrated efforts in order to come up with such a programme that will help to make the work easy. Hence it becomes a lot more important that the right types of the human resource planning programmes are launched. Formal training forms the bottom line of the human resource planning and is mandatory in the nature. With the help of this type of the training, it becomes possible to execute the talent management activities before they are actually needed and this forms the ear mark of a very successful business. With the passing of the time, the age of the work forces goes on increasing and as a result of this there occurs a shortage of the critical talent being among the biggest types of the challenges that are being faced today by the various types of the organisations.
Planning is mainly done for a particular type of the purpose that is commenced from some where and then completed for a particular type of the person. It involves the gathering of the information that will help the managers to take the firm type of the decisions and then the information that is collected is used for the achievement of the goals that have been set by the organization. The planning helps in defining the strength of the organization, the type of the work force the company is already possessing, what steps should be taken in order to make complete use of the various sources that are available and it also helps in defining the way the company can retain its employees. The company is able to move much more smoothly and grows towards the successful company. The human resource planning also involves the proper type of the planning of the career of the employees and then help them n achieving the goals. The human resource planning involves the steps of the fore casting followed by the inventory followed by the audit of the inventory. The next step that comes in to the lime light is of the human resource plan followed by the actioning of the plan and then finally followed by the step of the monitoring and the control of all the phases. But all this is not at all easy. The human resource department is always on the toes as it has to control the movement of the employees, has to retain the employees and also side by side bring in the new type of the faces according to the need of the organisation by looking in to the various types of the factors so that both the parties are mutually benefited, the organisation gets the best employee and the employee gets the best organisation to work with and this forms the basis of any type of the organisation.