
What is the importance of Advice in Business Management

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Advice in general terms can be defined as the views at personal level of what one should do in which way and when to do depending on the various types of circumstances prevalent at that particular moment. So to be exact it is a specific process of the action depending on the type of the situation with the motive to initiate the behavioural change depending on the view of the receiver. This whole process involves the involvement of the personal views of the advisor that is very much likely to be subjective in the nature. It is not at all objective neutral type of the information and also not factual in the property. The moment of the advice is mainly downwards that is in the horizontal direction as when ever there is a specific flow of the advice to the various subordinates from the boss and it is called as the downward advice. When ever the expert in the very specific field helps the management of the company in the function discharging in a very better view, then the advice is said to be flowing in the horizontal direction. There are times when an individual at the personal level and also at the work station is not able to understand or take certain decision required due to the lack of the proper guidance or the no how of the certain process or the product.

At this point of the times advice comes out to be very handy. In the present situation of the extensive competition the team work plays a very critical role in the growth of an individual as the operation of the business in the present day scenarios are somewhat complex in the nature and are straight ward and are not at all simple in the conduct. There are different types of the branches of the knowledge that have emerged towards taking steps in order to handle the various factors that are effecting taxation, finance, marketing as well as the advertisement followed by the engineering, production, human resource development and many more. One truth that needs to be appreciated is that there is no type of the executive in the business that is expected to be having an in depth knowledge of all the fields so in the other words it can be said that everyone needs the advice at different moments at the professional as well as the personal level. One of the features of advice is that depending on the various circumstances and how the remitter remits it and how the receiver receives it moves towards the fact that advice can sometimes help and sometimes harms the receiver. In order top make sure that the advice plays a helpful role and not a harmful role it must be given on a very selective basis with utmost accuracy.


The advice must be given only when the recipient is in need of the advice and is fully prepared for it as in opposite scenario it can lead to time wastage accompanied by the wastage of the energy of the advisor. There must be confidence in recipient towards the advice of the advisor and also receiver should have faith in experience, sincerity and knowledge of the advisor. Advisor should give advice only after keeping in mind the possible dimensions that could affect the receiver. Advisor should give advice based on the level of understanding of the receiver so that he could understand the advice completely without having any doubt in it. Moreover the level of advice should be in reach of the receiver so that he could easily afford to act upon the advice of the advisor. Advisor’s tone while giving the advice should be sincere so that it could be in favour of the receiver. The advisor should not develop the sense of inferiority complex in the receiver. It can be given directly or indirectly. In case of direct advice sender should be close to receiver and receiver should be the first one to ask for the advice. Second way of giving an advice is to give it indirectly by telling what you would have done if you were in the same situation. Advice should not be imposed on anyone. Advice imposed is called an order not an advice. One should not force anyone to follow his or her advice. It should be the decision of the receiver whether the advice should be followed or not. He cannot be forced to opt for the advice of the receiver. It is very important to take care of the needs of the receiver in case of giving the advice to him. There should be better understanding and mutual faith in advisor and sender.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:January 1, 2018

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