How to implement a strategy properly?
Posted in Policy and Strategy |
While it is very important that a good strategy should be formulated, it is also very important that a strategy should be implemented properly. Therefore, the below mentioned steps can help in implementing a strategy properly.
1. Proper communication of strategy: The first step that needs to be ensured in the proper implementation of a strategy is that it should be effectively communicated to the managers who have the responsibility of making decisions in the organization. It is very necessary that the strategies adopted by the organization are communicated and understood in the same way in which the framers of the strategy wants them to be, otherwise desired results cannot be achieved from these strategies. For example the top-level management of the company is clear regarding the strategy and the results that are expected to be achieved by such a strategy but if this information has not been properly communicated to the relevant managers, these objectives may not be achieved by the strategy.
2. Developing and communicating planning premises: Planning premises can be described as the expected environmental factors in which the plans are going to operate. These assumptions have to be made by the managers while they are formulating plans for the future. The managers are also required to develop the premises that are significant for the plans and the decisions. At the same time, the strategiesshould also be explained to all the persons who are a part of this decision-making chain. On the other hand, if these premises are not present, the decisions made by the managers will be based on their personal assumptions and predictions and consequently, the plans may also prove to be un-coordinated.
3. Reviewing strategies regularly: A strategy adopted by the organization needs to be reviewed regularly. For example, there can be a change in the conditions or the assumptions on which the strategy had been based upon. Therefore if these strategies are not suitably changed to deal with the changed circumstances, they may lose their relevance in the new conditions. Therefore, the constant review of the strategies helps in updating them whenever the need arises.
4. Developing contingent strategies: It is always possible that a change may take place in the external environment of the organization or its competitive factors. Therefore, it is necessary that the managers should also formulate strategies for these contingencies. The certainty of environment can never be expected. Therefore even if the objectives and programs have become obsolete as a result of these changes, the managers are required to proceed with the most credible premises that are possible. In this way the presence of contingency plans can help the managers in such situations.
5. Organizational structure should be suitable: The structure of the organization needs to be developed in such a way that it helps in the fulfillment of the goals of the organization. Similarly it should also help the managers in making appropriate decisions and putting their plans into effect. If possible, each person should be given the responsibility of achieving a particular goal and implementing the strategies required for achieving such a goal. At the same time, the key areas and the end results should also be identified. Responsibilities should be assigned to single positions in the organization as far as possible. As a result, by adopting this type of organizational structure, the strategies may prove to be more effective in achieving their objectives.
6. Strategy implementation: Strategy implementation should remain the focus of constant emphasis in the organization. Although, it may be difficult to repeat the same objective again and again, however it will certainly help in achieving the desired results. The reason is that even if a good strategy has been formulated, if such strategy is not implemented properly, it will not be able to achieve its objectives.