
Explain variations in Gantt Charts?

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Variations in Gantt charts (Load charts)
Gantt charts are used with a lot of variations in order to prepare load charts. Indicating the load by numerals is one of the methods. Load charts are generally required for knowing the accumulated load at a given time for a given machine – a load chart also specifies the work which is to be carried out in each section or each department of the company, during the period under review. During the preparation of the load chart, one must be careful about the following –

1. Number of the holidays during the period under review.
2. Average sickness or the anticipated sickness.
3. Absenteeism.
4. Jobs on hand.
5. Jobs on the machines.
6. Commitments of the delivery of the jobs on hand.
7. Number of machines under servicing or overhauling or re – conditioning.


Besides Gantt charts, there are a large number of scheduling devices – some of the companies for the same purpose, have been observed to use sliding tapes, pegs, strings, track boards etc.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:July 23, 2010
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