What is Speech? Also define its characteristics
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The speeches and presentation are one of the very important parts of the business communication. One who knows how to communicate the things with the others in an effective way is all successful in his business deeds to a great extent. The most important work in business is the interaction only. The interaction leads to the exchange of the ideas of the mind of one person to the other person. The business executives have to make the business interaction due to which speech and presentation form a very important part of their personality. It is very important for the employees in any business organization to be interactive an effective way in order to communicate well with others and hence overpower themselves as compared to other organizations. The interactions are made through the speeches in the seminars, meetings, conferences etc. in order to convince the people to buy their products. The chairman or the person at the higher post needs to interact with the people at subordinate level so they deliver speech at the meetings or annual gatherings. Once one gets skilled in this he feels it to be more important than the technical training and all.
It is because convincing the people about the product is more important than making them involved in your business by other means. The interaction is the first step in the business. If the first interaction is good then the whole process becomes smooth. The success and effectiveness of the company depends upon the ability of the company to share the ideas with creativity. The speeches and the presentations involve the basic principles of the oral communication only. One needs to keep in mind the oral communication fundamental in order to make the speeches and the presentation a complete success. The speeches or oral communications keep the power of influencing the people which is difficult to attain with the help of the written communication. The verbal communication is more effective as it involves the expression of the person that creates more trust in the communication process rather than the written communication that does not have any emotion or expression. The enthusiasm and confidence is created in the person through the oral communication. The speeches are formal in the nature and given in the occasion which are formal. On the other hand the presentations are shorter than the speeches and they are not that much formal as compared to the speeches. The presentation is given with the help of the visual-audio aids and the queries of the audience are solved side by side. It is the different things to speak and to speak well.
The most important feature for the speech is the clarity. One should be clear in his ideas. He should have good hold on the language. He should be so clear to the listener that he is understood immediately by the listener as soon as he listens to him. The second requirement of the good speech is the length. The length of the speech should neither be too long or too short. The interest of the listener is lost if the speech is too long. The speech made is too short it will also end up in not gaining the interest of the audience. The topic should be concentrated in this regard and hence should be relevant data should be discussed which is connected to the main topic. Nothing irrelevant and off track things should be discussed in the speech. This may lead to the loss of interest of the listener or the audience that ends up in failure of the speech given. Only few selection pints of issue should be elaborated without putting focus on the unrequited information. The speech should be informative so that it could be of use to the audience. The speech without any information is of no use. The listener will be bored if the speech does not contain any information. The repetitive speech also creates boredom for the audience. If the speaker is repeating a same point again and again that is already known to the speaker then the speaker will result in the boredom for the audience. The interest will be lost in the speech and audience will turn deaf ear to the speaker. The speech should be interesting and the topic of the speech should be of interest of the listener. It should not only appeal to the minds of the listeners but also to the hearts of the listeners. If the speaker is able to touch the heart of the listener then he will be easily able to gain the confidence of the listener. He can easily win the heart of the listener. It is the most desirable effect that a speaker expects to make on the mind of the listener. The speaker should give speech that is turned on the wavelength of the listener.
If a speech is give to the trainees then the use of the technical terms is of no harm. However if the same technical terms are used among the share holder then the shareholders may find it difficult to understand the few things hence losing interest in the speech. The personal touch is also required in case of the speech as too much formal speech may also lead to the loss of interest of the public. If the speech is some what containing a personal touch it helps in developing friendly relationship between the listener and the speaker. The speaker should be able to convey the good speech by the keeping the concrete facts in his speech rather than keeping the vague facts. The tangible and concrete facts draw the interest as well as the attention of the listener to the great extent. The good speaker delivers a speech with the intensified and exact naturalness. The natural ways of delivering the speech result in gaining the interest of the audience as the result of which only subject matter is focused. The things should be taken in natural way in time of delivering the speech too.