Improvement of Communication by Self Development
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The communication skills and the way one communicates are improved by the process of self development. In the process of self development one can listen carefully and get to know the feelings of others in a deeper and better way. This is difficult for a person who keeps ego and high attitude. A person who is highly educated can easily understand the things in deeper way than the one who is illiterate or have studied less. A person who is self evolved can write itself in a better and creative way. It is because creativity requires transcendence with the emotions that are negative in the nature and also familiarity of the person with the petty objects. Such experience of detachment, identification and transcendence are gained through the process of self development. It is very important to improve these kinds of things and let them grow in our life. It is because through these things one can learn true art of living. By interacting positively by the others one can exchange ideas in a better way. The mutual understanding is generating by sharing of ideas in a better way. In this way one can live a happy life by sharing of ones thoughts with other in a positive manner. A self developed person can move along with others in a better way. One can easily think of doing the things of greater vision if one is positive in his mind and thoughts.
Sometimes conflicts take place between us due to some of our inner conflicts. Negative thought process can lead to everything negative. Our whole day can be poisoned if we start our day with something negative. The harmony with the outer world can be maintained only by settling our inner self by the positive means. The self developed people can understand others better as they are capable of accepting essence and unique existence of every individual. They hardly try to dominate others as they are themselves not dominated by this kind of the wish of dominating others. They are capable of exercising power by being powerless and prove useless through uselessness that is apparent. Hence it is important to be neutral while accepting the personality of different people in the world. Self development makes the way towards synergistic cooperation and skills of communication. A process of communication in any kind of the organziation can fail because of lacking of trust and also because of lack of the cooperation level among the employees of that is very important to accept the quality of self development as it helps to bring trust among the employees of the organziation too along with the trust in that individual.
Sense of satisfaction prevalence the trust is developed mutually among the people of a particular organization. We all influence each other and also get influenced by others. Trust is something mutual. If we trust someone they trust us back sooner or later. Hence trust is breeded by trust. This is same with the case of cooperation. When there is high trust and cooperation then situation is win-win and people think in positive way about that system or organization. One can communicate in a very free manner if the trust and coopertaion is high. Hence chances of success are more. When both the factors are less then there are the chances of any organization becoming protective, defensive or legalistic. The respectful communication takes place between two mature people who can communicate politely without giving arise to any awkward situation. If the cooperation and trust are low then there is a situation of win lose or lose win. Then comes the mid way when the cooperation and trust are half way good then it is the situation of compromise. One has to adjust according to other in order to make the things get going. Then comes the turn of the synergistic situation where there is always win-win situation. The authentic leadership is also useful for self development. By the help of leadership one can get to influence people and in return get their cooperation by their will. A successful leader has qualities like authenticity, integrity, deep penetrating insight along with the clear vision. Self development brings out these qualities in a person. Such kind of people inspires others to great level. They induce the positive atmosphere and let others being interactive by taking the initiative. This kind of atmosphere is healthy for any communication to take place. Sometimes due to lack of integrity and honesty in the boss, the employees do not listen to him. But one can become a good leader by the help of self development. It is easy to use the process of self development not only to develop our own inner self but for the people surrounding us.
It is because the self development leads to the generation of the atmosphere that is completely positive for letting others to communicate with each other. One can make things go easier by the help of self development process. The self development brings out the best in you. It helps in bringing out the leadership qualities in us. The other qualities like trust and cooperation are generated by the help of this process only. One can easily understand each other by the process of communication skill. The conscious evolution of man depends on writing, speaking and expressing through the body expression. In this way conscious communication helps to excel and evolve. The communication process is made easy through the trust and cooperation in the two parties. The atmosphere of mutual understanding is arisen with the help of it. When a problem is created it cannot be solved by the people of same thinking level. Hence one needs to seek the people who are at different thinking level in order to find a solution to any problem. As a foolish can never know that he is foolish in a same way a defaulter cannot think that he is a defaulter as the level of thinking is the same for both. It is best to make the use of the brain at the right time in order to solve the problem. The mutual understanding and the trust also can solve the problem. Hence the same can be solved through the skilled communication ways.