Explain Interdepartmental Communication?
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The communication in the department is carried out by the help of the memos and the routine form messages among the various branches and the divisions of the same company. With the help of interdepartmental communication the information is routed and acknowledgement of the goods received or sent is taken. The data is also transferred in form of the receipts regarding various matters and they are used to initiate many actions. The things kept moving with the help of these messages when transferred from one place to the other. It is very necessary to make the things go smooth by making its flow uninterrupted. The written letters are used to communicate outside the department with the other ones and the other parties that are external. The written communication is also used within the organization or any company. The process of written communication is used in the form of the office circulars, memos, office orders, notes, letters to regional office or letters to the branch office etc. The requirements and formulas for this type of communication in inter department is same as that of the process that is used in the letter writing with the other departments.
The interdepartmental communication is somewhat direct and straight forward. It is not at all complex in nature and the impact of the words on the reader is nothing to worry about in this case. This does not mean the language used will be cold or harsh. The principle of courtesy and the consideration should not be avoided. In this case we need not be that particular about our language as it is written to the subordinates and it can carry language of simple courtesy along with following the rules of the simple departmental correspondence. The aim of writing these inter departmental messages is to move forward a simple and clear cut message that is spread easily and quickly without any confusion within the department. The inter departmental written messages consists of various types that includes office memos, circulars, orders, notes, letter to the regional office, letter to the branch office, house organ, newsletters, bulletins etc. The memos are the short form of the word Memorandum. The word memorandum refers to the note that is used to help the memory or making the memory to remember a particular task. This is the type of the internal communication that is used within the department and its flow can be upward, downward or horizontal. It is helpful for summarizing the important information and suggests the action to be taken. It can also be called as the interoffice memorandum. The main target of the memo is to convey or record the information and decision in order to make the short requests. Basically the memos are used to convey the routine messages, to submit periodical reports, to communicate changes that are made in the organization, to issue the instructions to the staff or changes in the instructions that had been already issued to the staff, to confirm the decision taken telephonically, to call explanation on some matter of the conduct, to ask certain special information or to grant or withdraw the certain permission in order to do something important. The memos are generally in the written and the printed form.
The headings of the memo contain the name of the company or the organization that is issuing that memo. The further references is given by the words like No. or the date followed by the colons. This explains the reference number and the date of the memo on which it has been written. The sender is indicated by the help of the column that bears the word ‘To’. The topic of the memo is introduced in the column mentioning the ‘subject’. The memo has various advantages which include the factors like inexpensive, convenient, future reference, quick and the establishment of accountability. The memos are kept in office record so that it may be kept for the future reference. The copy of the memo is issued to the concerned and the office copy is preserved for the office record. Since the memo is circulated from hand to hand and it does not need any other means for transferring the information it is considered as the cheapest form of means of communication. This types of communication helps to transfer the information quickly without any delay within the same day of the issue of the memo. It is as convenient and easy form of communication. It is because the memos are easy to read and write due to their easy and simple language. The necessary things like person, date etc and other headings are printed in a proper standardized form. It is therefore understandable that memos take comparatively lesser time than letter for writing, transmitting and reading them. The letters are transferred through the proper channel so it takes more time for transmitting. The memos being transferred from hand to hand is transferred quickly without any type of the delay. The memos are kept in office record for future reference and hence they are stored in office files and computer discs for the same purpose. It is quick and the smooth flow of the communication with the help of the memos within the department or any organization. With the help of the memos and their exchange, employees and executives can convey their messages without disturbing each other’s routine or wasting time. The memos are the record of the decisions and the facts. They are helpful in establishing the accountability. Hence they can be used for the smaller events or the requests rather than using the verbal conversations or the telephones. Hence there are many advantages for the memo. One can use memo for many purposes to deliver any information without any delay and it can be delivered without any wastage of time. The memos are helpful in delivering the information in a convenient way which is quick. The advantages of the memo should be kept in mind before opting for any other means of communication as it is the most quick and easy way of communication within the department. However even after having lots of advantages it still have some disadvantages on the emotional level.
When someone issues memo for something negative or contains orders against someone then it is hurting. It is better not to write a memo than to write anything bad. However there are some of the situations in which it is necessary to issue the memo. These are the situation in which it is necessary to fix the responsibility of someone and the punishment needs to be given. Hence the memo is required to be issued in that case and these kinds of situations are unavoidable some times. The use of memo for calling an explanation by the executives should not be frequent one. It should be avoided in the minor cases where the things are not so serious or offense is not big one. The person whose explanation is taken with the help of the memo feels embarrassed for the memo to be issued to him. He has to go through the back biting of the people and hence the environment of the organization or the company is spoilt to some extent. It leads to the creation of the cynicism which is very harmful for the growth and the development of the organization. These kinds of things are harmful as they effect the organization in negative way. One can easily curb the growth of the organization by this way. It is the way of polluting the environment of the organization. The frequent use of the issuing the memo should be avoided as it leads to the negative environment in the organization. The issuance of memo cannot bring any change in the organization. The different level of the executives and the employees should be involved while issuing the memo. The chain of command should be kept in mind along with the chain of understanding. In order to write the effective memos it should be kept in mind that memo should be in an easy language and the style of the memo should be direct one. The plain facts are stated in the objective and the direct way. In memo it is not at all important to create the emotional appeal or the psychological impact to the readers of that memo. Many things are needed to be kept in mind while drafting and designing the written message. There are three stages that are needed to be kept in mind when it comes to drafting of a memo. Those stages include the pre writing stage, writing stage and the rewriting stage. The pre writing stage includes the identification of the purpose of writing the memo. The writer of the memo should determine the audience and the person for whom the memo is to be written. The scope of the subject should be established before it could be written. The data and the references related to the memo should be collected all beforehand. While writing the memo the purpose should be kept in the mind and the need of the reader should also be under consideration.
The facts should be organized in a logical sequence and the sequence can be of different types. The sequence can be of chronological, functional, geographical, problem and situation type or question and answer type. The chronological sequence is used if outline of the history of a situation or project is needed. In the case the function of the products are needed to be discussed the functional order is followed. The geographical sequence is followed when the routine activities like the production and the sales are to be reported according to the regions. In case the reader’s possible question are anticipated then the question and answer type is needed to be followed. The problem and solution wise sequence is used when the capsule amount of the situation, its analysis and recommended solutions are required in the memo. The short memos can be written in direct way. The facts can be narrated in a logical manner without dividing the memo in the different parts. If the memo is somewhat long then it is necessary to be divided into parts so that the memo writing can be made easy and proper steps can be followed in order to write the long memos. The summary of the memo, its introduction, discussion and the concluding remarks are the few things that are required to be kept in mind once the long memo is needed to be written. The summary of the memo is necessary in order to highlight the findings, recommendations and the conclusions. The summary should be in the condensed form and should not be long one. The brief summary is sufficient in order to provide the highlight of findings and the conclusions. The introduction part is used in the memo in order to state the purpose and the scope of the memo. The introduction part draws the attention of the readers towards the problem. The introduction of the subject that is related with the memo describes what the memo is all about. The next important part of the memo is the discussion. The discussion should be limited to the few paragraphs and in the language that is easy to understand. This part should be written in the way so that facts can be narrated accurately along with the proper arguments. In order to make the better understanding sections of the discussion are further sub divided in to various sub headings that includes evaluation, statement of the problem, methodology adopted, analysis, conclusions and the recommendations. The concluding remark in the memo should review the main and the important points of the memo. The problem arisen in the memo should be discussed in the concluding part and the action that should be taken in order to avoid the problem is also discussed in this part of the memo. Hence all this parts should be taken in consideration in order to write a proper memo. The other guiding parts that are necessary to follow includes the gather all the reference and the data before hand. The facts should be organized in a logical way. It should be kept in mind to come to the point quickly. The facts that are used in the memo should be accurate one. The action that is needed to be taken should be specified clearly. The active verbs should be used and the tone should be positive one. The technical language should be avoided so that the language of the memo do not get complex to be understood by everyone. The rewriting stage is the last stage of the memo writing which is long one. It includes the review and the revision of the first draft that is made while writing the memo. It helps to make the memo clear, vivid and brief one.
When the first draft is re-written it is required to ensure the incorporation of the most pertinent and the essential information. The irrelevant part should be eliminated and the memo should be kept brief. The attentions should be paid particularly to the accuracy of the facts and the figures and other data that is used in the memo which includes facts, dates, names and quantitative data. The grammar, punctuation error and the spelling mistakes should be correct and should not be neglected. The fine get up should be provided to the memo and the final reading is must to be given to the memo in this stage of the rewriting. The distribution list should be checked in order to make sure that everyone who is required to see the copy does not miss out. The memo writing should follow all the steps in order to write a good memo. It should be complete in all the respects. The memo is necessary to be considered in all aspects so that all the subjects are covered a nothing is left out. The steps to write the memo should be the simple one and the accuracy of the memo is the very important thing. It is because the inaccurate or wrong data circulated can misguide the concerned employee or the members of the organization or the company. The language of the memo should be the simple one and understandable by everyone. The memo should be stored for the future reference and the establishment of the accountability is also important to be kept in the mind. The negative memo that contains the bad words or punishment for the employee or the member of the organization should not be used frequently in order to maintain good environment in the organization. The format of the memo should also be followed so that memo can be prepared in a standardized form. It helps to deliver the clear cut message that gets across the department easily and quickly. The principle of consideration and the courtesy should not be neglected at all. Although there is no requirement of keeping in mind the impact of memo on the reader still needs to follow some particular rule in order to be complete in all the aspects. Another interdepartmental communication medium is the office order. The office orders are the directions that are authoritative in nature. These kinds of orders flow in downward direction. The compliance is required to be made by the subordinate that is very important as the failure of it may lead to the administrative action against the one who is responsible for the incomplete orders. The office orders should be related to the posting transfer, suspension, promotion, fixation of pay, taking of disciplinary action, imposing certain restriction, imposing punishments regarding particular case etc. It is necessary to keep the language of the orders to be direct, concise, complete and clear. The orders should also specify the name of the person for whom they are meant. The steps required for office orders are the same as that of the memo writing. If the office orders are not executed properly they can lead to the behavioural problem.
It is very sensitive matter and should be executed carefully. Before issuing the office many things are necessary to be kept in mind and it includes the specification of the person to whom it is issued clearly. The language of the office order should be simple, concise and clear so that it is understood by the concerned easily without creating any misunderstanding in his mind. The office order should be complete, free from ambiguity and clear. It is also necessary to keep in mind that all concerned are covered while distributing the copies of the office order. The person who is concerned should not be left out as it could be a matter of serious mistake. The office orders needs to be followed properly and strictly as the failure of which can be a punishable offense. The office orders should be clear in the language and the steps should be followed to write the office orders in a proper way. The steps for office orders also contain the steps that are used while writing a memo. It includes a pre-writing stage, writing stage and rewriting stage. These steps are very important in order to make the office orders complete in all aspects. The circulars and the notes are also the medium for the interdepartmental communication. The circulars are issued once one wants to circulate the new ruling, a change in the ruling or the revised ruling. The information that is needed to be circulated to the whole department so as to be implemented on the proper time by all in the departments the circulars are issued. They are used to circulate the main information regarding the ruling that is concerned with the department. It is very important form of the information exchange which is very common. They are basically the letters or the notices that are addressed to the large number of the people in the organization. It is very necessary to circulate these circulars so that information is spread quickly to large number of people. The circulars are used to inform and intimate the group of the employees. They are the letters only that are usually cyclostyled, presented and addressed to a number of persons in an organization. It is used to convey the information to the large number of the people. The circulars can be put on the notice board so that they can be seen by all the employees in the organization. It can also be circulated among the staff for noting it and the signatures of the employees are taken on the staff list in order to ensure that everyone in the organization has noted the information in the department and none is left out. The usual occasions on which the circulars can be issued are the revision of the pay scale, change in working hours, changes of rules of the department etc. these are needed to be noticed down by everyone in order to ensure the compliance by everyone in the organization. The other medium for the interdepartmental communication is the office notes. The office notes are used within the officers of the same rank in order to exchange the information, seek or give the suggestions. They can form an example of the horizontal communication in the written form.
The horizontal communication takes place between the people of same rank in the organization. The rules that are required to be followed for writing the office notes are almost same as that are required at the time of writing the memos. The method used for communicating with higher authorities is the letters to the regional office. Any business organization is required to communicate to its regional office and hence they are required to write letters to them. These subject matters that are related with the letters are covering the letter with the reports that are periodically written like sales reports, budgets; stock reports etc. the letters are also required to write in order to seek clarification as well as directions on various matters like the administrative policies and procedures. The letters can also be written in the case regarding the employee’s service matter like promotion, confirmation, the transfer etc. Hence the letter to regional office can be written in the case of seeking the information or advice from the higher authorities. It can be used to reply or intimate the information that has been asked to them. The letter to branch office is written in the form of the circulars. It is normally in the form of the rules, policies, regulations or procedures. The purpose of the letter is to bring the coordination and the harmony for smooth functioning of the all branches. The special circular letters are written in order to inform all the branches about the decision of the administration that affect the welfare of all the employees. The other important devices for the communicating the information of the organization is the bulletin, house organ and the newsletter. The organizations are very big now a days so it is not at all easy to inform all the members of the organization orally. Hence it is necessary to provide a full fledge notice board that is well organized is provided to the organization. However it should be backed by the printed or published house journals to enable the employees to have timely information. It can be in the form of the cyclostyled sheets or brochure that is glossy and it can be used in the form of the bulletin, house organ or newsletter. The house organ is basically the periodical that is issued by an organization or any business unit for its members or the employees for presenting the activities of the department, its employees and the executives. The bulletin is the brief account or statement as of news or events issued for the public information. The newsletter is a written report that is issued periodically and is made for the group of organization to share the information to the employees or the contributors. The difference between all these three is regarding its form rather than its content. These are all meant for internal circulation but however it is still supplied to the outsiders or the public. They are all supplied periodically after some interval or according to the demand of the occasion. In the organizations that are small the staff members produce these but the large organization elects a special editor to do this work. That editorial staff do all the work of publishing the newsletter, house organ or the bulletins for that large organization. The main objectives of the house organ and the bulletin include the providing of information to the employees regarding the performance, products and profitability of the organization. The financial and the operational activities of the organization are informed through these newsletters, the house organs or the bulletins. The anti organization and anti management rumors are overcome with the help of issuing the actual facts through these type of the communication system in any organization.
The good image of the organization is reflected through this process and its employees and its executives are also projected with the positive image. The sense of belongingness and the pride is originated among the employees. The creative impulse of the employees is channelized through these channels and they are the best form to do this. The innovative suggestions that are given by the employees are published in it and it given the proper space for the ideas of the employees of that organization. The employees get motivated so that they are identified as the part of that organization and they can prove themselves in this way. The social news is spread through these mediums of the communication and the employees are kept updated through it. The employees and their families can be entertained through it by using the photographs, cartoons, joke etc as the part of the newsletter, house organs or the bulletins. These are the main objectives of the house organs and the bulletins. It helps to make the communication easy within the department and the people can easily communicate through these sources without any type of the difficulty. The interdepartmental communication should be used in a positive way only as it can spread rumours of the information shared through this process is misleading. The grapevine process of communication can ruin the environment of the organization due to wrong information being spread. Hence the newsletter, house organs and bulletin scan remove all the doubts and the confusion regarding all the rumours spread in an organization. The bulletins, newsletter or the house organs contains the different sections that include the message of the chief executives or chairman, the editorial, the company news sections, the general reading section, entertainment section and the photographs. In order to make the newsletter, bulletins and the house organ effective we need to take care of the few things.
The percentage of all male and the female employees should be known before issuing the house organs, bulletins and the newsletter. The issues that are required to be discussed in the advance are periods of the publication, number of copies that are required to be issued, budget constraints, the form of the printing and the format of the publication. A committee can be formed that represent the employees of different level and the locations so that news can be spread to more number of employees and for greater coverage of the news. The format of the publication needs to be changed or altered gradually. The language used should be simple in nature so that it is understood by everyone quickly. The use of the photographs should be made at the proper place so that illustration can be given by explaining the things in broader way. The final printing that is required to be taken out should be free from all the mistakes. The participation of the employee should be encouraged for creative designing and writing. The publication should contain a variety of entertaining as well as educating the things in addition to the information of the enterprise, executives and the employees. The delivery of the newsletter, house organs or bulletins should be ensured so that information can be provided to everyone. The main objective of these mediums is just the delivery of the information to the all members within that organization without any delay.