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A Productive Resume

In the today’s world one not only needs to be a hard worker but should always necessarily be a smart worker as well. No one can take the points from the hard worker, one should always be a hard worker as this will always pay in some form or the other but the result can be instant some times and at times the time taken can be more. But along with this, the scenario that is present in the world today is that the level of the competition in each and every level of the stream is very high and every one is very keen to go up and moving the others down and for this some can do any thing that is required of them. The first and the major part that comes before entering in to this world of the competition after the studies is that of having a very good and a very productive resume. This forms the very major policy of the smart working strategy. One’s resume is a very potent tool that has the power to land you an human resource call and then may be the dream job that you have been always waiting or dreaming for. These resume writing tips can always increase your chances of the securing the chance of a call of the inter view. The major part of the resume is that the applicant should be able to express him self that how he is the best one who is fitting in to the job.

A resume is actually a short account of a career of the person that can help in the demonstration as to how the applicant fits the various types of the requirements and the various types of the qualifications that the reader is really and actually in search of and is looking for. This means you can take the various types of the active steps in order to assist the recruiter in helping in to find the what ever he or she is actually looking for, there by leading to the increase in the no of the job inter views you are going o receive.

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Explain Financial Literacy

The present scenario where a large emphasis is being given on the digitalisation of the various financial transactions taking place in the economy of the India, the parameter of the financial literacy becomes a lot more critical and important in the nature and the working. The most important point that needs to be under stood here is that in this case of the financial literacy, the major problem that comes in to the lime light is that the term financial literacy sounds like an alien to the most of the individuals. But as the time is changing so is the banking and the way to bank is changing in our nation of the India, the concept of the financial literacy is now becoming one of the most top priorities for the India as well as the large no of the nations of the whole world. But it can be said that the concept of the financial literacy is much more critical and also very vital for the large no of the developing nations like that of the India, where the majority find the financial literacy beyond the comprehension.

The financial literacy can be defined as the ability that allows using the skills and the knowledge to take its effective and the informed money management decisions. The financial literacy is the need of the hour and it is very urgent that the nation of the India starts adapting in to the system so that the proper growth in a phased manner can take place. As per a global survey conducted by the Standard & Poor’s Financial Services L L C (S & P), only the 25 percent of the adults or less are financially literate in the south Asian countries. For an average Indian, the financial literacy is yet to become a priority. India is said to be the home to the 17.5 percent of the world’s population and nearly 76 percent of its adult population does not under stand even the basic financial concepts. The survey confirms that the financial literacy in the India has consistently been poor as compared to the rest of the world. It can be detrimental to the India’s ambition of becoming an economic super power in the coming years. The financial literacy puts a great amount of the burden on the nation of the India in the form of the higher cost of the financial security and the lesser prosperity. The most of the people resort to the investing more in the physical assets and the various short term instruments which clearly conflicts with the greater need for the long term investments, both for the house holds in order to meet their life stage goals and for meeting the country’s capital requirements required for the infra structure. In addition, there are certain erroneous beliefs associated with the financial literacy, the most common being the myth that the one who is literate or rich is financially literate too. The need of the hour is for a drastic over haul of the approach to the savings and the investment by the Indian house holds.

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Performance Management

This level of the management can be referred to as the very critical part or stage of the human resource as a branch of a tree. The performance management refers to the procedure that is followed by the managers or the employers and the employees together in order to plan, then monitor and also review the work done by the employee and take care of the his or her objectives and then finally considering the over all contribution of an individual as a whole towards the organization. The major part that plays a very important role in the management of the performance of an individual or as a whole involves keeping the right type of the people that are required by the organization and are most suitable for the enhancement of the performance of the organization as a whole or an individual basis. This term of the performance management is not just an annual performance review but it is a process that is a continuous process that play a very critical and the vital role in the settlement of the various objectives that have been set and then assessing the progress of the work that has been done and finally providing the on going coaching and the feed back in order to ensure that the employees working for an organization are meeting the objectives that have set individually and also playing there very urgent and vital part for meeting the objectives that have been set by the organization as a whole. On going coaching and followed by the step of the feed back is also done.

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The Upper Caste Sense of Grievance

There has always been a caste system prevalent in the India from the past times and is still continuing. The caste system in the India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of the caste. It has the origins in the ancient India and also was transformed by the various types of the ruling elites in the medieval, the early modern and then the modern India specially the empire of the mughals and then the British raj. The system of the castes has been dividing the Hindus in to the 4 main categories and these can be named as the Brahmins, the kshatriyas, the vaishyas, the shudras. It is also said and is very strictly believed that the 4 types of the groups have originated from the Brahma, who is actually referred to as the god of the creation of the Hindus. A caste system is actually is a system of the structure of the class that is actually determined by the birth of an individual. Out side the caste system of the Hindus were the achhoots, which included the dalits or the untouchables. The various types of the facilities, starting from the birth of the child were dependent on the fact that in which type of the family the individual was born.

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Human Resource – Utilisation in the Various Sectors

In the state of the Punjab, the farmers are very highly dependent on the cultivation of the intensive wheat and the rice and this factor has led to the adverse environmental consequences in the form of the rapid ground water depletion and the soil degradation. Also the changing patterns of the consumption of the house holds towards the high value horticulture product like the various types of the vegetables and the fruits, the dairy products, the animal products, are some of the new profitable alternatives to the farmers. The government of the state of the Punjab has been in the recent times making special and the continuous efforts in order to boost and further encourage the diversification of the crop in the state and this is mainly being done by laying a lots of the emphasis and the focus on the diversification in the maize, the sugar cane, the farm forestry, the cotton by providing the various types of the incentives to the farmers in order to make the agriculture more and more economical in the nature. The Punjab agro food grains corporation PAFC has been successfully bringing and hence in the other words increasing the area under the basmati, the hyola, the sun flower, the malting barley, the maize through the contract farming. An initiative or a scheme in other words started by the government of the state of the Punjab in order to boost and also encourage the diversification of the crops with the help of the development of the horticulture is being implemented. Five citrus estates have been set up and the new varieties of the citrus fruits are being supplied to the farmers.

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