The Upper Caste Sense of Grievance
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There has always been a caste system prevalent in the India from the past times and is still continuing. The caste system in the India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of the caste. It has the origins in the ancient India and also was transformed by the various types of the ruling elites in the medieval, the early modern and then the modern India specially the empire of the mughals and then the British raj. The system of the castes has been dividing the Hindus in to the 4 main categories and these can be named as the Brahmins, the kshatriyas, the vaishyas, the shudras. It is also said and is very strictly believed that the 4 types of the groups have originated from the Brahma, who is actually referred to as the god of the creation of the Hindus. A caste system is actually is a system of the structure of the class that is actually determined by the birth of an individual. Out side the caste system of the Hindus were the achhoots, which included the dalits or the untouchables. The various types of the facilities, starting from the birth of the child were dependent on the fact that in which type of the family the individual was born.
Depending on this, the individual was given education, the knowledge imparted depended up on the type of the caste he or she belonged to and depending o the caste only it was decided that what type of the work he or she will do. To improve all this, the government of India took various types of the steps to improve the life of the lower caste people as it was referred to as. In the independent India, the leaders of this nation worked up on this piece and it was as a whole decided that the nation of the India will be democratic, socialist and a secular country. So it can be said that according to this condition, there is a separation between the religion and the state. Practising the UN touch ability and hence taking place of the discrimination of a person on the basis of the caste is legally for bidden. With the help of this what has changed is that the government of the India is able to allow the positive discrimination of the various types of the classes that are depressed in the nature. As a result of all this, the citizens of the India have become more and more flexible in the customs of the system of the caste. In a normal and the general point of the view, the people living in the urban parts of the nation of the India are very less strict in the nature about the system of the caste that is prevailing in the nation of the India as compared to the people living in the rural areas. As the other side of the coin, the experience in the case if the cities is entirely different. In the cities one is able to only see the different types of the people of the various types of the caste mingling with each other but this is not the case in the rural parts of the nation as here still there is a sense of the discrimination based on the caste and still some times on the basis of the UN touch ability.
Now in the modern India, various cases have come in to the existence where the various groups of the people have come up demanding some type of the quotas based on the type of the caste they belong to. Recently the Maratha march has been able to address the upper caste sense of the grievance. After the agitation of the Jat in the state of the haryana and also the patidar protest in the state of the Gujarat, the Maratha march in the state of the Maharashtra is another of the demonstration of the land owning upper castes sense of the grievance over their perceived marginalisation. There is a growing feeling among the once socially, economically and politically dominant sections of the society that they were and now are not, that they are falling behind in a type of the culture that is very acquisitive in the nature. This type of the movement can be right in context of some and may be very wrong in the context of the some others as they believe that the pro reservation politics that has been played since the mandal agitation and the pro market policies, unleashed since the 1991, have left them at a disadvantage vis–a-vis other types of the castes. There children recent the denial of the admission in the institutions of the repute and see the jibs being snatched from them with the help of the unfair practices of the reservations that are in the existence in the today’s India and many a times result in a very un equal and un fair type of a deal. The increasing loss of the political and the economic influence has ultimately forced these once privileged sections of the society to help unite and come out in the streets. Since they depend largely on the land, the poor returns from the agriculture have in turn shrunk there incomes. Government dictated MSPs, heavy cutting down of the subsidies and the pro consumer policies have turned the agriculture in to a huge amount of the loss as compared to the old times. So it can be said the agriculture sector has now become the loss making venture and hence now people have been forced to get out of this. Farmer un rest is a country wide now, though protests and the suicides are limited to the few states only.
The various types of the parties across the whole spectrum of the politics have over the years wooed the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes and also the various types of the back ward classes with the various types of the reservations in the jobs and the various present institutes of the education and as a result of this, it has been able to create a sense of the grievance among the ones who belong to a higher caste but have been forced by the created circumstance to live at the subsistence level. It is not at all with out the reason that the protestors distrust the politicians. Barring Hardik Patel in the state of the Gujarat, the movement has no recognisable face or the leader ship but the protest organisers in all the three above mentioned states, do not let the politicians take the centre stage. This loss of the faith in the political class stands out in all most the every pro reservation agitation by the farmers. The political leader ship in the general and that in the BJP ruled states of the Maharashtra, the Gujarat and the state of the haryana in the particular has a very difficult task of the management of the aspirations of the upper caste and also the resentments of the upper castes. While the importance of the affirmative action for the under privileged can not be ignored at all, the political maturity is at all times required in order to balance the conflicting demands and the interests since the social harmony is at the stake. It needs to be under stood that the consumption driven and the job less growth, encouraged by the flawed policies has created this type of the situation in the nation of the India.
In any of the case the right to the dissent must be protected and the various political parties must not play politics on this very key issue as this is related to the coming young generations. As well said by the out going vice president of the India Mr Hamid Ansari about the need regarding the restraint on the hasty legislation. A day after the out going vice president Mr Hamid Ansari spoke of a feeling of the UN ease among the minorities, in his fare well speech in the Rajya Sabha as the rajya sabha chair man today he cautioned the BJP led union government on the need to protect the various types of the parliamentarian rights of those expressing the dissent. Several leaders of the opposition were the ones who backed his views. Quoting Dr S Radha Krishnan, Ansari said that the democracy is distinguished by the protection it gives to the minorities. A democracy is likely to degenerate in to the tyranny if it does not allow the opposition groups to criticise fairly. But at the same time the minorities also have the responsibilities like any other citizen towards the nation of the India. They have every right to criticise and there this right should not at any point of the time degenerate in to will full hampering and the obstruction of the work of the parliament. Noting that the manner in which the members of the parliament attended to their business was attached by the citizen body, he called the restraint on the hasty legislation. Inside the Rajya Sabha, the BJP struck to the niceties with all the top leaders praising him. Out side the several NDA leaders, criticised his comments on the minorities as petty. As the other side of the coin, Mr M Venkaiah Naidu, the vice president elect of the India was the one who completely rejected the Hamid Ansari views and termed it as the political propaganda pointing towards the view that the there is a sense of the in security among the minorities in the country, apparently a rejoinder to the out going vice president of the India, he said that his advice to all the politicians is that the communities of the various regions should not at all be dragged in to the politics. But on the other hand, Mr Naidu was the one who said that the minorities are very much safe in India and were and are getting their due in the nation of India who has been equal to every one providing the equal type of the rights. He was the one who totally disagreed with the view that the there was growing intolerance in the Indian society and said that the Indian society is the one that is the most tolerant in the world because of its people and the civilisation.
There is tolerance in India for each and every religion and hence this is the reason that in India democracy is that much successful. He also cautioned against the creation of the divide in the nation by the singling out one of the community as it would according to him draw an adverse reaction from other communities. The large no of the individuals who have been belonging to the minorities, have held so key and the prominent positions including the constitutional responsibilities as there is no type of the discrimination. All this was in the response of the points that were raised by Mr Ansari of the facts that there is a type of the unease in the minorities in the back drop of the incidents of the violence by the self proclaimed cow protectors. But in the scenario of the India in its today, has become a lot more flexible in their caste system customs and the people in the maximum of the regions are much more comfortable. In modern India, a large type of the new tensions creep in mainly as a result of the positive discrimination policies. The high caste people generally feel that the policies of the government that have been made for the low caste people are affecting them in a very huge way and hence the tensions creep in as the government has reserved the positions for the low caste people in the various positions in the government jobs or the various types of the institutions but the people who were once said to be privileged are getting badly hit by all this.