What is Sampling? What are its Characteristics, Advantages and Disadvantages?
Posted in Research Methodology |
Introduction and Meaning
In the Research Methodology, practical formulation of the research is very much important and so should be done very carefully with proper concentration and in the presence of a very good guidance.
But during the formulation of the research on the practical grounds, one tends to go through a large number of problems. These problems are generally related to the knowing of the features of the universe or the population on the basis of studying the characteristics of the specific part or some portion, generally called as the sample.
So now sampling can be defined as the method or the technique consisting of selection for the study of the so called part or the portion or the sample, with a view to draw conclusions or the solutions about the universe or the population.
According to Mildred Parton, “Sampling method is the process or the method of drawing a definite number of the individuals, cases or the observations from a particular universe, selecting part of a total group for investigation.”
Basic Principles of Sampling
Theory of sampling is based on the following laws-
• Law of Statistical Regularity – This law comes from the mathematical theory of probability. According to King,” Law of Statistical Regularity says that a moderately large number of the items chosen at random from the large group are almost sure on the average to possess the features of the large group.”
According to this law the units of the sample must be selected at random.
• Law of Inertia of Large Numbers – According to this law, the other things being equal – the larger the size of the sample; the more accurate the results are likely to be.
Characteristics of the sampling technique
1. Much cheaper.
2. Saves time.
3. Much reliable.
4. Very suitable for carrying out different surveys.
5. Scientific in nature.
Advantages of sampling
1. Very accurate.
2. Economical in nature.
3. Very reliable.
4. High suitability ratio towards the different surveys.
5. Takes less time.
6. In cases, when the universe is very large, then the sampling method is the only practical method for collecting the data.
Disadvantages of sampling
1. Inadequacy of the samples.
2. Chances for bias.
3. Problems of accuracy.
4. Difficulty of getting the representative sample.
5. Untrained manpower.
6. Absence of the informants.
7. Chances of committing the errors in sampling.
Very nyc,easy and helpfull!thanx!!
straight to the point and highly helpful
Am glad this info aint pdf…thankx alot
the advantages of sampling. 2. random sampling. 3. statistics random sapling.
simple and clear
Tanx alot de writeup is so useful
thax a lot
Short & straight to the point.kudos
it is helpful but needs more explanations in some terms
Thanx alot for your help
it is very easy to understand sampling but need explanation.
good but limited.
No doubt it is useful but it it better if it is in detail….
neways thxs
Just What I Needed!! A Big Thank You!!
thanx….its useful
Xtremely useful,so glad 2 av access 2 d info.
Thanks for help. Please do one thing more for users . How we develope questionares for research purposes?
yes, the idea is good and simple
its a good one easy to understand
thanks, I got, what I wanted.
thanks for information
Thnks in case if we have less population up to 100 is it best to take all objects individually so that possible errors cannot exist or just take sampling to save time
Really helpful, I would be very useful for us if u post a little more about it.
Precise and really helpful n of all it’s not on the PDF format
A detailed explanation would have been better.
its very useful to finance studied student, thankful to you sir. From mfm students hemgangotri hasan
Very easy to understand n helpful too. Thanks
thank you very much
thax for the information l understood better
Go ahead with the good work,you are spoon feeding us.You are such a wooooow
thank you very much
Well detailed , thanks and GOD BLESS
it’s so helpful but more elaboration is needed for better understanding.
well its helpful and useful…thnkz
Some how helpful but much content left out…thanks for your trial
Its NYC BT more explainations
Thx fo dat. Tho more explanations on the points because dey are listed out
It’s much much helping. Continue assisting in explanations. Thanks for good work.
elaborate on points,good work.
good work
Good points but it would have been better if they have been elaborated well. All in all they have really assisted me in one way or the other.
thnx it is helpful
thank you very much for the good work but to mention only is not good is better to explain for good understanding of other
thanks for good work
interesting and to the point.