What is Artificial Intelligence?
Posted in Principles of Management |
Artificial Intelligence can be defined as an area having over half a century of the history. First of all in the late 1940’s, the emergence of the computers took place and it was during this phase only that the Artificial Intelligence began in the earnest.
These machines have the ability to store huge amount of the data and after this step these machines process it into the information at a very high speed. Although the Artificial Intelligence was born in the 1940’s but it did not receive a great response from the various users at that particular time. It was only in the 1980’s that the Artificial Intelligence received the popular economic and the managerial acclaim. All along during this period, a large amount of the transition took place in the concept of the Artificial Intelligence and one of the main transitions included the transition from a primary research area to the potential commercial applications.
After this period of the major transitions only, the Artificial Intelligence was accepted as an emerging technology and got a very hot response from the different types of the users using it. The major reason of its acceptance was the fact that the Artificial Intelligence does – not replace people but in fact the Artificial Intelligence liberate the experts from solving the common and the simple types of the problems, hence in – turn leaving the experts for solving the various complex problems.
One of the major advantages of the Artificial Intelligence is that it helps to avoid making the mistakes and also helps in responding very quickly to any type of the problem that may arise.
Meaning and the Definition
George Luger and William Stabblefied defined Artificial Intelligence as “a branch of the computer science that is mainly concerned with the automation of the intelligent behavior”.
Dan Patterson defined Artificial Intelligence as “a branch of the computer science concerned with the study and the creation of the computer systems that exhibit some form of the intelligence: systems that learn the new concepts and the tasks, systems that can reason and also draw the useful conclusions about the world around us, systems that can under – stand the various natural languages and perceive and comprehend a visual scene and the systems that perform the other types of the feats that essentially require the human types of the intelligence”.
Artificial Intelligence can be under – stood as the technology playing a very major part in the application of the computers to the areas or the fields, which requires the basic knowledge, the perception, the reasoning, the understanding and the cognitive abilities. By having all this, it really becomes possible to distinguish the human behavior from the machines like the computers etc. Artificial Intelligence actually is the science and the engineering involving the making of the intelligent machines and one major point to be remembered here is that the Artificial Intelligence is related a great deal to the similar task of making use of the computers in order to under – stand the human intelligence. Human intelligence is also referred to as the natural intelligence and the below explained comparison between the Natural Intelligence and the Artificial Intelligence helps a great deal in under – standing the concept of both the Artificial Intelligence and the Natural Intelligence and the basic differences that occur between them.