What are the stages of Staffing?
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Different Stages of the Staffing
1. Man – Power Planning:
a. For performing this step in a very efficient manner, the knowledge about the total staff requirement of an organization is very important.
b. A ready organization chart helps a lot in the man power planning as with the help of the organization chart, one comes to know about – the people who are working, the job involved, the age and the designation of the employees, the years of the work within the organization.
c. An up to date Inventory chart is very much crucial for carrying out the planning of the man power.
2. Position Announcement
a. Involves the advertising, informing the recruiting companies etc.
b. Also at times, involves announcing in the company itself.
c. Depends on the organization or the management of the organization to decide to transfer the internal staff for filling certain vacancy or calling the outsiders for the filling of the various vacancies.
d. Great emphasis is given on the control of the cost during this step.
e. Major steps that are or can be performed during the position announcement can be summarized as the follows
I. Advertising with the media.
II. Targeting certain areas for better working.
III. Deciding the selection criteria.
IV. Deciding the ways for carrying on the interviews in a good phased manner.
3. Interviewing
a. The major steps involved in the process of the interviewing can be summarized as the follows
I. Short – listing of the candidates who have applied for the vacancy.
II. Confirming the interview methodology.
III. Drawing the interview program.
IV. Informing about this program to the prospective applicants.
b. There was a time when the method explained above was the most commonly used methods for carrying on the process of the staffing but this method consumes a lot of time and has now given way to the method called as the ‘Walk – in Interviews’.
c. In this method, the time consumed is comparatively much lesser and the preliminary yes or the no is decided as soon as the man walks in.
d. Great emphasis is given on the communication of the expectations of an organization.
4. Appointment
a. It is very necessary to communicate the results of an interview immediately as far as possible as a part of the business etiquette.
b. Those who are selected should be given the appointment letter.
c. Those who are not selected should be informed immediately as with the help of this, the anxiety in these persons can be decreased.
d. One more point that is very necessary is that the confirmation about the candidates who are joining must be obtained, so that the further things can be planned in a good manner.
5. Induction
a. Induction can be defined as the process of the welcoming of a new person in a job.
b. For properly utilizing the potential of the humans, it is very necessary that the new person assimilates with in the work ethos and the culture.
c. The new person should be made comfortable and familiar to the day to day activities.
d. The work manual that includes the rules and regulations of an organization is also given to the new person. This work manual is also referred to as the ‘induction manual’.
e. The identity card is also given to the new person.
6. Orientation
a. It is very important that each of the members of an organization is well oriented towards the philosophy of the organization.
b. For achieving this orientation, the person should be made to read the concept of the orientation from the manual.