What are the Capabilities and Characteristics of the Expert Systems?
Posted in Principles of Management | Email This PostCapabilities of the Expert Systems
1. Capturing of the expertise.
2. Codifying the expertise.
3. Duplicating the expertise.
4. Transferring the expertise.
5. Saving the human effort’s time.
6. Saving on the maintenance.
7. Up – dating the knowledge base on the regular basis.
Characteristics of the Expert Systems
1. Should be able to display the intelligent behavior.
2. Should be able to explain the reasoning.
3. Should be able to draw the conclusions from the relationships that are very complex in the nature.
4. Should be able to provide the much needed portable knowledge.
5. Should be able to deal with the certainty.
6. Is not used or tested much due to the reason which says that it is difficult to use.
7. Does not possess the ability to deal with the mixed knowledge.
8. Cannot refine own knowledge base.
9. Are very much difficult to maintain.
10. Limited to the narrow problems.
These characteristics are very easy and understandable…..thakyou