What is Lean Manufacturing?
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Lean Manufacturing
Lean Manufacturing can be defined as the manufacturing philosophy, which plays a very vital role in the shortening of the time line between the customer order and the product shipment by eliminating the waste.
Objectives of the Lean Manufacturing can be summarized as follows –
1. To identify the waste elements in a system.
2. To apply value stream analysis to a complex engineering or a manufacturing system.
3. To implement 3 M’s in a complex engineering environment.
4. To be able to identify and then implement the 5 S’s of the lean.
Composition of the Lean Manufacturing can be summarized as –
1. Cells or the flexible assembly lines.
2. Broader jobs, highly skilled workers, proud of product interchangeable parts, even more variety.
3. Excellent quality mandatory.
4. Costs being decreased through the process improvements.
5. Global markets and the competition.
Elements of the Lean Manufacturing are –
1. Waste reduction.
2. Continuous flow.
3. Customer pull.
4. 50, 25, 25 (80, 10, 10) percent gains.
Benefits of the Lean Manufacturing are –
1. 50 % – 80 % reduction in the waste.
2. WIP
3. Inventory
4. Space
5. Personnel
6. Product lead times
7. Travel
8. Quality
9. Costs
10. Delivery
Lean Manufacturing analysis –
1. Value stream
2. Head count
3. WIP
4. Inventory
5. Capacity
6. New business
7. Supply chain
Tools of the Lean Manufacturing are –
1. Waste reduction.
2. Full involvement.
3. Training
4. Learning
5. Cellular mfg
6. Flexible mfg
7. Kaikaku
8. Kaizen
9. 5S
10. Jidoka
11. Poka – yoke
12. Shojimka
13. Teien systems
14. SMED