What are the components of Database Management System?
Posted in Management Information System |
Components of Database Management System are
1. Transaction Management
a. Acts as the sequence of the database operations, which further represent the logical unit of the work.
b. A transaction has the ability to update, delete or also modify a single or a set of the records.
c. When the Database Management System does a ‘commit’ the changes made by the transaction are made permanent.
d. If the changes are not to be made permanent, the transaction can be rolled back and then the database will remain in its original form.
2. Con Currency Control
a. Acts as the database management activity of coordinating the actions of the database manipulation process.
b. The goal of a good and an efficient con currency control is to allow the con currency while maintaining the consistency of the share data.
3. Recovery Management
a. Provides full assurance about the aborted or the failed transactions that these do not create an adverse affect on the database.
b. Ensures that the database is returned to the consistent state after a transaction fails.
c. Recovery relates to the con currency, more is the con currency the more is the chance that an aborted transaction can affect many other transactions.
4. Security Management
a. Involves the protection of the data.
b. Only authorized users are able to access the data in the database.
5. Language Interface
a. Provides support languages.
b. These are used for the definition and also for the manipulation of the data in the database.
6. Storage Management
a. The Database Management System involves a method for the management of the permanent storage of the data.
b. The internal schema tells and explains how the data should be stored by the storage management mechanism.
c. And the storage manager interfaces with the operating system in order to access the physical storage.
7. Data Catalog Management
a. Also called as the Data Dictionary.
b. Acts as the system database containing description of the data in the database.
c. Has information about the data, the relationships, the constraints and the schema.
Very Good Answer.