What characteristics are wanted in the Decision Support System?
Posted in Information Technology |
Characteristics wanted in the Decision Support System
1. Must aid the decision maker in the decision making.
2. Should be able to address the semi/un-structured decision making situations.
3. Should be able to support the decision makers at some of the tactical or the strategic levels.
4. Should be able to create some of the general purpose models, stimulation capabilities and the other analytical tools available to the decision maker.
5. Should enable the users to make use of the Decision Support System without any type of help from the management information system or the technical professionals.
6. Should be able to fulfill the requirements of the information for any type of the decision environment.
7. Must provide the mechanism for carrying on the rapid response to a decision maker’s request for some particular information.
8. Must possess the ability to interface with the corporate database.
9. Should be flexible enough to make it suitable for the various management styles.
10. Should facilitate the much needed communication between the different levels of the decision making.
11. Must have an inbuilt flexibility.
12. Must possess the ability to evolve as the user sophistication grows.
13. Must be able to make use of the various types of the interactive methods that are better for the use.
Factors determining the results in the Decision Support System
1. User training
2. User exercise
3. Involvement
4. Length of the use
5. Top management support
6. Familiarity
7. Orientation towards the top management
8. Novelty of the application
9. Return on the investment