
What is the role of job satisfaction as a motivation technique?

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Job satisfaction is an important technique that is used to motivate the employees. As most of the people spend a major part of their life at the work place, job satisfaction is very important in creating happy employees and happy human beings. An employee who is satisfied also has better physical and mental health. Though job satisfaction cannot be seen it can be inferred as it relates to the feelings of the workers towards their jobs. It is generally determined by how the outcome will meet the expectations or exceed them. The employees who feel that they have to work harder than the other employees or that they are receiving lesser rewards may feel dissatisfied and a negative attitude towards their jobs, their boss and co-workers may creep in. On the contrary the workers who feel that they are paid equitably and treated fairly by their organization feel satisfied with their job and also have a positive attitude towards their jobs. Sometimes the terms job satisfaction and job attitudes are used interchangeably as a positive attitude towards the job is in concept equal to job satisfaction and a negative attitude towards the job can indicate dissatisfaction with the job. Even though the two terms are used interchangeably, there is difference between the two. Job satisfaction is a sub-set of attitude which reflects the feelings of the workers towards the individuals and the organizations. While attitude refers to up predisposition to respond the job satisfaction relates to the performance factors. Similarly attitudes are long lasting but job satisfaction is dynamic and keeps on changing. It can decline very rapidly hence the managers are required to keep an eye on the level of job satisfaction among the employees.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:August 29, 2012

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