What is the importance of Team Work?
Posted in Human Resource Planning and Development |
It is most commonly said that union is strength. The things done in team are done better than the things that are done alone. The division of work in a proper manner and doing the work in unity brings out the better results. The work load gets reduced as he work is divided between the members of the team. Any type of organization is likely to give efficient results when its people work in the form of the team rather working alone. The teamwork develops the synergy where the combined effect of the whole team is far better, greater and effective than sum of the individual effort. The good teamwork also helps to increase the performance of the organization as well as the performance of the individual. It helps in improving the communication system in an organization as all the members of that team come in contact with each other and hence they communicate in a better way by promoting the communication process between the employees of the organization and also between the manager and the employees.
The work load is also decreased among the employees and they do not feel over burdened with the work. The sense of belongingness is also increased among the employees and they are more likely to feel connected to their work with the help of the teamwork. The team acts as a family and one can easily share his ideas and creativity among the members of the team. The environment created through the teamwork is always friendly and loyal. The quality of work is also improved in such a kind of environment. These relationships that slowly become close knit and close helps in the motivation of the employees in the parallel and align them to work more efficiently and harder. The support and the cooperation generated through the teamwork are very useful for the growth and the development of the organization. The organization can be efficiently run with the help of the teamwork. The diverse talents possessed by the individuals when united in a team lead to the achievement of the great success. The strengths and habits of the individuals in the team are used in the positive way. The team cannot work without the teamwork. In order to make any type of team work proper it is important for the members of the team to be connected with each other in a very close manner. The speed of the task is also increased with the help of the team work. For output quality, retention and morale it is very important to work effectively in the team.
A team can be made to achieve short term as well as long term goals. The members are dependent upon each other and work with each other with cooperation. The people of that group work towards the common goal. The team work is essential for the people of the organization so as to work with mutual understanding in the organization. A failure of the team can lead to the failure of the whole organization. One can keep the working of the organization smooth if the team is all efficient and responsible to handle the things. Sometimes the situation is too difficult to be handled by the team so in this case the leader of the team needs to take the essential step. The leadership quality also plays a vital role while handling a team. If a leader is efficient and responsible then the flaws of the team can be covered without any difficulty. The leader of the team can be made by ensuring the quality of confidence and power to take stand against the odds. The team gives recognition to the members and also to the leader. It is the matter of pride for the people to become the part of the thing that gives them recognition and also where the worth of the member of the team is acknowledged. The failure of the team depends upon the composition of the team that is poor. If the team composition is poor then the members are least interested in the development of the organization. The success of the team on the other hand depends upon the composition of efficient members.
The members of the team need o follow few principles that bound them to that team so that the work of team can be confidential and also privacy can be maintained for the organization through the team work. The members of the team should know the reason for the existence of the team and also its main objectives as well as goals. The commitment of all the members for the goal should be worth so that all the achievement of the goal is made easier for the all members of the team and also for the leader of the team. The teams are of different types like that of self managed teams that are less managed by the leaders and more by the members of the team itself. It is important in the case when decision is likely to be taken by the member of the team itself. Whatever be the team like that of sports team, project team, virtual team etc the management by the leader of the team is required in all the cases. It is essential for the team to adapt itself according to the situation and also work according to the limited resources it is having without complaining about the complications faced by them. The participative leadership, shared responsibility, alignment of purpose, high communication, future focused, task focused, skill utilization and rapid response are some of the advantages of the team work. The performance can be sharpened with the help of the simplification of the team. The members can be integral part of the team only if they are involved on the team without being forced. The work done forcefully does not bring out the positive result. The decision making power of the team should be fast enough to take the correct decision in the short span of the time. This leads to the happy and efficient team.