What is a difference between International and Domestic Human Resource Management?
Posted in Human Resource Planning and Development |
In the past much importance was not given to the difference between International and Domestic HRM due to the similarities and continuities between the two but in this era of globalization the study of human resource management in an international context has become important.
Though broadly speaking international HRM includes the same activities that are involved in domestic HRM but while the domestic HRM performs these activities within the boundaries of a country, the international HRM has to perform these activities in at least three countries. These are the parent country where the organization is headquartered, host country where the unit is located and the countries from where the employees or the human resources of the organization are coming.
Thus we see that in international HRM employee can be either from the parent country, the host country or the third country. This makes the knowledge of the conditions in these countries an integral part of the international human resource management.
good concept of international human resource management