Explain the concept of Human Resources Training
Posted in Human Resource Planning and Development |
The step or the process or the responsibility of the human resources training by the human resources department is very important for any type of the company to be imparted to survive in this world of the extensive competition. The staff can be hired by the human resource department or the already working staff of the company can be retained back by the human resource department but it is very important to train the staff according to the needs and the requirements of the specific department of the company in order to work according to the specific vision of the company and for the achievement of the set goals with in the specified period of the time. In the case of the all ready working employees of the same company, they are hired up on by the same company to perform certain higher roles in the same company in the same department or some other department, so here it becomes very important that the department of the human resource works up on this piece and takes various types of the steps to train them according to the needs of that department as then only the performance of these employees can be enhanced up to the desired level. And in the case of the work force that is hired or brought up on in to the new company from some other company, it becomes all the more important and vital to be imparted with the training. The main reason for this is that these employees being new to the company will not at all be aware of the working ambience of the new company and hence it becomes the responsibility of the department of the human resource to make these new staff members aware of the present policies of the human resource and to discuss with them the vision and the aim of the company in order to yield the most out of the employees in a very phased manner and with in a given specific time period.
So it can be said that the any type of the company must invest in the human resource management training as by this only the organisation will be able to adjust with the various types of the organisational changes that come in to the lime light with the passing on times as these are brought in to the picture as a result of the various types of the tough economic times that are a part and parcel of the life of any type of the organisation. The training of the human resource department can include the various types of the training processes and the various types of the training seminars as this will help to create an environment that will surely help in the fostering of the professional satisfaction because with this the employees will be encouraged by the over all development of the staff and as a whole the over all development of the company. The training can include the various types of the innovative projects of the development of the leader ship skills, the behaviours and also the strategies that are required for the recruitment of the internal or the external types of the employees and hence as a result of this reducing the turn over of the staff and therefore leading to the promotion of the development of the staff members leading to the retaining of the talented as well as the flexible and the diverse work force. The development of the work force acts a s very crucial and also the vital parameter in order to help the company to have a very true and the sustainable advantage of the present competition in the specific market. Wit the passing time the department of the human resource of any type of the company must in all of the times must come up with the various types of the wide approaches and the techniques for the training of the employees and hence building a unity in the organisation as a result of which every staff of the organisation must be clear with the idea or the plan that the company is having and what is to be followed as with this the maximum can be obtained from the employees. The intensive, on time and hands on seminar will give the employees a very solid over view and an in depth analysis of the over all parameters of the human resource and will also explain the staff that what exactly the company is expecting from the staff and how the same has to be achieved.
But the one thing that needs to be under stood here is that the staff is trained by the various types of the staff of the human resource department or the human resource manager but the staff or the human resource manager will be able to train or guide the staff of the company if he will be up to date with the various facts and the figures of the company and the various types of the policies of the human resource in a general view or in course that is specific to that particular company. So in any of the case where an individual is a recently appointed human resource manager that is a new to the department of the human resource or has a non human resource job with the human resource responsibilities, it is very necessary and vital for the individual to know the know how of the needs of the staff and the company as a whole. So he or she must under stand the various types of the functions of the human resource and hence try to learn the need to develop an action plan that must be very specific in the nature in order to develop a good show of the work in the organisation. With the help of the training, the manager will be able to deliver a modern view of the role of the human resource by educating the staff to grab the opportunity to practice the skills in a variety of the areas including and not at all limited to the just legal responsibilities accompanied with the acquisition of the talent with the assessment of the available talent leading to the development of the talent with the measurement of the talent.
It is very important here that the trainers are trained on the regular basis and for this special training programs for the trainers must be conducted that should focus on the complete renewal of the basic knowledge of the facts and the figures in the general view along with the need to build in the level of the confidence and the ways to interact with the audience and involve them completely with the flow. The field of the training can change fast as it makes the training for the trainers very crucial in the nature. With the passage of the times the various types of the different methodologies come up and the coming of these methodologies is very necessary and vital as with this the person remains up dated and also active in the nature of the work. The new discoveries about the way the adults learn. The change in the expectations from the trainees and from the company can be achieved by the training of the trainer by the help of the courses that help in imparting the practical training for the enhancement of the skills. The power full seminars can also install the latest trends and the techniques at the finger tips. If you are in the mode of the training for the work shop of the trainers, it will surely ensure you to show how to become in to a mature facilitator of the learning and not just a presenter. The level of the confidence will surely build on and the individual will be able to involve the audience and also will be able to take the audience along from the beginning up to the end of the time of the training, leaving the individual with the praise of the trainees for the ability of the trainer for his training.
The human resource training is the most important part and also very vital part of the human resource development as it includes the improving of the performance on the present training of the job to get the desired results in the specified time line. By the training, the individuals can be prepared for facing the various types of the situations that may come up in the near by future but identifiable jobs with in the organisation and also helps in developing the individuals to grow in order to meet the future organisational growth and the development. The human resource training and the various practices that are followed in this regard have a great type of the affect on the perceptions of the performance of the organisation. The various types of the surveys that have been conducted in the nation of the India or in the whole world, all suggest the same. In one of the recent survey that was conducted in the 590 of the profit and the non profit companies from the national organisations survey, it has been observed that the positive associations between the human resource management practices like the training and the staffing selectively and the perceptual firm performance measures. The results of the survey also indicate towards the various types of the methodological issues for the consideration in the examinations of the relation ship between the various types of the human resource management systems and the performance of the company.
The human resource training of the staff helps in the investigation of the various types of the new programs, the sources and the networks for the human resource training and the development with the help of the new types of the technologies as these becomes available with the passing on of the time. This also plays a very critical role in the utilisation of the current technology in order to develop the various types of the models and the strategies for conducting the cost benefit analysis and the return on the investment related to the training of the human resource and the various development programs. The various dilemmas of the human resource can be analysed in the new and the insightful ways by critiquing the new models, the paradigms or the various available theories that are able to address the various human resources and the training by carrying on the evaluation of the new or the experimental human resources and the training programs or the products.
The interpretation of the economic impact of the business decisions that takes place on the human resources training and the development can be judged by carrying on the work of the research both quantitatively and also qualitatively in order to formulate the new type of the models and the approaches. The training of the human resource helps in analysing of the conceptual models and the literature reviews of the research that is conducted in the professional field of the human resources and the training by under standing the projections of the various types of the trends and the various forms of the visualisations and the probable futures and there implications for the training and the development functions with in the organisations. A very successful distance learning experience also wants a continuous flow of the communication between the instructor and the student through out the session. The instructions of the instructor are usually considered very essential to the whole of the process of the learning. Hence each of the assignment or the project that is submitted will be reviewed, graded and then returned to the individual. So it can be said the training of the human resource is very essential and the company must keep a separate budget for the development of the human resource and the money that will be spent on this project will surely come back in the maximum form as this will help the company to get the maximum out of the staff.