Attitude – Review of Literature
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The History reveals from time to time that the man is such a creation that is always made or is keen to learn from the experience of the others. Man is such a creature that he always seeks the help and also the guidance from his or her ancestors. So it will be very wise to before moving any further one should lay a large amount of the emphasis on the present type of the study or the research work that is going on in India and even in the abroad. So now with the positive emphasis on the present study that involve the study that is very essential and also very key in finding out the field of the related studies. Also here it is very important and essential to keep one self informed about the all forms of the researches that have been done in all the related fields and also in the related fields. By doing all this, the things that will come in to the existence are that this will at a large be very helpful to the research workers or the scientists to avoid the various type of the pit falls and will also help at a very large scale in broadening the his or her vision with regard to the present research problems that are in existence and are being faced by the research workers of the scientists or the mentors. A large amount of the research by the research workers has been found to be carried out in the field of the finding out the problems of the attitude of the dull and the bright students of the various types of the school and also there attitude towards the respective schools. The various researches that have been conducted are still going on help the research workers or the scientists to review all those of the studies that are found to be in the relevance with the present type of the investigation that are going on in this regard in India or in the abroad. Mal pass in the 1953 tried to conduct an in depth study of the relation ship between the students perception towards the respective school to the achievement. The study conducted by the mall pass mainly were the students of the junior high school and after making the in depth analysis of this research work, he was able to come to a conclusion that said that the students who were of the liking of the school had achieved much better results in various types of the field as compared to the ones who were not having liking towards the school.
In 1959, came in to the light, carter whose research work mainly focused on the relation ship between the attitude towards the school and the grade point average to be in the range of the .56 and the .58. The study conducted by carter also focused on the fact that when the effects of the I. Q were partially side lined the co efficient of the co relation for the attitude factor towards the respective school and the respective achievement is in the range of the .50 and the .51. Then who came in to the light was the broody, who in 1964, attempted to study the co relation ship between the attitude towards the school and the achievement for the 11th grade students. In this study what broody did was that for the research work, two groups of the rural and the urban school 11th grade students was contrasted in their attitude towards the school with the help of the especially developed poll classified as the satisfied and the dissatisfied with the school. And this research led broody to the conclusion that revealed that the students generally out performed the disc-satisfied students. And this research work conducted by broody inspired many other to take up the research work further and one of these research workers or the scientists was the Maykovich who in 1967, tried his best to investigate the relation ship between attitude of the students towards the school and their academic performance in the high school. For this the scientist took the samples which constituted of the 61 boys from the Berkeley public school, California. The instrument used to determine this type of the relation ship was the invention of the choice developed by the Edwan and the Wilson. He found that the prudent students has an extra ordinary advantage over all other groups, found to be being consistently on the superior side, not only in the prudent subjects but all of the related subjects. All of the related groups were and are comparable in the aptitude and also in the prior achievement according to the test scores that were achieved. After this Horace, who in 1968, found the comparison of the attitude towards the school and the self perceptions and the achievement of the 8th grade students attending junior high schools. In the communities of the different levels of the economic affluence, eight home room groups of the 8th grade pupil from each school were selected. I order to determine the attitude, towards the school two forms of the sterns need x press indexes, which are modified for the use as the attitude questionnaires, were used. The Emerson junior high school is selected to represent the community of the higher economic affluence and the joy junior high school the community of the higher economic affluence. Robert e Finley worked a lot in order to find out the environmental and the experimental characteristics and the attitude towards the school of the 10th class students. The revised student poll was used as a tool and the subjects in the study consisted of the 2190 students enrolled in the four high schools. Results of this very hard lined study reflect that the satisfaction with the school is a multi dimensional problem. Dissatisfaction is partially related to the sex role conflicts between the needs of the students and the demand of the school environment. Also satisfaction of the students is at a large related to the perceptions relating to the mind set of the students to the perceptions of the meaning fullness of his school experience. The lack of the significance of the some of the variables might be partially accounted for by the weak ness in the instrument that is at a large used in measuring the satisfaction levels among the students. Zimmer man then in 1970, was the one who tried to access the relation ship between the student’s scholastic aptitude, his attitude towards the college life and also the performance in the college. Hamilton wanted very eagerly to find out whether the students performance in the college could at large be affected by the scholastic aptitude and his attitude towards the college.
The methodology of the study mainly involved the use of the college student’s questionnaire part 2 scores in order to find out the attitude of the students and also the grade point average in order to find out the performance of the students. It is very critical that the attitude of some of the specific students was to be measured by a different way of the measurement and this type of the method included the measurement of the attitude by the measurement of the behaviour towards the faculty in the administration, the academic measures and the student body and the study habits and the facilities and the extra curricular activities. The students included 210 male and the female students and all this selection was done at random from the junior and the senior classes at the college during the 1968-69 year. Student’s attitude and the students performance was in a way analysed in terms of the total sample and the terms of the various classification of the different types of the respondents. The findings of the study did not at any level reveal any type of the significant co relation between the attitude towards the college and the academic achievement for the males but a positive type of the co relation for the two for the females selected for the research work in this regard. How ever but when the males and the females are taken as the joint call, significant positive co relation was found. After this study one more study that a played a major role in under standing the nature of such behaviour was the study conducted by the research worker or the scientist Hiram jack wilt, who in 1970 was the one who conducted study on the comparison of the student attitude towards the school, the academic achievements and the internal structures and the various under lying procedures. The non graded schools vs. the graded schools were the main base of the research work that was done by him. Michigan student’s questionnaires were given to the students from the two schools. A sample of the population of the student’s population of the matched criteria was given. It can not be necessarily expected that the academic achievement will be significantly affected by the result of the attendance in an elementary school designated as the non graded schools when the contrasted with a graded school in the same type of the environment. The after this came in to the light, the research worker or the scientist known as the Hofset Arnold, who in 1972, tried to study the relationship between the achievement of the school and also to the attitude which is considered to be more positive with the four or more gifted pupils belonging to the third, the fifth and the seventh grades. He was not able to found out any type of the significant difference in the achievement but the attitude towards the school that was found to be more positive towards the school in the category of the grade 5. The involvement of the student’s questionnaire and the student attitude survey were constructed. SAS was administered in order to random the sample. Following conclusions were drawn from here. The conclusions included that the attitudes of the students in the low involvement schools varied at a large scale if compared to as the high involvement schools. The attitude towards the school of the students were significantly higher for eight of the items and the attitudes of the students in the high involvement group were significantly lower for three of the items used in the whole of the process. The percentage of the students in the class taking part in the school athletic team made negative contributions to the attitude towards the teacher authority and the control and the attitude towards the social school structure and its rate and the percentage of the students in the class from a home subscribing to a daily newspaper was a positive predictor of the attitude of the students bused to the schools that were found to be making the positive contribution towards the school. The no of school units offered to the students for the credit in the school work had a very positive effect on the student attitude towards the teacher and the authority control. The percentage of the block teachers on the faculty was a negative predictor of the student’s attitude towards the school and the attitude towards the school and the attitude towards the teacher mode of the instruction building, also made the negative contributions in the attitude towards the school.
Hence it is clear from the review presented in the fore going pages that there is no healthy and significant difference in the attitude of the boys and the girls. Over achieving students were found to be the ones who were found to be carrying the more positive attitude towards the school and further the school teachers in their schools than the low achievers. The related as discussed shown very firmly that the researches were done to improve the attitudes of the students towards the schools and I turn to the school teachers and there mentors.