Attitude of the Bright and Dull students towards school
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The main purpose of this type of the study on an international stage mainly focuses on the fact to find out the typical attitude of the dull and the bright students towards the respective schools. The investigator administered the intelligence test called as the Samoohik Mansik Yogyata on 400 students and these students included 200 males and 200 remaining were the females. And all these were from three boy’s schools and three girls schools. On the basis of the Q1 and the Q3, 100 bright (50 male and remaining 50 female) and 100 dull (50 male and 50 female) students were identified. In order to identify or measure the attitude of these identified dull and the bright students, Rao school attitude inventory was brought in use by the investigator in the Punjabi version. The reliability of this scale was found to be .81. The scale was administered in to the groups by going personally to the schools which had the respondents of the study. The data that was collected through the administration of the Rao school attitude inventory was at that tome given the statistical treatment as at that particular time the situation demanded such a step to conduct the investigation in a proper sense with a vision of achieving the desired results. The higher limit and the lower limit of the median was found out, which came to be 128.2 and 115.1 respectively. The students whose score was above the higher limit of the median i.e. 128.2 were termed as to be having favorable attitudes and the students who were found to have achieved score below the lower limit of the median i.e. 115.1 were termed as to be having the unfavourable attitudes towards the school. The mean, standard deviation, standard error and the t ratio of the dull and the bright students, dull male and the dull female and the bright male and the bright female were calculated in order to find out the significant differences, if any in the attitudes towards school of the dull and the bright, dull male and the female and the bright male and the female and the bright male and the female.
The following can be summarised as the main findings of the study –
Out of the 50 bright boys, only 36 percent were found to be having the favourable attitudes towards the school, which clearly reflects that the attitude score is found to be above the 128.2. The moving further taking in to the consideration the lower median value i.e. the 115.1, it is found that the 46 percent (23) have Unfavourable attitude towards the school. Between the higher median value 128.2 and the lower median value 115.1 fall 9 students which mean 18 percent students attitude towards the school can neither be termed as the favorable nor unfavorable. Then after this it was found that the 34 percent (17) bright girls were found to be having the required favourable attitude i.e. having the attitude score above the higher median value 128.2. It was also found that the 46 percent (23) bright girls have the UN favourable attitude towards the school. In other words these students have achieved the attitude score of below the lower median level of 115.1. Taking this same median value in to the consideration as was taken in the case of the boys 20 percent bright girls are such that they have neither favourable nor unfavourable attitude towards the school since the t ratio has not been found to be significant at any level. 30 percent dull boys were found to be having favourable attitude, if we judge the attitude score on the similar lines as discussed above and then after this it came in to the consideration that the 38 percent dull boys have unfavourable attitude towards the school and 32 percent dull boys may be termed as having neither the positive nor the negative attitude towards the school. 22 percent dull girls have favourable attitude towards the school. 22 percent dull girls have unfavourable attitude towards the school. 56 percent dull girls are those which have neither favourable nor the unfavourable attitude towards the school. It can be how ever be noted that more the girls as compared to the boys, have not developed either favourable or the unfavourable attitude towards the school.
35 percent tenth class bright students have been found to have the favourable attitude i.e. their attitude score is above the higher median value 128.2. 46 percent bright students fall in to the category of having the unfavourable attitudes keeping in view the lower median value 115.1. 19 percent bright students are found to be such that the respective scores of such students fall between the higher median value 128.2 and the lower median value 115.1 and thus they may be termed as having neither the favourable attitude nor the unfavourable attitude towards the school.
So it was ultimately found that out of the 100 of the dull students 26 percent have the favourable attitudes and 30 percent have unfavourable attitudes as judged from the lower median value of 115.1 and 44 percent of the students are found to be such that the students score fall between the lower and the higher median values and therefore it can be clearly be interpreted that they do not have either the favourable attitudes or the unfavourable attitudes towards the school. This refers to that the more the bright students have unfavourable attitudes as compared to the dull category of the students, the main difference is found to be at the significant level of the .01 as the t ratio comes out to be the 3.7. The by gone conclusion is therefore that the attitudes are perhaps not related to the intelligence or the dull ness. The intelligent student may have the favourable, unfavourable or in between the two categories. The most important result is that it clearly shows that the study of the bright and the dull students completely rejects the hypothesis which was found to be laying a large emphasis on the saying that the bright students have the favourable attitude and the dull students have the unfavourable attitude towards the school.
So it can be said that the studies that have been conducted in this regard in India or even in the abroad clearly show that the climate of the school should be such that the it should be able to provide all the types of the students present with the such an environment where they can be able to develop their whole some personality, which includes all round development physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. School teachers should try there level best to help in developing the positive attitude towards the school of the students and it should be put in to the heads of the students that the out schools are not at all a place of the joy but they are a routine type of the institution which some like and some do not like. Schools should be made such a place that the students irrespective of the fact that the students are dull in the nature or are bright in the nature, students should not find any type of the difference between the school and their homes. The multi section schools, all the type of the low achievers should be placed in the different sections and the bright students in the different sections so that the bright students might be provided enriched curricula and the low achievers have the curricula according to their respective capacities. It is also suggested that in any of the case if some one takes up the study of the attitude towards the school of all the dull and the bright children on the basis of the socio economic level of their parents. The by gone conclusion of the study can be summarised as the fact that the attitudes are perhaps not at all related to the intelligence or the dull ness, the intelligent student as is evident from the study may have the favourable or the unfavourable or neither the favourable nor the unfavourable attitude towards the school and on the other hand the same may be the case with those type of the students whose intelligence level is low and may also be termed as the dull students. How ever it is pointed out that what ever may be the attitude towards the school, whether favourable or unfavourable or also in between the two types of the categories, differ significantly in their attitudes towards the school. The above findings of the study reject the saying that the favourable attitudes have only be found in the bright students and on the other hand the unfavourable attitudes have been found in the dull students and this has come in to the existence because of the fact that the attitudes are not at all related to the intelligence. How ever there are significant differences of both the categories of the respondents in their attitude towards the school. The responses of the subjects were at times assigned the numerical value or the arbitrary weights ranging from the 5 to the 1 depending up on the degree of the favourable response and 1 to 5 depending up on the unfavourable responses. A positive statement to which a student gave the answers always was given a score of the five where as a negative statement to which a student gave the response always was given the score of the one. The range of the score for the 200 students was found to be between the 110 to the 127. To get in to a conclusion, it was very important that the data received was given a statistical treatment and the then collected data through the administration and the scoring was given a statistical touch and the raw scores achieved were converted in to the score distribution and the frequencies were laid of the both of the dull and the bright students and after doing this it was found that the mean difference in the attitude towards the school were found to be in the case of all the four categories. The mean and the standard deviations of the bright boys and the girls were calculated on the basis of their scores in order to find out the significant differences in the attitude of all the dull and the bright children towards the school with the help of the t ratio that was to be calculated. The investigator in the investigation also found that the t ratio from the means and the standards deviation as calculated under the item one above of the bright boys and the girls, dull boys and the girls in order to locate the differences if any in their attitude towards the school.
The answer sheets were scored conveniently by using the stencil key prepared for this purpose which has got from the test seller along with the test booklet. The wrong and the left out answers were crossed out and then the numbers of the correct questions were counted which became the raw score for carrying out the study further. One score was provided to one correct answer and also no marks were conducted for the wrong answers. In this way the test was administered on the student’s boys and the girls in the groups as was found to be convenient according to the sample of the study conducted. The investigator should start with a brief introduction which is likeable to play a very vital role in the establishment in the rapport build up with the subjects that are in the queue to be tested. In the introduction the investigator should be able to explain the aims of the testing and should be able to express fully the capabilities of ones abilities. Here the date thus analysed were presented in the form of the tables for the interpretation and the discussions and then finally achieving the results.