How To Make Delegation Effective?
Posted in Delegation of Authority |
The failure of the process of delegation can be the result of halfhearted approach adopted in this regard by the superiors or the subordinate managers. Therefore, when the delegation is partial, unclear or, it is inconsistent with the expected results, the process of delegation is bound to fail. In this regard, the following steps need to be taken in order to make the process of delegation effective.
1. Defining assignments: It is very important that the work assigned to each person has been defined properly. Similarly, the results that are expected from each person should also be described clearly. These persons should be providing sufficient authority so that they can achieve the desired results.
2. Proper selection of persons: Appropriate persons should be selected to delegate authority keeping in view the job that needs to be done. In this way, the process of delegation will be impacted by the qualifications of the person. While assigning a particular task to a person, it is also required that the required authority should also be provided to such a person. That is necessary for completing the task. In case the person does not have the capacity to exercise such authority, then the purpose could not be achieved. It is important for the HR manager to keep this thing in mind while selecting the appropriate person for different positions.
3. Proper communication: It is very important to have an open line of communication within the organization. When authority is delegated, the superiors do not abdicate their right to interfere and the ultimate responsibility is still lies with the superior. On the other hand, there can be a change in the circumstances due to which new plans may be required and the delegation has to be considered in the new situation. Therefore it is very important to have a free flow of communication between the superiors and their subordinates. The subordinates can provide information which may help the superiors in making decisions and also to interpret them correctly. Hence, communication is very significant for an effective process of delegation.
4. Establishing proper controls: The managers are not allowed to relinquish responsibility and as a result, proper controls should be accompanied by delegation. The superiors are required to regularly monitor the performance of the subordinates in order to see that they are functioning in accordance with the plans. On the other hand, if the interference of control has to be avoided, in such a case it is important to take steps so that information can be a danger regarding deviations.
5. Reward for proper implementation:Rewards should be provided to the subordinates for proper delegation and successfully assuming authority. The managers should regularly monitor the performance of different persons. The employees who proved to be successful in delegating the authority properly and who have shown good results with the delegated authority need to be given pecuniary or other rewards by the organization. Such rewards will encourage other employees to improve their performance.