Explain the Process of Decision Making
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The process of decision making is stated as the cognitive process that results in the selection of the course of action or belief among the number of alternatives that are possible to take place. The decision making process helps to make the final choice. It is not important that all the decision making process prompt an action with the final choice that has been made through that decision making process. It is basically the process of choosing and identifying the alternatives that has been based on the values and vision of the decision maker. Many things depend upon the decision maker and hence it is important to make the things with correct vision and mind set. It is basically the activity of problem solving which gets terminated on finding the solution that should be satisfactory for the problem holder. In this process less or more rational or irrational is based upon the tacit or explicit knowledge or beliefs. There are different perspectives through which human performance can be judged. The psychological aspect helps to examine the decision of the individual in the context of the set of needs, values and preferences.
It is considered as the continuous process that helps to interact with the surroundings. The analysis of the individual is concerned with the logic of decision making or communicative rationality. The major part of the decision making involves the analysis of finite set of alternatives. Solving the problems that are related to such aspects is termed as the multiple criteria decision analysis. The areas of decision-making interacts many researchers and practitioners. Hence the formulation of decision-making paradox takes place through this. The logical decision making process is very important part of the professions that are science based. In these fields the specialist used their knowledge to make the decisions. A recognition primed decision may be followed by the scholars that fit their experience. The environment of the decision maker also plays a part in the process of the decision making. The complex environment is an environment which has large number of possible states. The cognitive factor is greatly affected by the complexity of the environment due to which decisions making process becomes better and makes it easy to think about the situation. There is a difference between the problem analysis and decision making process. The problem analysis must be done first and after that step should be taken towards the decision making process in order to solve a problem the analysis of it should be done. On should elaborate all the aspects of the problem, its reason and how it can be solved. The decisions are taken at the end when all the things are well planned and thought of nicely. In order to make the things go in the smoother way one should make the process of making the decisions. The problems are caused by the change in the distinctive feature.
The objectives must be established first in order to make the decisions. It must be classified and placed in the order of importance. The main characteristics of the decision making process includes the establishment of proper aim firstly. All the aims should be classified as per the priorities and they should be kept in order according to that. The actions should be kept alternatively that can be used if the main idea does not work at the first instance. The alternatives should be evaluated against the aims or the goals. The tentative decision is that alternative which is able to achieve all type of the aims. That type of the decision is evaluated for the more possible results. The actions that are decisive in nature are taken and the other additional actions are taken in order to prevent any results that are harmful for the organization or having any kind of adverse effect on the organization. All alternatives should be evaluated against the objective of all the types. Some of the steps that generally followed by the desired results can be used to determine the optimal production plan. The role playing can be helpful for making the predictions in the decision that are involved in the parties in the situation featuring conflict. The analysis paralysis is the situation of over analyzing of a particular kind of situation such that action is never taken and hence the result is paralyzed. The information overload is the gap between the volume of the information and the tools that are required to be assimilated. The information that is used in the decision making process is used to eliminate or reduce the uncertainty. The excessive information results in putting the great impact on the problem process and at last the process of decision making. The illusion of knowledge is the encounter of too much of the knowledge which at last interferes with the ability to make the decisions. Hence the decisions made are effected due to the presence of too much knowledge and hence it is better to keep everything in limit. It is truly said that excess of everything is bad and hence the excess of too much knowledge is also not a good things and hence it put effect on the decision making process. The post decision analysis is the analysis of the result of the decision before taking a decision. Hence it is important to make such decision in proper way in order to make the things smoother in its ways. There are different types of techniques for the process of the decision making process. It includes individual techniques and the group decision making techniques. The individual decision making technique can also be used for the groups. The consensus decision making prevents from making of winners and losers. The consensus needs that majority approval for given course of action however the minority agrees to go along with the course of action. The objectionable features are required to be removed from the course of action if the minority opposes the course of the action. The voting based method, Delphi method, Democracy, participative decision making, decision engineering are some of the methods used for making the decision. The voting based methods include majority, plurality and range voting. The majority needs the support from more than 50 % of the members of the groups. Hence the bar for action is lower with the consensus. The plurality is that where the largest block in a group decides the matter even if it is short of majority. The range voting allows each member to score one or more of the available option. The option with the highest average is chosen and this method is shown to produce the lowest Bayesian regret experimentally among the common voting methods even when the voters are strategic. Delphi method is the type of the structured communication for groups that is originally developed for collaborative forecasting but it is also used for the process of the policy making.
The democracy is the facilitation method that depends upon the special forms usage which is called as the Democracy sheets in order to allow large groups to collectively brainstorm and also recognize the agreement on numerous ideas that they have authored. The participative decision naming happens when an authority opens up the decision making process for a effort that is collaborative inn nature. The decision engineering make the use of the visual map of the decision making process that is based on the system dynamics and they can be automated through the decision modelling tool, machine learning, integrating big data and the expert knowledge as or when it is taken as appropriate. The individual decision making includes the decisional balance sheet, simple prioritization, satisfying, anti authoritarianism, flips, automated decision support, decision support system etc. the decision balance sheet is the process of making the list of the advantages as well as the disadvantages of each option. The process of choosing the option that has highest probability weighted utility is called as the simple prioritization. It involves the consideration of the opportunity cost of alternative of different types. The satisfying is the process of examining different alternatives until the acceptable one is found. The opposite of it is the optimizing or the maximizing in which all alternatives are checked in order to look for the best decision. The acquiesce to a person in authority for just following the orders. The anti authoritarianism is the process of taking the most opposite action as compared to the advice of the mistrusted authorities. The flipism is just like flipping of the coin, cutting the deck of the playing cards, random method like that of praying, astrology, divination and superstition. The setting up of criteria for automated decisions is done through the automated decision support. The decision support system is used for decision making process when it is faced with the highly complex decisions. It has considered many stake holders, factors and the categories that can affect the decisions. A decision making process was made by Leo Mann in 1980s which is called as GOFER which is taught to the adolescents in his book which was named as Teaching Decision Making To Adolescents.
The whole process depended on extensive earlier research that was conducted with the psychologists. GOFER stands for Goals clarification, Options generation, Facts finding, Consideration of Effects and Review and implementation. The DECIDE stands for Defining the problem, Establishing the criteria, considering all criteria, identification of best alternative, developing and implementing a plan of action and at last evaluating and monitoring the solution along with the examination of the feedback whenever it is felt necessary. The establishing of the community helps to create and nurture the relationships, norms and procedures that will affect how the problems are communicated and understood. This type of the stage takes place prior to the moral dilemma. The perception helps to recognize the problem that exists. The interpretation helps to identify the explanations for the problems and also evaluate the drivers behind the interpretations. The judgment is made on the basis of the most justifiable option that gives answer to all the factors that are considered in the process of the decision making. The motivation is required in all the process in order to make the whole process is committed to the moral values and hence they are given priorities on the basis of that. The action must be followed which supports the more justified decision. The reflection in action and reflection on action are also important aspects that are required to be taken care of in the whole process of the decision making. There are four different phases that should be involved in the process of all types of the decision making process. Thos four different phases are orientation, conflict, emergence and reinforcement. In the orientation phase the members meet for the first time and start to get to know each other. The conflict phase occurs when the group members become familiar with each other. The little disputes and arguments takes place in the group which is eventually sorted out among the group members. The group begins to clear up the opinions that are vague by making light talks about them. The members finally make the decision and provide justification for it. The critical norms are established in the group which helps to improve the quality of the decisions whereas the majority of opinions do not. In case the human are rational and take their decision on their own they behave according to the rational choice theory. This theory says a person makes the choices and decisions consistently that helps in making the best decisions for himself. He takes in account all the considerations that include the benefits and the costs. The rationality of these considerations is of point of view of that person only. The decision is not irrational because someone else finds it questionable in one way or the other. There are few factors that put impact on the decision making abilities. This in turn makes people to take the irrational decisions in their lives. There are some of the factors that affect the abilities of decision making.