What is Business Environment? Explain its types
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What is business environment?
A business organization can not exist a vacuum. It needs living persons, natural resources and places and things to exist. The sum of all these factors and forces is called the business environment.
Business environment is of two types-
(i) Micro environment or the internal environment
(ii) Macro environment or the external environment
(i) Micro environment / Internal Environment of Business
Micro environment comprises of the factors in the immediate environment of the company that affect the performance of the company. In includes the suppliers, competitors, Marketing intermediaries, customers, pressure groups and the general public. Supplier form an important factor of the micro environment of business as the importance of reliable sources of supply are obvious. Supplier include the financial labor input. Stock holders, banks and other similar organizations that supply money to the organization are also termed as suppliers. Managers always strive to ensure a study flow of inputs at the lowest price. Customers are also an important factor in the internal environment of business. The customers or the clients absorb the output of an organization and a business exists to meet the demands of the customers. Customers could be individuals, industries, government and other institutions. Labor force is also an important part of the internal environment of business. Other than these the business associates, competitors, regulatory agencies and the marketing intermediaries are also a part of the micro business environment.
Macro environment / External environment of Business :
The forces and institutions out side of the organization that can potentially affect the performance of the organization come under the external environment of Business. The macro environment of business consist of the economic, demographic, natural, cultural and political forces. The external environment of business is often categorized into the economic environment, political and government environment, socio cultural environment and the international environment.
ok that is good definition
exactly what i needed thanks!
Good explanation.. easy to understand and to follow.
ok that’s is gd difinition and mening
what are the legal forms of business ownership.
interesting and educational
nice definition
nice and simple definition. coolll
it is ok
some useful content
Good definition
fantastic justification.
very clear and self explanatory
Good definition nice
Good definition
Good definition and very clear answer.
Good but if u discuss in 5 0r 6 point wise like that Economic Environment,Political En..,DemographicEnv.. ….. May best
Good n simple
simply the best
non worthy information about business environment
Useful content but about what you termed the internal environment, isn’t it the external micro/operating environment?
it’s external in the sense that it include factors that are outside the environment but are closely related to the business. Although the business doesn’t have complete influence over those factors it can make decisions which can lessen any negative effect resulting from any of those factors but is not responsible for that factor. For instance, a business is not responsible for how a supplier operates but can choose to have multiple suppliers to lessen the effect of one supplier failing to supply the goods.
*** factors that are outside the business***
Specific meaning and direct one of business environment
cul definition
It’s simple and easy to get the concept.
Thank you.
Correct definitions, though not comprehensive.
It’s simply a summary.
Ronnie, the actions of the internal business environment DIRECTLY affect the business, whereas the effect of the external environment is indirect.
Well, perhaps you should know better; I am only an engineer.
its really very good to get the subject. ..
Thank you.
its woow…i like it
it was very helpful to get the subject understanding…..
thank you.
It’s very useful this guide…I m very excited this movement…paragraph are simple very very thanku..
Studying through this is good.I feel very good.
thanks for tell us about the business environment
very easy to understand
what about the intermediaries environment
The Internal Environment. An organization’s internal environment is composed of the elements within the organization, including current employees, management, and especially corporate culture, which defines employee behavior. Although some elements affect the organization as a whole, others affect only the manager.
practical and knowledgeable answer which affect the clear understand a student