What are the Steps for Effective Speech?
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The speaking is not an art; everyone does it in the daily routine. So it is not a very big job. But the difference lies when our speech leaves a effective impression on others. It compels others to listen to others. This type of the speech is required to be learnt. It needs our continuous efforts and planning that is all deliberate. The delivery of good speech consists of two steps and they are preparing for the speech and the other one is the delivering that speech. The preparation consists of organizing the thoughts of our mind that are all tumbled up and down in our mind. The preparation for the speech not only require the organisation of the thoughts but also includes the careful selection of the thoughts. The thoughts need to be filtered out before they are told to others. The speech is very important and necessary act that needs to be focused and taken seriously as the speech delivered by the person lets other take the decision for important matters.
The facts and figures discussed in the speech should be accurate as it may misguide someone and misinformation may be spread due to that. The irrelevant thoughts must be eradicated from the speech. The speech must be written down on the paper before being delivered to the audience. By writing down the speech one can arrange the thoughts in a logical order. This helps in removing the unnecessary thoughts and one can re-examines itself by reading written speech. The speech is one of the best ways to convey the message by the verbal communication. The speech should be arranged before hand only. The language used in the speech should be according to the language understood by the audience. It should not be like that speech is delivered in some other language that is not understood by the audience resulting in nothing understood by the audience. This will serve no purpose. It will be of no use and hence the motive of delivering the speech will not be completed. If the speech is well prepared the big part of it automatically gets delivered. We can develop self confidence by the help of the speech.
The speech helps us to get the lot of confidence. At first it needs preparation to the great extent. It is not important if the speaker is well informed if he does not know how to convey the message to the others as it is of no use to the others. It is wasteful to take the valuable time of the others we do not know how to convey our information to the others. The speech is not like the food that is cooked just before the few minutes before its delivery. It needs a proper timing enough to be well prepared. It is necessary to nurture it with the all mind and heart. It must stem and grow out of the mind of the speaker. In this way a speaker can lead to the successful way of delivering a speech in effective way. The speaker must collect all the data, analyse it before delivering it to the audience. Another step of speech is the delivery of the speech. The opening of the speech is very important once the preparation o the speech is made. The speaker must create interest in the minds of the listener. His speech may appeal to the minds of the listeners. The speech may be opened with the starting quotation which emphasizes the main idea of the speech. The speech should be given with all the confidence. One should take the advantage of the material so that it hides the little drawbacks of the speech.
The topic of the speech should be of interest of the audience. In this way one can easily learn to deliver an effective speech. The interest of the audience once won will lead to the delivery of the speech to the effective listeners who would for sure listen to the speech carefully just because the motive of the speech will be achieved successfully. The whole mind and heart should be poured into the speech of the speaker. The speech should be look like more out of the heart of the person rather than its mind. The pitch of voice should be adjusted according to the point that needs to be emphasized. The scale of flow may vary from being up to down or high to low or vice versa however the eye contact with the audience must be maintained till the end. The length of the speech must also be kept in the mind. It should neither be too long or too short. The short speeches cannot attract the people attention and the speeches that are too long can create boredom in the audience. Hence the speech should be of medium length taking adequate timing of the audience. The length of the speech can vary from ten minutes to the half an hour and this depends upon the occasion on which speech is given and the purpose of the occasion.
The ending of the speech is also equally important. The conclusion of the speech must be of importance as that of the starting of the speech. The speech must be summarized, outlined and restated to the main points. It should be kept in mind that the closing of the speech should show the earnestness and profundity of the speaker. The speaker should know how to deliver his ideas and thoughts to the other person in a better way. It is necessary to make the correct communication through the method of the speech. The speech is an important method used during the official meetings, elections, function etc. The speech let us communicate verbally to the audience in order to convey the ideas in an effective way. The speaker should not take advantage for the precious time of the audience. Keeping in mind the value of the time of the audience speaker should deliver speech of the medium length so that the time of the audience is also not wasted. The opening of the speech is very important. The speaker needs to create the interest in the mind of the public or the audience. At the starting of the speech the speaker can gain the attention of the listener by asking a question related to them. The story narration can also help in gaining the interest of the audience. Telling the uses of the topic discussed in the speech and how it relates to the audience can increase the curiosity in the audience. The shocking facts can also be highlighted in order to gain the curiosity in the minds of the audience.
The guideline that one can use while delivering the speech is to give the speech with all his heart. He does not need to be artificial at any point. Being honest in the thoughts as well as in the vision can help to deliver the speech in a very positive and an alarming way. The important words should be given stress while giving the speech.the variation in the pitch while delivering the speech lets the audience know the exact expression behind the speech. The eye contact between the audience and the speaker helps to maintain the confidence of the people.The clarity of the voice is also the another important aspect that should be kept in the mind while delivering the speech.The speaker should speak loudly that is enough to vge heard by the audience. The end of the speech should also be the important one. It should be the most strategic part of the speech and should be made carefully and in planning in advance. The need of the speech includes summarizing, outlining restating briefly all the main and important points that b the speaker had covered in his whole speech. The appeal for the action should be made at the end so that a result can be conveyed form the whole speech. The audience should be paid a sincere compliment for being a good listener and the audience should be appreciated for being a part of the whole process of delivering of the speech. The speech can be ended by adding a humor to it by raising a laugh or by adding a joke which is somewhat connected to the topic of the speech. The speaker can also fit a verse of poetry to make the end of the speech more effective.
The biblical quotation can also be used at the end of the speech. The speaker can also build up a climax in order to conclude up a speech. The speech flows from the speaker to the listener so it is very important that listener must be earnest, balanced, honest, enthusiastic and profound thinker. The personality of the speaker can be seen in the type of the speech he delivers. The eye contact of the speaker wit audience shows the confidence of the speaker. If the speaker is bluffing or making incorrect sentences in his speech then he will be feeling nervous and losing eye contact with the audience while delivering the speech. The confidence of the speaker can be enhanced if the proper feedback is given by the audience. The good listener will make it obvious by his body language that he is listening carefully and paying full attention to the speaker. The gestures of the listener like nodding the head at the approval of the thing said by the speaker. This is a positive sign that listener is interested in the speech of the speaker. On the other hand the sign like yawning of the listener puts a negative impact on the speaker. This shows that the listener is least interested in the speech of the speaker and is getting bored by losing interest in the speech. It is the duty of the speaker to maintain the interest of the listener in the speech during the whole time. The speaker can do this by adding few interesting speech in his speech. This includes the verses of poetry, jokes, questions, shocking facts etc. It is the responsibility of the speaker to keep his audience happy and satisfied. A good speaker is the one who plans before hand and gives its best result by delivering the speech. The speech also needs to be pre planned and continuous practice is needed in delivering a perfect speech.
Everything can be achieved through thorough practice and the art of speaking can also be achieved with the continuous practice and pre planning. Writing the speech before hand is one of the methods to organise the thoughts of the mind in a logical way. One can pen down the thoughts and manage it in an order so that the thoughts are well arranged in a particular sequence. The speech should be of adequate length that notifies the smartness of the speaker .A speaker will never let his audience loss interest in him. He will do every possible thing to make his audience happy. An effective speaker will motivate the audience and work in a leading role and helps the audience to absorb the speech. The speech should be informative and illuminating in order to help the audience to gain from it.The topic of the speech should be in direct contact with the audience in order to have the interest of audience in it. The speech should not be completely formal and should also contain slight personal touch so that audience should be able to relate itself to the speech. If the personal touch is absent in the speech, the listeners will keep gaping at the speaker as the things will start going off the heads of listeners. A good speech should have concrete facts and ideas should be brief and clear in the speech. The speech should be turned to the wavelength of the audience, if the technical term of the business is used with the farmers, the speech will be of no use. It is important for the speech to be clear enough to be understood by the listener completely.