Should Adoption of Children by Same Sex Couples be allowed?
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Background: there are sharp divisions in opinions related the right to adopt of the same sex couples like several other areas concerned with gay rights. The 2002 adoption and children Act of UK allowed unmarried couples including same-sex partners in England to apply for adoption. While some Scandinavian countries like Norway, Denmark and Iceland exhibited a lenient attitude towards same-sex relationships, some states in USA specifically banned adoption by same-sex couples.
Arguments in favour of:
1. Societies throughout the world are undergoing a change and so does the traditional idea of the family with married father and mother is no longer the only alternate that is acceptable to many persons. Many countries across the world are granting legal rights to same-sex couples as these countries now realize the stability of the relationship. Therefore there is no reason why these couples cannot provide loving and stable upbringing to the adopted children.
2. Several examples are present in the nature when in many species, after the death of one or both the parents, and uncle or an aunt assumes the role of child rearing.
3. In human and other species some babies are born with a predilection towards homosexuality. The upbringing of such children does not affect their sexual preferences. In fact any attempt to suppress the genetic predisposition of such children could result in misery for many people. We need to accept this fact and try to embrace gay people into the community completely and also provide them a chance to become responsible parent.
4. There are many examples where same-sex couples are responsible bringing up children where one partner is the biological parent of the child. Giving a right to adopt will only confer legal rights on their already successful but informal model of family.
5. The homophobia present in many societies cannot be justified at all and needs to be countered effectively. The complete inclusion of gays in all the institutions of society can only help in overcoming the prejudice against such people.
Arguments Against:
1. The idea of traditional nuclear family still needs to be adhered to and even in cases where the breakdown is inevitable, a close substitute, having paternal or maternal influences is the only available alternative. Nature shows us that the natural development of a child is support by both these influences.
2. While there are exceptions, the norm of the nature is that a child is brought up by mother and father. By allowing legal adoption by the same-sex couples we may end up encouraging an unnatural upbringing.
3. The primary role models of a child his parents. Bringing up a heterosexual child in a gay household could present a vague view of the minority sexuality. For example a girl child brought up by two men would not get the benefit of feminine influence at all.
4. Although it is correct that gay relationships should not be penalized by law but at the same time it is the duty of the law to promote nuclear family as the ideal option for bringing up a child.
5. We still see homophobic language and behavior prevalent in a large number of societies. Young children placed in the care of a gay couples could also be exposed to such a prejudice and also become subject of violence or ridicule. Apart from the lofty ideals, the physical and psychological welfare of the child should be the primary concern of all.
Homosexuality should not be a bar to adoption and gay couples should have a right to adopt the children.