
What are the different reading techniques?

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With the latest advancements in the fields of information technology reading large amount of information has become imperative and it is demanding more time and energy. There are mainly five times of reading styles that are ordinarily used while reading. These are discussed here briefly: –

(a) Labeling
Labeling helps a person to remember the context of a document, memorandum or letter. Here intention is not to go in detail into tacts. In labelling we survey the text in the following manner: we look at the title, section headings, and special print, illustrations, graphs and tables. Then we build up an idea ol what the text as a whole is about

(b) Skimming
Skimming means exploratory reading so as to have general view of a document. It is considered the most valuable reading tool of the busy office assistants as well as middle executives. Here one allows his/her eyes to wander across the page without regular fixation. The eyes move where they want to, trying to pick out important words.

(c) Scanning
The technique of scanning is normally associated with reading newspapers. The senior executives scan a large number of newspapers, business magazines, and special news bulletins, while taking their morning tea or going in their cars, or waiting for train or airplane. Thus they keep abreast with the latest developments in the fields of politics, business, finance and world news.

(d) Sampling
Sampling implies lo have an outline picture of the whole. In a book, we may read preface, acknowledgments, contents, introduction and conclusion, then decide what the book or report is about and whether it is worth reading in detail.

(e) Studying
Studying as an act of reading is essentially a process of thinking. This type of reading requires repeated readings and taking notes of the essential points of the discourse. The reader must be able to penetrate beyond the lexical and stated meaning of the passage and have contextual and implicit meaning. In the world o; business and finance, the implicit and contextual meaning involves the political, legal, environmental and future prospect of a programme or project.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:January 4, 2012

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