Explain Management of Time
Posted in Principles of Management | Email This PostTime that passes away can not be brought back and hence in the other words it can be said that the time is not elastic in the nature and also is not at all renewable in the nature. In the present environment that one tends to listen when ever an individual comes in to the contact with other is that he or she is not having time and because of which he or she could not make at that point or was not able to come etc. Time is hence the most critical and the vital part of the life of an individual and needs to be given the required importance to grow in the life and achieve the desired results according to the vision of an individual and as a whole of an organisation. The time works at its own speed but may appear to be moving very slowly or at a very fast pace depending on the condition of an individual. In the present scenario the world actually goes according to a very famous saying “Time is money” and this saying in fact clears the exact position and the status of the time in the life of an individual. in the other words it can be said that time is every thing in the present scenario as there is an extreme kind of the pressure to perform and be in the competition and specially in the world of the globalisation, every thing is being done after the planning that is done depending on the basis of the time. The culture and the personality of an individual and as a whole of an organisation depends on the value of the time that is being given by the individual or by an organisation as a whole and hence in the other words it can be said that the time acts as a tool and an integral portion of the life of an individual to value the life and the various things that come in the life and being on the right plat form achieve the required things at the right time as the things that are done at the right time help in achieving the things at the right time too.
The thing of the management of the time exists in the person’s mind and thinking and if it is in the mind then only it can lead to the excellent form of the planning and also imbibe the same in the other individuals and then take these persons along and then work as a team as working as a team is very critical and then only the maximum form the growth can take place. the time acts as the base of the management as the whole process of the management is nothing but it is actually the planning of the things by a certain group of the people to understand the situation at that present moment and also try to sense the coming situations and then try to arrange the things in that particular manner that the individual or an organisation is fully prepared for the situation at the present or in the coming times. The management can be done only if the value of the time is realised and if it is not the case, the growth is very hard to take place and then ultimately the survival of the organisation is very difficult. The organisations in the present day scenario have realised the value of the management of the time as they have also understood the same at the personal level and also observed the same in the facts and the figures that have come out from the various forms of the research work that has been done in the various countries of the world and all the results that have come have very clearly supported the same that the management of the time is very critical and is very essential for the growth and the development of the individual as well as at the personal level. As a result of this, the organisations try to guide there respective employees about the value of the time and depending on the profile of the employee, how the same needs to be and can be managed. The organisations these days have been observed to arrange the various kinds of the training sessions for the employees with the simple aim to teach the employees how to use the time in the best possible way that results in the maximum out put with giving the individuals the best form of the time to work in. The company or the organisation tries to make the employees at the various levels aware of the vision of the company and what actually the organisation wants and how it needs to be done and in how much of the time. The top management of the organisation starts the planning according to the things that are to be achieved as these are decided by the vision of the firm and then these are passed on by the top management to the middle management and then finally to the people who are actually working at the ground level. Hence in the other words it can be very clearly said that the organisation in the present time understands the need of understanding the time and hence it gives the needed attention to the time and hence makes every possible effort to make the role of the employee in an organisation very clear as by this the employee will not waste the time in understanding what is to be done and also the same needs to be done. It tries to define the role and hence tries and guides an employee to give the maximum amount of the productivity in the specified amount of the time. Very commonly it is observed that the employees appear to be or at times act as if they are very busy but the facts and the figures that have come out after the research work that has been conducted at the various times and at different places of the world, suggest that if an individual is very busy then that individual or the set of the individuals are not doing the things in the proper way as required or may be doing the things that are less important and the urgent things that need to be done on the immediate or the urgent basis are being ignored or being delayed at times. Time is such a source that once passed can not be brought back in any of the case like many other sources; hence the use of the same is very different as well as very important. Depending on the various conditions that come in the life of an individual or in the case of an organisation, the various sources can be increased with the choice but the time is such a toll that can not be increased and hence needs to be valued and given the required importance. Time is such a critical and the vital source that can not be wasted and must be used to the maximum to get the desired results according to the pre set goals and the pre set vision. There are chances that time can be used in the different forms of the way that can be useful as well as harmful and hence the same needs to used in the right form and the right direction so that the productive things are achieved and is not at all used in an unwise way. The time acts as such a critical and a necessary tool that it can be replenished and also can be erased at the same moment depending on the activity that is to be done or is being done.
Before going any further it is very necessary that we understand the requirement for the management for the time as to why the same is required and why it has become the bread and the butter of all the organisations in the present scenario. One needs to understand as an organisation and then as a whole as an organisation or as a firm that the time acts as a very natural form of the resource that is available but must not be taken for granted. There are a large number of the other resources that include the labour, capital, machinery and the various forms of the raw materials but all these types of the resources are such that they can be increased as these all are very elastic in the nature and also in the working but irrespective of all these, the resource of the time is not at all elastic in the nature as the same can not in any of the cases, made of more than the 24 hours. Hence the management of the time is very necessary and one needs to be very selective and one must possess the ability to bifurcate the things in such a way that the attention needs to be given to the job that is to be done as per the requirement and hence in the other words it can be said that the things that need the attention on the urgent basis must be done on the priority basis and the things that can be delayed must be done accordingly as required by the situation. If any of the employee working at the ground level or at the managerial level says that he or she I busy and is not able to do certain type of the things, then this type of the situation very clearly suggests that the things are not being done in the proper way and also the management of the time is also very poor and clearly suggests that every thing may be planned but time is not at all being planned and hence certain urgent steps need to be taken to go in the right productive direction as then only the survival of an individual in an organisation or the firm is possible and as a whole for the organisation among the various other organisations in the present environment of the extreme competition and the globalisation. There was a time as the past records suggest that all the things were planned about what has to be done and how the same has to be done but then also the results were not being delivered at the right required times and as the time passed and the competition became more and more, the organisations were forced to mend the things to survive as the things were being moved to the other firms or the organisations. In this regard, a large number of the steps were taken and also at the same time a large number of the studies were conducted at the ground level in the various countries of the world just in order to get an in depth analysis of eth things that were lagging the whole of the process behind and ultimately giving all others an opportunity to take over the whole of the situation. One of the research work was conducted with the help of the study of the F.W. Taylor, who was the one to conduct the research that mainly involved the observing of the activities that were done by the employees in an organisation and also involved the recording of the time duration that was taken during the performing of all these activities. After the time was recorded the activities that were performed during the whole process were studied and it was observed that which type of the activity was important and which of them was taking which amount of the time. Then it was decided that which activity needs to be performed and when it is to be performed that the other activities are not at all affected and the desired results can be yielded at the right duration of the times. The whole studied involved the recording of the movements and then suggesting that all which of the movements are not required and that can be deleted and all other movements that can be delayed and then selecting and then going ahead with all those movements that are necessary to be performed for the achievement of the results. Hence in the other words it can be said that one must be able to analyse the activities and then have the ability to select the required things or the processes that need to be done and then making the full use of the time for performing the needed movements and then ultimately lead to the maximum amount of the productivity.
There are times when it has been observed that the management of the time is ignored by the employees and the same is even supported by the employees who are deployed at the superior level or the managerial level and this all does not do the good for the employees and as well as for the organisation or the firm as the same is not at all appreciated by the concerned customers and the reputation grows in the negative sense and hence as a result of this the survival for the employees in the organisation and as a whole for the organisation among the several organisations becomes all the more difficult. The main reason for this is when the employee starts taking his or her superior for granted or at the times the organisation or the firm for granted and this is not at all appreciable as this way the employee will not be able to adjust with the team and hence as a result of all this will not be able to contribute in the work being done as the team work and hence growth will not take place at the required level. The main other reason for this can be the misuse of the profile on which the employee is working and this mainly occurs in the case when the employee is at the managerial level and here he or she are not seen to be working in the right way and are usually found ignoring the things or misusing the position on which they are working. The managers duty is to control the things that are told to him by the top management and try to get all the things that have been told to be done and must be done in the way the top management has told and the most important of all is that the things must be done at the respective appropriate times and must be delivered at the required committed time. The managers must not take the resource of the time for granted as this is the most essential and the most necessary tool that plays a very vital part in the career of the employee and as a whole in the career of the firm or the organisation. The value of the time must be understood and the same must be made to be understood by the various employees of the organisations who are working in the different departments of the company or the firm. The time must be considered as one of the scarcest resources that is available like any other resource that is present in the less amount for the use. The organisation must train the employees in such a way that the employees must understand the value of the time and must manage the same in the most correct and the accurate way. The main reason for this is that the resource like that of the time can not be phased in any form and hence in the other words it is very commonly referred to as the inelastic resource. It is very necessary to make very useful and the effective use of the time as this resource is very price less in the nature and hence in the other words it can be said that the same is very precious in the nature. The time and the money both are very much connected to each other as in the present scenario of the excessive competition, every minute counts and every minute brings the cost to the company as the employees are actually paid the money depending on the time they mark working for the organisation or the firm. Any thing that is to be done in this world, is sure to take time and hence in the other words it can be said that the performance of the activity will surely consume time in one way or the other and the very well known fact is that every one in this world is just having the 24 hours with him or her and he needs to prioritise and then manage the things accordingly. There are a lot of the resources that can be stored and then used in the future as and when required but this is not the case with the time. The time can not be stored for the future use and hence needs to be managed very properly and also very effectively. No one in this world has the power to control the time and the time is such a resource that it will pass by its nature irrespective of the fact that it is utilised properly or not, so it can be said that the time is such a resource that it will not wait for any one and will pass by with its own speed.
Before going any further it is very necessary to understand the things that help in the management of the time. One will be able to manage the time in a very proper way if he or she is able to analyse the factors that have the affect on the time in a positive or at times in a negative way too./ in an organisation or even at the home, one needs to do certain things at various times as a routine work or as an instant work but the same type of the things can be done in different forms or the ways. This is the major bottom line here that underlines the fact that one must understand that what needs to be done and how the result is required and then one must decide the way the things must be done as the path must be followed that is able to get the maximum form of the productivity in the minimum of the time with the minimum of the side effects. When one does the work in the routine, he or she gets so much in to the work that one is not able to realise that the maximum out is being achieved or not and whether the time is being wasted or not. All of the employees these days know the importance of the time but some times there are times when one wastes the time with out knowing and here comes the role of the supervisor or the employee working as a colleague at the managerial level to correct the things and guide the employee of the need to prioritize the things and then do the required things in such an accurate way that the things are also done and the maximum out put is reached with out using or actually wasting much of the time. It is very necessary to have a complete research and an in depth analysis of the things that show the clear picture as to why the time is being wasted. There can be large number of the factors responsible for the wastage of the time and leading to the mismanagement of the time. Some of these can include the performance of all those activities that are not that essential in the nature and in such of the cases the various essential activities are left behind. It is very necessary to understand what is being demanded by the supervisor and as a whole by the top management and according to that one must prioritize the things that need to be left behind or need to be delayed and all those need to be performed that are essential and must be done to get the desired pre results set according to the pre set vision of the company. The company measures the productivity by measuring all those things that are required by it according to the pre set vision and hence if the things are done in the planned phased manner by prioritizing the things, the desired results can be obtained and increasing the productivity in a very big and a great way. The things and the processes need to be made very simpler in the nature, choosing just the needed activities and completely avoiding the non essential activities to go with the proper management of the time. In the present scenario of the style of the working in the corporate sector, meetings form a very solid part of the working. But a very common observation is that these type of the meetings are generally conducted on a very common instances and as a result of this a lot of the time is wasted and it has been observed by the various research work that has been done in the whole world that the people who are working at the managerial level are seen attending a lot of the meetings and as a result of all this they not only waste there times but also waste the very precious time of the others who are actually called up on by him or her to attend the meeting. They spend or actually waste a lot of time in traveling to attend the meetings and as a result of this they very usually suffer with the problem of not having the sufficient amount of the time to work and even at least to complete the work that needs to be done by them only and hence as a result of this the whole chain of the management of the time is disturbed and hence affecting the self productivity and also the productivity of the others as the delay caused by them results in the delay of the various other activities too that are depending on these activities. The meetings keeping all these things in the mind are tried to be made shorter and are at least tried to planned in such a way but these events are very generally affected by the phone calls, coming of some of the guests or the customers or the various forms of the non essential things that may come in to the lime light from time to time and as a result of all these parameters the meetings are stretched and hence the management of the time is affected in a very big way, hitting the level of the productivity. The other parameters that make the meetings lengthy at times are that coming to the meeting without being fully prepared and without doing the home work. One must be fully aware of the things that need to be discussed in the meeting and must be fully prepared for going in favour of the topic or going against the topic with supportive answers. The meetings are generally conducted by ignoring the duties and wasting the time by ignoring the work that needs to be done and hence affecting the management of the time and then finally affecting the productivity of an individual on the separate basis and also at the team level. For the management of the time, one of the most preferred factors is that of the planning. If there is the presence of the planning, the management of the time can be at its best but in the case where there is no type of the planning, the management of the time suffers a great deal and the productivity is affected a lot. The planning must be given the deserved importance and the things must not be taken in such a way that if the time that is given or that is available with the individual to do a certain piece of work is enough, the speed to do the work is slowed but this should not be the case as the work must be done at the same pace with the same level of the accuracy and the time that will be left can be utilised in doing some of the other work. It is a very common practice as the same work when made to do in some emergency time or under the influence of the some for of the pressure the same work is done in a very quick succession of the time but when time is more and no one is there to check or ask, the things are seen to be one in a very delayed form and at times just because to show that the work that is being done is very difficult and also very time consuming and hence as a result of this the person keeps on working slowly without going in for the any other work and hence as a result of this the productivity always remains at a very constant level and is not able to grow and increase the steps of the growth at the fast pace as it is required by the organisation.
One of the other major causes of the wastage of the time can include the inability of an individual or of the organisation or the firm as a whole to take the certain type of the decisions, that not only create the further various forms of the problems but also lead to delaying of the various processes and the activities that are directly or indirectly linked to the decision that needs to be taken by the individual or the organisation. The time is wasted when one has to wait the certain type of the decision that is to be taken by the other department or at the times by the top management. This very clearly supports the fact that says that the management of the time is not being given the required attention and the importance and also very clearly shows that the persons who need to give the decision are not ready with the complete home work and are at times not completely aware of the whole process about which the decision is needed to be taken and hence as a result of all this the result is that the management of the time suffers a lot and a lot of the time is generally wasted. So in the other words it can be said that the decisions that are required must be taken at the right times and this is the reason there are a lot of the decisions that are actually taken in the advance according to the achievement of the pre set goals and as a whole in the accordance of the pre set vision that has been set by the organisation or the firm. This is the reason the organisations that are very keenly focusing on the management of the time are making it a practice to have the huddle in the morning and as well as at the end of the day. The huddle that is conducted at the end of the day helps the team to focus on the achievement of the day according to the plan that was made and what was very good for the day and what needs to be considered for the improvement and the main focus of this type of the huddle that is conducted in the evening helps the team to discuss in advance about what needs to be done exactly tomorrow or for the whole of the month and hence the decisions can be taken in the advance as well, indicating towards the management of the time and hence by this a lot of the time is saved. As other wise the employees are not at all aware of the things that are needed to be done and how all these need to be done and also consider if needed to change the way to do a specific thing that was done earlier as it may lead to the saving of the time with higher level of the productivity. Hence this is these days considered as a very suitable and the quickest way to understand the things well in the advance and as a result of all this helps in getting the instructions or the orders and also giving the same to the other lower in the hierarchy. An employee must be fully aware of the various goals that have been set by the organisation and if at the managerial level must make sure that his or her team is very clear of the goals that are needed to be achieved by the pre set vision of the organisation and the way in which the same has to be achieved. There is no doubt that there are times when actually the individual faces with such an situation that very clearly supports the fact that the work is more and the time is less. But this is the time when the organisation also supports and at times must support the staff by helping him or her to choose among the work depending on the set priorities and the urgency and accordingly the same work needs to be delivered. First of all it all start with the people who are working at the top level to have an in depth analysis of the situation and then decide what has been achieved or what was not achieved and accordingly set the goals for the coming time as the various research work that has be conducted by the various researchers in the whole world and the facts and the figures that have come out from this research work very clearly support the fact that says that it is very necessary to have the very clear picture of the goal that needs to be obtained and then the same needs to be set and must be made very clear to each and every member of the organisation as then only the people will be able to work in the accordance and match the speed and the working style that is required by the organisation or the firm. If the goals will not be clear to the employees of an organisation, then the productivity will not be achieved to the required level as the efforts that will be put in by the employees can be slow and sluggish at the times and hence the management of the time will be affected. The employees of an organisation must work with full heart and the support for the organisation and then only the same will be received by the employees from the organisation and hence the employee must be given the very clear picture of the fact that this needs to be done and with this much accuracy and at this rate and with this understanding the employee is able to plan the things both at the personal level and at the corporate level and the merger of all this can yield very good timely results with maximum level of the productivity to get the pre set goals of an organisation. The planning to set the priorities help the employees to work with the mind concentrated in that particular bright direction and as a result of all this the energy is not at all wasted on all the less essential things and the energy is very suitably diverted towards the doing of the things that are actually being demanded by the organisation and are taken in to the consideration. Hence in the other words it can be said that the things need to be checked and it should be made sure that the work is being done in the right way and in the right direction as is being demanded by the organisation so that the work that is needed by the organisation is done and not at all neglected and the work that is not required is done as this will not at all be appreciated by the firm and in spite of doing the work, it will not be appreciated by the organisation or the firm and the work that was required will stand there incomplete and the same will now be needed to be done and hence the same will not be able to be delivered at the right time and hence the management of the time will be affected at a large pace.
For the improvement of the management of the time, one needs to make some one responsible for the same and he or she must be made accountable for doing the needed things with in the specified period of the time. For this the delegation of the duty is very necessary and at the same time also very critical. One must understand the fact that one person is not at all having the power to do all the things himself and for the better planned results, it is very necessary to work as a team and hence in the other words it refers to the point that other persons need to be involved and every one must be assigned a seat of working and he or she should very specifically be accountable for the same. The bottom line is that the top management of the organisation has a certain type of the plane and for this it employs certain people with the help of whom the company tries to achieve the desired results. So it is very necessary to work as a team giving each one a responsibility so that the work can be done in the correct way and that too in the required duration of the time. A lot of the time is also wasted as a result of the red tapism and this is specially observed in the government offices of the state as well as of the centre as the actions are lesser in the number here and the wastage of the time is more. The addition of the involvement of the paper work where the same is not required but its presence leads to the wastage of the time as the file takes a lot of the time to reach the concerned official and as a result of all this, the decisions that are to be taken are delayed a lot and hence affecting the management of the time. The work that needs the actual concentration lags behind and instead of all this the front seat is actually taken by the very less essential paper work. But instead of this, such a phase has come in to the picture that actually revolves around the more work and less of the formality of the paper work as in the present scenario the level of the competition of the market is very high and only the hard work can survive, leaving the paper work way behind. People are very commonly seen giving the notings to the employees but these days it is just showing that work is going on but actually it is just the wastage of the time. Hence more focus must be given on the usage of the time in the best possible way so that the work is done in the best form at the best pace and time must not be spent or actually wasted on doing such type of the things that are not that essential and act as the wastage of the time as if this is not controlled, then the productivity is affected a lot and hence in the other words it can be said that the out put that is received is not up to the mark. So the main focus should be on the time that is available to do the certain project and then analyse the various steps singly on the platform and then go step by step to complete the whole activity in the given duration of the time.
After understanding and also having an in depth analysis of the wastage of the time and then the management of the time in a proper way, it is very necessary to understand the processes and actually learn the same to help to adopt the same in the day to day work as a routine for the saving of the time. Sometimes there are instances that a work is being done by a worker as a routine and he or she just comes to the office and do the same without understanding the need to do it and how the same is being done and what is the duration of the time that is actually linked with the whole of the process. in such a scenario the person is just coming to the office and doing the same work as guided by him by the others but things keep changing with the passage of the time and now the step that needs to be understood here is that one needs to understand the thing that is being done and just not keep doing it and must understand the changing requirements of the organisation, the employees and the customers as well and according to all this, the things need to be managed. The person must not just blindly keep doing the things and should try to manage the things and do just the things that are essential to be done. The person at the managerial level must keep this thing involved in his working where he must ensure to keep a very close watch on the processes that are being done at the work station as a routine work and must keep on adding the things according to the requirements and also must keep deleting the things as per the requirements as it helps the employee and as a whole the complete organisation to be always remain updated and move with the pace of the development of the corporate world as this is very necessary and also very critical for the survival in the world of the excessive globalisation and the extreme competition. So before moving any further one needs to understand the techniques that at times can and will surely help to check self and even the others that ultimately will help in the proper and the very effective management of the time and hence helping not to waste the time and saving the maximum of the same.
If noticed in a proper way, there are a lot of the activities that are being done at the personal level or at the work station and if these are noticed and tried to work out on the fact that whether they are required or not, a lot of the time can be saved by deleting such moments or at least by editing them up to the appropriate level. One should try to make the adjustments in the work just to have the proper management of the time as by this a lot of the time can be spared and this will help to do a lot of the activities that are essentially required but are being delayed due to the wastage of the time on doing the unwanted things that are not on the priority list of the organisation. Certain type of such activities can include going out for doing some of the personal work or being on the telephone calls a number of the times, speaking a lot and not at all ready to listen and understand what others are trying to say, sitting in the canteen, having tea etc, hassles caused by the other members of the staff, leaving early or late coming to the offices are generally the major causes that have been observed to be the reasons for the poor management of the time and ultimately leading to the wastage of the time. Needless to say that when ever any type of the activity is done, it will take time and hence as a result of this time is wasted on the above mentioned activities and the actual work that needs to be done is not able to get the time that it deserves and this all is followed by the delay in the work, indicating the very poor management of the time by an employee and as a whole by the whole organisation or the firm. But all this was being noticed at all the times but was not being recorded and hence a initial step was required to control the wastage of the time and now for this a large number of the techniques have come up that help to record the time that is actually spent of the non essential performances that are undertaken by the employees in the whole working period. The automatic machines have come up these days by which the employee has to mark his attendance by punching in and when he leaves he again needs to punch out and during the whole course of the working if he or she goes any where, he or she has to record the same and then only can move out. In some organisations, specific coupons or the slips are issued when ever the employees spent time on such type of the activities so that proper time can be noticed and the wastage of the time can be managed by compensating it by working at a high speed or by working a bit more. By the use of the certain type of the activities, the company tries to provide the employees the basic requirement of the food working environment to work as the top management clearly supports the fact that any employee can not work continuously and he or she needs some time too for such type of the non essential activities but on the same side it is also very essential to keep a notice of the things and verify that the spent time on these activities is very reasonable and not being taken the un due advantage as this will lead to the poor management of the time and then leading to the wastage of the time leaving less time for doing the various essential things being asked by the organisation. For having an in depth analysis of the same, let us try to understand the concept by taking an example of the research work that was conducted by the firm that was studying the management of the time. It started its study by understanding the life of the doctors. A doctor is having a very tight schedule day and night checking the doctors from the morning to conducting the operations too when ever required and the result of all this is that the doctor is always short of the time but in some cases it was observed that the doctors specially who were employed in the hospitals that were being run by the governments of the state or the centre were not able to do there jobs in a very proper way, very generally complaining of the problem of the very less time that was available but when noticed, it was found that the doctors were facing such problems as they were coming late to the office as they were running there own personal clinic at there homes or some other place and hence were coming late to the office and hence leading to the shortage of the time and this was further followed to there leaving the office early as there personal business was always there priority and in order to attend the patients at there personal clinic, they used to leave the office early and the result of all this was that they were not able to devote the required time at there job and hence the job and the office were forced to suffer at the hands of the wastage of the time due to the poor management of the time. There were times when the doctors were noticed to get involved in such type of the activities that involved the publicity of them as a doctor, going to the several types of the camps being organised for publicity of there personal clinic and ignoring there job that was not on there list of the priorities. Now here the thins need to be managed and only because of this a large number of the nations have this rule that the doctors who are working in the government sector are not allowed to have there private practice and this step is mainly to have the proper management of the time and hence the work at the government office will made to suffer at the hands of the such type of the doctors who are focusing on the personal profits but pulling the whole system of the government along with the suffering patients suffer more at there hands. The various work of the attending of the various camps etc like of the population control, family planning etc is also very important but can be done by the workers working at the lower level of the hierarchy so that the doctors can have there focus on all this as a lot of the time is wasted in all this that includes the wastage of the time due to the travelling and then taking part in all such camps and hence all this needs to be planned in a very proper way. There are a lot of the alternatives that have come up in this regard and these involve the coming up of the special companies that have the executives that publicise the required in the place of the owner so that the time of the owner is not at all affected and all such activities can be done too. The main work of all these firms is that they plan the things for there clients and fulfil the requirement of the advertisement and publishing the things for there client and as a result of this all the non essential activities of the person can be fulfilled without affecting the routine work of the individual. one must not just get up and start doing the things without thinking as it is very necessary that the main work that is done in the routine is not at all affected and hence the various less essential activities that also need to be done must be marked and should be done in a proper way by self or by hiring certain specialised executives as for them these will the essential work toping on there list of the priorities. Hence it is very necessary to understand that all the things in this world can not be done by a single person and hence the requirement of the delegation of the work is very necessary and also very handy. There are times a lot of the activities are being done by a single person and in such a case some things need to be diverted to the others so that the work can be done at a better speed and much more accuracy and also not affecting the performance of the single person by making him or her over burdened. Also some times there are instances when the person at the higher level is doing some activity that can easily be done by the other employees who are working at the lower levels of the hierarchy as these may be that type of the activities that are not requiring any type of the specific expertise and can be easily done by these type of the employees and hence by this the person at the managerial level will be able to devote much more time to the various other essential activities that are needed to be done and hence the management of the time will become much more efficient in the nature by all this. At times this can be very functional and economical too as at the higher levels the salaries are also very high comparatively and hence this can be managed too by this management of the time.
Before starting the day, it is very essential to think and analyse the instructions that have been obtained from the seniors and instead of just going in to the office and starting doing the work that is done every day in the routine, one must try to give the required amount of the weight age to essential areas that are in the top of the list of the priorities of the seniors and at times at top of the list of the top management as well. Here comes the role of the manager which involves completely and carefully understanding the instructions that come to him from the top management and then after understanding the same and analysing these and moving further with a specific plan regarding this, he or she has the responsibility to transfer the same instructions to the below level and then share the plan with the team and try to work as a team by specifying the things that are very important for that day and need to do all those by delaying some of the non essential activities being done as a routine. Complete thorough check must be done of the past day what was done and what could be achieved according to the plan for the day and what was achieved and what was left and based on the plan that was not achieved, the things need to be checked regarding the points that lead to the non achievement of the plan and then making the things in accordance for the next day so that the plan that could not be executed yesterday, can be done today. So in the other words it can be said that it is very necessary to understand the things that are essential and also those that are not that essential and the plan need to be made according to that for the best possible management of the time. One of the research studies that were conducted in a university followed the professors performing there day to day activities. For a professor it was much more necessary to concentrate in the work of the research and instead of that going for the duty during the examination hours. Now one needs to understand that this type of the duty can also be done by the professors who are young in to the system and making the senior professors whose knowledge is very vital for carrying on the research work, available for the research work instead of wasting the time in less essential activities of the university. So it is essential that we all move as a team as the growth can be achieved in the best of the form only if the work is done in the best level of the cooperation, helping each other and hence providing the very suitable environment for the working as this will help the organisation to take out the maximum out put from the employees and that too in the best of the accuracy and ultimately the organisation will make good amount of the profit by the achievement of the pre set goals according to the pre set vision and then this will surely come back to the employees in the form of the bonus or the promotions and hence in the other words it can be said that if the organisation will grow, then the employees will also grow side by side and hence this is such a relation ship that both of the sides are equally benefited at there times as are very much dependent on each other for a lot of the things.
One of the other techniques that can be used for saving the time and managing it it the proper way involves not going in for the large number of the meetings. In the meetings not only the time is wasted in the meetings itself as in this regard for attending the same, a large amount of time is also wasted at times in travelling that is to be made to make it for the meetings. After one makes it to the meetings, the same continues for lengthy hours and also there are times when a huge amount of the time is spent in the meeting but as a result of the non cooperation or not getting the support of all the attendants of the meetings on a particular view, there are times when the conclusions are not achieved and hence only leads to the wastage of the time. There is no doubt that there are times when the meetings are necessary to be conducted as what the top management thinks and what it wants do and in what way is delivered to the lower management to the various executives of the various departments and then after coming back, these executives further are needed to conduct meetings and then transfer the information or the instructions to the workers who are actually working at the ground level. But a lot can be done in this regard too as the meetings need to be planned in a very great way so that the maximum things can be discussed and the maximum of the information that needs to be shared can be transferred from the one to the other but in a very limited duration of the time. The agenda of the meeting must be planned well in the advance and shared with all the members that are expected to be attending the meeting and hence then it becomes the duty of all the attendants of the meeting to do the required home work so that every one knows what is to be discussed in the meeting and if he or she will be ready with the home work, he or she will be more easily able to understand the things in the meetings and in case of any type of the doubts, the same can be discussed to get the answer to the same and with the proper management of the time, all the things discussed can be done in a very planned way, leading to the less wastage of the time and hence making the best use of the time. The person acting as the chair person who is hosting or delivering the information has the very important duty of making the things to happen in the specified duration of the time by starting the meeting at the right time and also finishing the same at the correct time as this will lead to the proper and the maximum management of the time, leading to the minimum wastage of the time. There are a lot of the jobs that are involving the field work that is to be done by the workers of the organisation and for the proper work to be done, it becomes a part of the job for the one at the managerial or the supervision level to make some of the personal visits to such sites to look in to that all the things are being done in the right and the accurate way and at the right pace. There is no kind of the doubt that such visits are at times very necessary as these are needed for the transfer of the information to the people who are working at the ground level but these must not a very large in the number and the minimum visits must be organised in a very planned manner so that the need full can be done in these visits. The visiting people must be very well prepared for all this with the special notes so that the required can be transferred in the minimum of the time so that the time of the working executives is not at all wasted and also the time of the visiting officials is also wasted. With all such types of the steps it becomes possible to make the maximum and the very efficient use of the time but all this can be achieved only if all this is very well supported by the efficient and the timely planning and the management at the proper required times. The things need to be prioritised and then the whole planning needs to be done for the proper management of time as the things that are comparatively less essential and are as a result of this less productive must be noticed and checked and all such activities must be avoided and instead of this all those things that are more essential and are much more productive must be done.
Depending from the organisation to the organisation, the time may be being wasted but there can be a large number of the different ways in which the time is being wasted and also there can be a large number of the ways that can be used to understand the points because of which the same is being wasted and how the same can be managed in a much better way. The are a large no of the persons who visit the employees at the different levels for one work or the other but now one needs to be very well prepared for all the queries that come in the way and this can be achieved by being always updated with the required information according to the profile of the job. In this way the people can be satisfied in a much better way and also a lot of the time can be wasted. The very common scene that is observed is that when any type of the issue or the query comes in front of eth officer, he or she calls for the file or the concerned documents of the query and then tries to read the same and then understand the case from the staff who is having that file and as a result of all this, a lot of the time is wasted of all the parties and there are chances that the visitors are told to come again and all this is because of the lack of the planning and as things are not at all done in a planned way. Instead of visiting the various work stations, the technology now allows all of us to use the techniques like that of the oral communication with the help of the telephones etc and hence in the other words it can be said that personal visits must be made only when ever the same is very urgent and on a regular basis the same need to avoided. The information can be transferred from one end to the other in the form of the emails too and the use of such methods instead of visiting the various employees and at that too at the various places to attend meetings etc at times leads to the wastage of the time and hence this must be controlled. If at times the visits are necessary in the various departments or at times to attend the meetings, the same can be delegated to some other staff who can do the job in place of the employee at the managerial level as with this the work where the official needs to be there and as this is more critical and essential, will not suffer and also the less essential work will also be done and by doing this the report can be obtained by the officer from the executive who was send in place of him or her. This in the true words is the very effective utilisation of the time. Delegation of the work is these days a very necessary and an essential part of the style of the working as these days no doubt the work is very much but the time remains the same and hence the work needs to be delegated to the others as in the present scenario of the world where the globalisation and the excessive competition is a major part, the growth can be obtained only if the work is done as a team and a group. So in the other words it can be said that the planning forms the basic of all the things, the things need to be checked and the situation needs to be analysed and the plans need to be made and then brought actually on the paper with complete preparation so that the time is saved and the organisation is able to get the highest level of the productivity and then ultimately the highest level of the profits.