
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What is Software Quality? Explain Software Quality Criteria?

Software acts as the set of the instructions and these set of the instructions are put into the computer to ultimately cause it to function in any type of the code. Quality of the software also indicates towards the degree of the excellence of a product or a service.

According to the ISO 1985, quality means the degree to which the attributes of the software enable it to perform its specified end item use.

According to the ISO 1986, quality means the totality of the features and the characteristics of a product or a service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or the implied needs.

Software quality depicts the power of the software to be fit for its purpose and the capability that ensures the following –
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Explain Information Systems and Quality?

In the beginning when the time was not considered as a constraint, the information technology was used only in the activities involving the scientific and the research related work. But as the time passed on, the information technology has grown as a very critical and an essential tool playing a very defining and an important role to out – perform the various business rivals.
For the development of the information systems, a constant trade – off of schedule and cost versus quality is required. One very important point to be kept in mind here is that the software products should be evaluated very carefully before delivering and implementing them.
Failure of the soft ware’s can very largely affect the different parts of the society – and ultimately through the different routes, there affects are able to reach the people who are using these soft ware’s directly or in directly.

Need for the Software Quality Assurance
The software quality assurance is mainly required for the following reasons –

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What are the capabilities of Internet?

Different people approach the concept of the internet with different mind – sets; to some people it is just a collection of the various networks, according to some it is a collection of the servers connected with the help of some of the common protocols – but a huge fact is that the INTERNET has developed as an electronic medium at the world stage. It is actually the global connection between the computers, with the help of which the individuals can send e – mail, make travel bookings, order books and lots more.

It is actually the ‘Super – Highway’ of the information in the world and is generally referred to as the ‘networks of the networks’

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What is a Network? Explain its Advantages and Topologies

The networks in today’s world have actually become a routine and these networks have come into this information technology world as a result of the massive development that has taken place in the field of the science of the computer and also the telecommunications and the connectivity. The way the business was done about two decades back and the way the business is being done today – has been influenced by a great number of the changes. In the past the business first was done on a manual level but as the time passed the business and the different ways of carrying out the business were greatly affected by the computers and also the telephone facilities. The ways have also been influenced a lot by the industrial revolution and as well as the various developments that have taken place in the automobiles sector.
Now the businesses are carried under the supervision of the very powerful micro – processors and the telecommunication networks which enable the companies to carry out the activities at a great pace and also in a very efficient manner.

Computer Networking can be defined as the process which has the responsibility of providing the connection between the two or more computers – which ultimately helps the various users to communicate with each other and also share the hardware or the software resources and also not to get constricted by the stand – alone systems.

Computer Network, according to the Information Technology Act 2002, refers to the “inter – connection of one or more computers with the help of the use of the satellite, microwave, terrestrial line or the communication media and the terminals or a complex, which consists of the two or more inter – connected computers, whether or not the inter – connection is continuously maintained.”

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What is Data Transmission and explain Transmission Channels

Data Transmission
Transmission of the data is very much important in the services related to the data communication and the information technology as this technique makes use of the data processed in the order to forward the same to the end user.
The communication of the data mainly involves the processing of the data as well as the transmission of the data and for the communication of the data, following devices play a very critical role and these devices should work in a very efficient manner.

1. Transmitter
2. Converter at the transmitting end.
3. Transmission channel.
4. Converter at the receiving end.
5. Receiver.

Transmission signals –
The telecommunication systems help in the transmission of the data and this data is then transmitted in the form of the electromagnetic signals.

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