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Explain different categories of the software and their functions

In today’s world we are largely depending on the computers to do a large number of our works but one major point that is very important to under – stand is that a computer has the ability to work very fast and efficiently for us but it does not possess the ability to work on its own i.e. someone is required to operate it. A computer has to be given the instructions, which will make it to perform a particular task in a given time.

So it can be said that only by guiding the computer by giving instructions, a computer can be made to work and solve different problems etc.

These instructions that are given to the computer by which it works or performs the various activities are referred to as the computer programs. With the help of the suitable software’s, the computer is able to provide the required results to us and hence it can be said that the software leads the computer to function in the way we expect or want it to work or perform.

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Information Technology Enabled Services

Introduction and Meaning
Information Technology Enabled Services are also called as the web enabled services or the remote services or the Teleworking. The offering of the services from the remote locations with the help of the harnessing of the power of the Information Technology with the help of the telecommunications is referred to as the Information Technology Enabled Services. These services generally include the whole gamut of the operations by which the information technology for the improvement of the efficiency of an organization is exploited.

Information Technology Enabled Services, depending on the situation can also act as the business processes and the different services performed or provided from a location different from that of their users or the beneficiaries and are then delivered with the help of the information technology over the telecom networks. Information Technology Enabled Services at some stages acts as the avatar or a blessing for the various activities, like wise Information Technology Enabled Services acts as the ‘avatar’ of the business process outsourcing (BPO). In the BPO, complete transfer of the business process or the function to an external service provider takes place.

In the BPO, allover control is possessed by defining very clear service level agreements and the transfer of the ownership of the process to the service provider must be remembered.
Information Technology Enabled Services includes services like the following –

1. Animation
2. Business process outsourcing
3. Back office operations
4. Collection services
5. Customer care
6. Interaction services
7. Data digitization
8. Digital content development
9. Website services
10. Transcription services
11. Translation services
12. Remote education
13. Market research
14. Legal databases

What is Executive Information System? Explain its Characteristics, Capabilities and Benefits

Executive Information System / Executive Support System
An Executive Information System can be defined as a specialized Decision Support System. This type of the system generally includes the various hardware, software, data, procedures and the people. With the help of all this, the top level executives get a great support in taking and performing the various types of the decisions. The executive information system plays a very important role in obtaining the data from the different sources, then help in the integration and the aggregation of this data. After performing these steps the resulting information is displayed in such a pattern that is very easy to understand.

Executive information system is ‘a computer based system that serves the information that is needed by the various top executives. It provides very rapid access to the timely information and also offers the direct access to the different management reports.’

Executive Information System is very user friendly in the nature. It is supported at a large extent by the graphics.

Executive support system can be defined as the comprehensive executive support system that goes beyond the Executive Information System and also includes communications, office automation, analysis support etc.

According to Watson, Executive Information System / executive support system depends on some of the factors that can be summarized as the follows
1. Internal factors
i. Need for the timely information.
ii. Need for the improved communications.
iii. Need for the access to the operational data.
iv. Need for the rapid status updates on the various business activities.
v. Need for the access to the corporate database.
vi. Need for very accurate information.
vii. Need for the ability to identify the various historical trends.

2. External Factors
i. Increasing and intensifying the global competition.
ii. Rapidly changing the business environment.
iii. Need to be more pro active.
iv. Need to access the external database.
v. Increasing the various government regulations.

Characteristics of the Executive support system/ Executive Information System
1. Informational characteristics

i. Flexibility and ease of use.
ii. Provides the timely information with the short response time and also with the quick retrieval.
iii. Produces the correct information.
iv. Produces the relevant information.
v. Produces the validated information.

2. User interface/orientation characteristics
i. Consists of the sophisticated self help.
ii. Contains the user friendly interfaces consisting of the graphic user.
iii. Can be used from many places.
iv. Offers secure reliable, confidential access along with the access procedure.
v. Is very much customized.
vi. Suites the management style of the individual executives.

3. Managerial / executive characteristics
i. Supports the over all vision, mission and the strategy.
ii. Provides the support for the strategic management.
iii. Sometimes helps to deal with the situations that have a high degree of risk.
iv. Is linked to the value added business processes.
v. Supports the need/ access for/ to the external data/ databases.
vi. Is very much result oriented in the nature.

Executive Information System / Executive Support System capabilities
1. Helps in accessing the aggregated or macro or global information.
2. Provides the user with an option to use the external data extensively.
3. Enables analysis of the address and the hoc queries.
4. Shows the trends, the ratios and the various deviations.
5. Helps in incorporating the graphic and the text in the same display, which helps to have a better view.
6. It helps in the assessment of the historical as also the latest data.
7. Problem indicators can be highlighted with the help of the Executive Information System / executive support system.
8. Open ended problem explanation with the written interpretations can be done with the help of the Executive Information System / executive support system.
9. Offers management by the exception reports.
10. Utilizes the hyper text and the hyper media.
11. Offers generalized computing.
12. Offers telecommunications capacity.

Executive Information System / Executive Support System benefits
1. Achievement of the various organizational objectives.
2. Facilitates access to the information by integrating many sources of the data.
3. Facilitates broad, aggregated perspective and the context.
4. Offers broad highly aggregated information.
5. User’s productivity is also improved to a large extent.
6. Communication capability and the quality are increased.
7. Provides with the better strategic planning and the control.
8. Facilitates pro active rather than a reactive response.
9. Provides the competitive advantage.
10. Encourages the development of a more open and active information culture.
11. The cause of a particular problem can be founded.

What are Group Decision Support Systems? What are its Components and Features?

The Decision Support System has been designed in such a way that it can be used conveniently by the individual decision maker but the decision makers need to work in groups. So this Decision Support System does not suit such a process which has given way for the development of the group Decision Support System, which provides with the following advantages over the Decision Support System

1. Better comprehensive consideration of the problems and the various relating issues.
2. Better group understanding of the problem.
3. Less likelihood of quibbling with the help of the 20/20 hindsight.
4. Better group commitment to the decision.
5. Better communication to/with the implementers.

Group Decision Support System according to De Sanctis and Gallupe is “an interactive computer based system, which helps in solving the various un-structured problems with the help of the decision makers working in the groups.

Basic components of the Group Decision Support System
1. Hardware

i. Input / output devices.
ii. Audio visual instruments.
iii. Electronic display board/ screens.
iv. Computer equipments.
v. Conferencing infrastructure.
vi. Network systems.

2. Software
i. Database and database management system.
ii. Modeling capabilities.
iii. Dialogue management with multiple user access.
iv. Specialized application programmes to facilitate the group access.

3. People and the procedure
i. Trained facilitators.
ii. Decision making participants.
iii. Support staff.
iv. Laid down procedure.
v. Modus operandi.

Features of the Group Decision Support System
1. Very much similar to the Decision Support System.
2. Is a group decision facilitator.
3. Extension or expansion of the Decision Support System.
4. Helps in concentrating on the merits of the input without considering about the fact that who gave it.
5. Enables every group member to address the issues.
6. Automated record keeping plays a critical support for the future review and the analysis.

Group Decision Support System success depends on the following factors
1. Improved pre planning.
2. Increased participation.
3. Open, collaborative meeting atmosphere.
4. Criticism free idea generation.
5. Idea organization and then evaluation.
6. Setting priorities.
7. Making decisions depending on the priorities.
8. Documentation.
9. Record keeping of the meetings.
10. Access to the external information.
11. Preservation of the ‘organization memory’.

What are the various types of the Decision Support System?

1. Status inquiry systems
The different aspects of the decision making situation control the various decisions in the operational management and some at the middle management. It does not call for any type of computation, analysis etc. If the status is known the decision is automatic.

2. Data analysis system
The different decision systems involve use of the comparative analysis and then make use of the formula or an algorithm. These processes are un-structured in the nature.
For the development of the data analysis system, simple data processing tools and the business rules are required. Examples of such a system can be personnel inventory system, cash flow analysis etc.

3. Information analysis system
First of all the data is analyzed and then the generation of the information reports takes place. Various types of the exceptions can occur in the reports as these are used for the assessment of the situation. Examples of such a system can be sales analysis, accounts receivable etc.

4. Accounting system
The use of such systems is not necessary but can be used for controlling or keeping a track of the different aspects of the business or a function. These systems account items like the cash, the inventory, and the personnel.

5. Model based system
Acts as the stimulation models or the optimization models for the decision making. These decisions are usually one time and in – frequent and also guide during the operation or the activity.
Examples of such a system can be product mix, job scheduling rules etc.

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