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What is LAN AND WAN?

The Local Area Network and the Wide Area Network re used to connect the different area either locally or worldwide. The data in the two or more than two computers can be exchanged by interconnecting the computers with the help of the LAN. The fibre optics cable is used to connect two or more than two computers. This can be done with the help of the satellites also. It helps to exchange the files and share the hardware like the printers or scanner. It leads to the advantage of saving the time and the use of hardware by using the LAN network. It enhances the speed and the ease of the communication. It is economical as it lets to share the hardware of one computer with the others also. In this way it not required to install the hardware to each and every computer separately. When more than one terminal is joined with the main computer, many other people can use the same data for the different kinds of the work. Basically network is defined as the connection of more than two computers via cable in order to share the information with it and also for the process of the communication. The networks which connect the small areas are known as the Local Area Network. There are various functions of the LAN. It helps to use the single file that is store in a main computer by the all other computers that are connected to it.

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Explain the Ethical and the Social Dimensions of Information Systems and Quality

In the recent times, a great change has been observed in the field of the information technology and as a result of these changes, a large number of the changes have also cropped in the rules of the competition. And also with the changing of these rules in the competition and with the increase in the application of the computers – all this has given birth to a number of the ethical and social dilemmas.
Now at this point it becomes very much necessary to understand the meaning of ‘Ethics’ to have an in – depth under – standing of the information systems and the quality. ‘Ethics’ refers to the system or the code of the morals of a particular person, religion, group or professions. ‘Ethical’ refers to having to do with the ethics or the morality of or conforming to the moral standards of the conduct of the given profession or the group.
Griffin in 1990, formulated the person’s ethics through the operation of the five key fundamental forces in the individual’s environment viz,

1. Family influences
2. Peer influences
3. Experiences
4. Values and morals
5. Situational factors

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Describe the Software Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance can be defined as the “planned and a systematic pattern of all the actions necessary to provide an adequate confidence that the item or the project conforms to the established technical requirements”
Software Quality Assurance in a true sense acts as an umbrella activity that is actually implied through the software process. Software Quality Assurance helps in the reduction of the amount of the re – work that it must do and which further results in the lowering of the costs and the improved time to the market.

Software Quality Assurance should be able to –

a. Provide for the exhaustive testing.
b. Obtain a mathematical proof of the correctness.
c. Convince one- self that the output from the each phase of the development process is functionally equal to its predecessor.

Software Quality Assurance group has the responsibility for preparing the Software Quality Assurance plan. This plan is very helpful in the identification of the following –

1. Evaluations to be performed.
2. The audits and the reviews to be performed.
3. Standards, those are applicable to the project.
4. Procedures for the error reporting and also for the tracking.
5. Documents to be produced by the SQL group.
6. Amount of the feedback provided to the software projects team.

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What is Software Quality? Explain Software Quality Criteria?

Software acts as the set of the instructions and these set of the instructions are put into the computer to ultimately cause it to function in any type of the code. Quality of the software also indicates towards the degree of the excellence of a product or a service.

According to the ISO 1985, quality means the degree to which the attributes of the software enable it to perform its specified end item use.

According to the ISO 1986, quality means the totality of the features and the characteristics of a product or a service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or the implied needs.

Software quality depicts the power of the software to be fit for its purpose and the capability that ensures the following –
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Explain Information Systems and Quality?

In the beginning when the time was not considered as a constraint, the information technology was used only in the activities involving the scientific and the research related work. But as the time passed on, the information technology has grown as a very critical and an essential tool playing a very defining and an important role to out – perform the various business rivals.
For the development of the information systems, a constant trade – off of schedule and cost versus quality is required. One very important point to be kept in mind here is that the software products should be evaluated very carefully before delivering and implementing them.
Failure of the soft ware’s can very largely affect the different parts of the society – and ultimately through the different routes, there affects are able to reach the people who are using these soft ware’s directly or in directly.

Need for the Software Quality Assurance
The software quality assurance is mainly required for the following reasons –

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