What is the concept of Culture? Explain Tools used by the Organizations?
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The concept of the ‘Culture’
One’s own culture is generally formed depending upon the leadership and the various managerial values that are being practiced in an organization. The culture involves the stabilized set of the values at any time that can be tried by the people to adhere to generally because such values are generally appreciated by the management of the organization. Presence of the discipline is very much critical and also very beneficial as with the help of the discipline, the various uniform values can be established.
By organizing, a suitable work environment can be produced that plays a great role in carrying out the various types of the activities in a very efficient way. With the help of the culture, the work of the management is eased and also has a very positive effect on the work ethos of an organization. Now before going any further, it becomes very essential to understand the meaning of the ‘Work Ethos’.
The work ethos refers to the environment that is present around the work. The effect on the working interest of the persons involved can be produced with the help of the working environment. With the help of work ethos, one can define what is considered to be a good work.
Reasons accounting for the Degeneration of the organizations
1. Lack of the leadership.
2. Lack of the delegation of the power.
3. Lack of the growth of the business.
4. Requirement of the re organization.
5. Lack of the conflict resolution.
Methods to increase the efficiency of an organization
1. Creating a very good structure.
2. Putting life into the structure.
3. Presence of a very good leadership.
4. Use of very good and efficient and also result oriented systems and the procedures.
5. Creating balance in the structure.
Tools used by the Organizations
1. Organization Chart –
a. Shows the authority positions of each and every person in the organization.
b. Can be used to depict the numerical strength, the position and the authority links of the staff.
c. Provides a great amount of the clarity in tackling the organizational problem.
2. Organization Manual –
a. Includes the introduction of the business of the organization, includes the history, the objectives, the policies, the rules, the regulations and the information on the persons who are working along with the organization chart in a written form.
b. Helps in easing the communication and the implementation of the organization’s work.
c. Brings great amount of the transparency into the working of an organization.
d. The unity in the organization can also be increased to some extent with the help of the knowledge that is provided by the manual to the employees.
3. Description of the position –
a. The structure of the organization becomes very much clear in the nature.
b. The various features of the position like the designations, the various tasks and the responsibilities can be efficiently understood.
4. Organization Performance Audit –
a. Involves periodical organizational audit by an outside party.
b. As a result of these audits, people start thinking of the organization, in which they are serving.