Explain the Application of MIS in Hospitals
Posted in Management Information System |
Application of MIS in Hospitals
The front end applications –
a. Patient database –
i. Handling the queries on the existing patients and the patients treated and discharged.
ii. Queries can also come from the visitor, a doctor or other employees of the hospital.
b. Medical server database –
i. Name, address, telephones etc. of all medical staff.
ii. Hospitals, work times and the locations on the week days for the contact.
iii. Service centers like the laboratories, the blood banks, the especial clinics etc. in the town for providing the support services.
c. Resource planning and control –
i. An online query facility for answering the number of queries on the availability, scheduling and re – scheduling of the resources and the facilities.
ii. For judging the usage of the facilities and to put them in the proper use.
d. Medical case history database –
i. Knowledge database on the case history for the guidance and the research.
ii. Monitoring the effect of the drugs to judge the efficacy in terms of the patient’s response.
iii. Analyze the health care demand.
The back Office applications
a. Core applications are:-
i. Manpower and personnel planning.
ii. Payroll and employee related applications.
iii. Hospital billing and the recovery.
iv. An inventory control procurement, the planning and the control.
v. The expiry date management.
vi. Resource utilization and the analysis.
vii. Financial accounting.
viii. Capital budgeting and the expense control.
ix. Maintenance of the service facilities.
b. Critical control application –
i. Patients waiting time and the service cycle.
ii. Not using the critical resources.
iii. Stock outs of the critical drugs.
iv. Analysis of the delays in terms of the duration and the causes.
v. New trends in the service demands and the service performance in such cases.
Good article…quite thought provoking