Explain different categories of the software and their functions
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In today’s world we are largely depending on the computers to do a large number of our works but one major point that is very important to under – stand is that a computer has the ability to work very fast and efficiently for us but it does not possess the ability to work on its own i.e. someone is required to operate it. A computer has to be given the instructions, which will make it to perform a particular task in a given time.
So it can be said that only by guiding the computer by giving instructions, a computer can be made to work and solve different problems etc.
These instructions that are given to the computer by which it works or performs the various activities are referred to as the computer programs. With the help of the suitable software’s, the computer is able to provide the required results to us and hence it can be said that the software leads the computer to function in the way we expect or want it to work or perform.
To have an in – depth understanding about the data communication and the information technology enabled services, one needs to have a complete detailed knowledge about the software. So, Software can be defined as the “instructions that direct the operations of the hardware”. It actually constitutes the complete detailed instructions that are responsible for the control of the operation of the computer system. The set of the instructions that are used for performing some of the specific tasks are generally referred to as the ‘Routine’ but the complete set of the instructions or the commands that have the duty of executing the related set of the tasks are generally referred to as the ‘Program’. One important point that is very necessary to understand here is that of the fact that in the process of the data communications, these software instructions are also referred to as the ‘Code’.
Functions of the Software
1. To manage the various resources of the computer of the organization.
2. To provide the much needed tools for the human beings in order to take an advantage of the various resources.
3. Also acts as a very important and an essential inter me diary between the organizations and the information that has been stored.
Different Categories of the software
The various software categories can be summarized as the follows –
1. System Software –
a. Consists of the set of the programs and that also in a much generalized forms.
b. These programs play a very critical role in the management of the resources of the computers.
c. These resources can be the central processor, the communication links and the various peripheral devices.
d. This type of the software plays a very essential part in the co – ordination of the various critical parts of the computer system.
e. Also plays a very important part in the mediation between the application software and the computer hardware.
This type of the software can be further categorized as the follows –
1. Operating system –
a. Can be referred as the chief executive.
b. Takes a decision in the matters involving processes like which of the various resources of the computer system are to be made use of.
c. Decides which of the programs will be run.
d. Decides about the order or the pattern or the sequence in which the various activities or the programs will take place.
e. Helps in the allocation of the different computer resources.
f. Also plays a major role in carrying out the assignment of the various resources of the computers.
g. Takes in to account the scheduling of the jobs, various events, tasks.
h. Actually acts as the monitor of the computer system.
i. The device which is used for the complete storage of the operating system is referred to as the ‘System Residence Device’.
2. Language Translation –
a. Compiler is that device that plays a defining role in the translation of the source code in to the machine code (object code).
b. Interpreter is that device that has the responsibility to translate each of the source code statement (one at a time) into the machine code.
c. In writing of the various computer programs, higher level languages like the COBOL, FORTRAN, and C etc. are made use of – so it becomes very much necessary to convert the source code programs into the object code.
d. So here comes the use of the above explained devices – the compiler and the interpreter.
3. Utility programs –
a. Also called as the utilities.
b. Provide support to the users in the system maintenance work.
c. Also helps in doing some of the vital tasks, which may include sorting, listing etc.
d. These are pre – written programs.
e. Stored in order to provide the provision of the sharing to all the users of a computer system.
f. Are also sometimes used in the information – system applications, but only in the case where the requirement arises.
4. Communication Software –
a. Helps in carrying out some of the critical operations or the activities like the transferring of the data or the programs from one computer system to another network environment, which may consist of the multiple inter – connections of the computers.
Some of the leading micro – computer operating systems can be explained as the follows –
S.NO. | Operating System | Features |
1. | DOS | Very popular, command – driven operating system, used mainly for the 16 – bit micro – computer, PC – DOS for the IBM and MS – DOS for the IBM Compatible micro – computer, non – supportive for the multi – tasking, possesses limitations in the memory. |
2. | Windows 95 | Very fast in operation, 32 bit operating system, gives a streamlined GUI, helps in the multi – tasking, supports multi – threading, and possesses good power network capabilities. |
3. | Windows NT | 32 bit operating system for the micro – computer, provides GUI, more powerful multi – tasking capability, has good and better memory management capability, provides main – frame like the computer power for the new applications supported with the high memory. |
4. | OS/2 Operating System/2 | Robust operating system, 32 bit IBM personal system, supports the multi – tasking, can be used for the very large applications, runs simultaneously various applications, supports the DOS applications and can also run the windows. |
5. | UNIX | Developed by the Bell Laboratories in the year 1969, very interactive, multi – user in the nature, multi – tasking operating system, supports the various communications, supports the networking, can be customized, very powerful but also very much complex in the nature. |
6. | LINUX | Freely available. |
2. Application Software –
a. Includes computer programs – written for a specific application for an individual organization.
b. Supports accomplishment of the tasks of the end – users.
c. Developed by the in – house personnel or the outside software professionals.
d. E.g. of the application software can be the word processing software, spread – sheet software, data – base software, graphical software, entertainment software etc.