Explain Data Processing Methods?
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Data Processing Methods
1. Batch processing system –
a. Until the early 1960’s, this was the only method used for the processing of the data.
b. But is still used in certain methods involving the massive volumes of the periodic transactions.
c. Involves the storage of the information in a group or a batch till such a time when it is efficient or necessary to process them.
d. Very efficient for the preparation and processing of the transactions, when they are processed against the sequential file.
e. The various transactions are accumulated in a transaction file.
f. This transaction file is periodically used for the up – gradation of the master file, which consists of the permanent information on the different entities.
g. Very useful for the enhancement of the control of the transaction processing.
h. One major drawback of this type of the system is the delay in the detection and the correction of the different errors.
2. On – line processing system –
a. Involve the accessing by the user to a terminal for the input of the transactions and output of the results.
b. The user has to enter the transactions into the device that is directly connected to the computer system.
c. Direct processing of the transaction takes place.
d. After this the validation is done.
e. Then after the validation, the data is accepted.
f. For the on – line processing, the files should be available in the direct access storage devices for the immediate access to the data.
g. Processing of the data from the input to computation and updating of the status in the various files is done immediately.
3. On – line real time processing system –
a. Very similar in the concept and working of the on – line processing system.
b. Here the stored data is updated simultaneously as the transaction takes place.
c. Involves higher costs.
d. Requires greater computer power.
4. Distributed data processing –
a. Became very popular and very widely used method during the 1970’s.
b. Involves the distribution of the computer processing among geographically and functionally multiple locations, linked with the help of the communications network.
c. Serves the multiple real time applications.
d. Provides increased system availability.
e. Involves quicker systems response time.