ATTITUDE – Validity of the inventory
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The school attitude inventory has been validated in two types of the ways, the first one being the original list of the fifty seven items was given to the three hundred and sixty pupils, then each item was analysed to determine that to how much effectively it is able to differentiate the upper and the lower level of the twenty seven percent of the individuals in the distribution of the scores. Only those items which are clearly able to differentiate between these two upper and the lower twenty seven percent of the individuals In the distribution of the scores and only those items which are clearly differentiated between these two high and the low score groups were included in the inventory. Second one being the teachers of the five schools in Delhi, chosen at random was asked to write the names of the students in their classes who were poorly adjusted and those who were well adjusted to the school environment. In the poorly adjusted group they were instructed to include the students who disliked the school and also who were frequently a source of the trouble to the teacher and who did not get along well with their fellow students. In the well adjusted group they were asked to include the students who liked the school and also who get along well with the other students and also with the teachers and who seldom if ever caused the teachers and the principal any type of the trouble. The school attitude inventory was then administered to all those two groups. The means of the total weighted score form the two groups were compared and the results showed that the significant agreement between the judgements of the teachers and the results of the inventory with the respect to the school adjustment of these pupils. The inventory generally involves around the rao school attitude inventory and this type of the inventory is a type of the scale that helps and plays a very major role in the measuring of the attitude of the student towards the school. The inventory consists of the thirty statements and out of these thirty, 15 are positive and the remaining 15 are negative in the nature. It is a five point scale consisting almost, most often, frequently, sometimes, never, suitable, instructions that are provided on the top of the each scale paper. The respondents on the positive statement was given the numerical value of 5,4,3,2,1 and the response on the negative statement was given the value of the 1,2,3,4,5. In this way the positive and the negative responses have been properly balanced. The Rao school attitude inventory is in the English language but as the English language or the English version could not be followed properly by the students as was experimented on the 20 students, so in the consultation with the supervisor, it was decided to translate the same in to the Punjabi which was the first language after the English of the Ss of the study. Due care is and was taken regarding the fact that the translation did not in any way change the meaning and the sense of the statement.
This type of the test is very highly reliable and the reliability of the test was determined by the co relating of the odd even items and applying the Spearman Brown formulae. The reliability co efficient for the school attitude inventory was found to be about .81 and thus it may be said that the inventory is a reliable tool for carrying on with the measurement of the attitude of the secondary school pupils for whom it had been especially prepared and the purpose which was kept in the mind. Regarding this study, the test items had been found to be discriminating between the high and the low scores. Further most of the items reveal positive high co relations with the total test scores. Thus it can be said that the test seems to consist of the homogeneous items and can also discriminate well between the dull and the bright children. The sample of the study was fairly representative. It becomes very much evident that when we examine the scores on the olive of the bright as well as the dull students. It has been observed that the curves indicate the original smoothed as well as the trends, the distribution of the sample with the references to the name of the school and the sex were studied with the help of the Samoohik Mansik Yogyta Pariksha. The test is a 5 point scale in the omni bus form. This type of the test is very useful in the study of the children of the age groups 10 years to the 16 years. One thing that is very critical in such type of the study is that of the selection bright and the dull students. The problem under the investigation that is being carried on is that the identification of the attitudes of the dull and the bright children towards the school. The investigator’s very first problem is that of the locating the dull and the bright children by carrying on the administration of the intelligence test. Another point that is very critical in the path of the investigation is that the sample of the study needs to be at least fairly representative. It becomes very evident when we examine the scores on the olive of the bright as well as the dull students. The curves obtained indicate that the original smoothed as well as the near by trends. Hence it can be said that the present study of the bright and the dull study can be used to over come the view of the attitudes of the bright and the dull students towards the schools as the related studies also show that the researches were done to improve the attitudes of the students towards the schools taking samples from the both parts of the region rural as well the urban structures of the society.